The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 832 General Trend [Fourth Update]

Maybe it's a common problem among people in this era.

They respect the strong and fear the king, but they always ignore the most basic and weak power of the common people.

In their view, the so-called power struggle only takes place between those in power, and the people have no say at all and cannot participate in it - the people are just the targets of their demands.


This is why, after usurping power, they did not use fishing boats to sever the prestige of the Pharaoh among the people and at the same time establish their own prestige.

In their view, the people only need to be deceived a little bit.

But they were wrong.

They did not realize deeply that no matter what kind of princes, generals or ministers they were, they were still just ordinary people in their ancestors' generation.

Now, these usurpers are destined to make a big comeback because of this.

With the help of magic, Nitocris successfully spread the rumor - or the real fact - "Four-Old" among the people in the form of rumors, and allowed the rumors to spread quickly.

With the help of rumors, coupled with the people's original respect for the Pharaoh and the resentment of the ministers who caused the country's chaos, the news quickly gained the trust of most people.

The people said that these ministers and priests all deserved their death. They betrayed Pharaoh and caused chaos in Egypt. They were punished by God.

As the rumors spread, the status of the decedents among the people quickly became heinous. At the same time, because the people hated their families, most of the officials in Egypt today, including the subordinates of these ministers and priests, were People are not good people in their eyes.

More and more people believe that these ministers and priests have failed the country, and the country urgently needs Pharaoh to stand up and change everything.

Everything is going in the direction Ye Ting and Nitocris want.

And this process is not simply due to magic.

What's more, the years of chaos in Egypt have accumulated a lot of resentment among the people.

In the past, when those powerful people in high positions increased taxes and corvee arbitrarily and exploited the entire Egypt, the people dared not speak out in anger.

But now that they died because of "divine punishment", the people immediately felt that most of the haze above their heads had been lifted, and they naturally dared to speak out their complaints.

As a result, all the resentment accumulated over the years was naturally vented against these officials - after all, even the god Horus said they were sinners.

For a time, countless officials in the entire Egyptian court started shouting and fighting. This made their scalps numb and they had no idea why the fishing boat had become like this in a few days.

In terms of the means of utilizing, guiding, and controlling fishing boats, they are far behind Ye Ting from Earth.

And being in such trouble, they naturally have no intention of competing for those power vacancies.

In fact, Ye Ting and Nitocris had one misunderstanding, that is, if these decedent gangsters had the opportunity to inherit their power and continue to evade the royal power, they would not dare to attack rashly even if there was no attack from the fishing boat. Fighting for power vacancies.

the reason is simple.

They were frightened.

If Nitocris's method of revenge was her original plan - to use the harvest celebration as an excuse to lead the dignitaries into the underground palace with mechanisms, then close the palace door, pull open the door, and drown them.

Then, these people will definitely inherit the power of the decedents without hesitation, and even kill the female pharaoh who dares to resist, and then support a new pharaoh.

After all, anyone can understand using conspiracy to kill people like this. As long as you are careful, there is nothing terrible about it.

But things are different now.

You must know that these decedents today did not die simply because of any conspiracy, but were killed at night, in their own homes, under heavy protection.

Except for Decedent, everyone in the house, including domestic animals and pets, were all knocked unconscious.

Even the most powerful stalker in Egypt wouldn't be able to do such a hint.

Not to mention, dozens of such assassinations occurred overnight.

What level of power is this?

Although runes representing Horus, judgment, revenge, etc. were left in the rooms where the decedents died, implying that the cause of their death was divine punishment.

But these ministers are not stupid either.

Although they have no direct evidence that the deaths of these people were caused by the Pharaoh, they are certainly not divine punishment.

Because, if it is divine punishment, which province would use such a low-level method of killing as a dagger? Being struck by lightning, being cut into pieces by hundreds of beasts, or being burned to death by heavenly fire would not be noble. Which one would not appear to be full of character? ?

Killing people with daggers is obviously done by humans, and without exception, these people died without any precautions, with a dagger piercing their hearts directly—exactly the same way as Mela Ran Er died. ..

Therefore, the origin of the murder was immediately attributed to the Pharaoh - some even thought that it was the new bard who came to the Pharaoh. After all, this happened to Shen Tian when he came to the Pharaoh.

However, even if they know, so what?

Again, the deaths of the decedents were so weird and horrific that they couldn't understand how such an assassination was accomplished.

The unknown is the scariest thing.

If Nitocris really mastered such terrifying power, then none of their lives would be safe.

The ministers knew very well that they were accomplices in the process of their superiors murdering Melaraan II and slandering Nitocris.

Therefore, they are now all trembling with fear, fearing that they will also receive such a hint, fearing that they will die at home early the next morning and everyone else in the family will faint.

Even the top dignitaries and their defense forces could not stop the Pharaoh's assassins, let alone them?

In this way, they will never have the intention to fight for power.

Even the most arrogant people, even if some of them do not believe that Pharaoh has such terrible power, should wait and see at this time.

And waiting and watching gave Pharaoh time to develop.

In short, with the fermentation of time, Nitocris succeeded in gaining absolute influence among the people.

There are also assists from some of these officials’ pig teammates.

In fact, after the Pharaoh was usurped from power, the usurpers 1.4 had formed cliques for selfish interests and suppressed dissidents for a long time. Countless officials born as civilians were not promoted, and high positions were controlled by the powerful. Among these officials, there were many good-for-nothings.

Not only do these drunkards have little ability, their psychological quality is also extremely poor.

This weird assassination and various rumors among the people put great psychological pressure on them, making these guys worry about gains and losses all day long, for fear that they would also be retaliated and assassinated by such weird means.

So in the past few days, there were many such officials kneeling at the gate of the palace, loudly confessing their sins, and begging Nitocris for mercy.

Their behavior naturally attracted the attention of the people, and their self-reports served as evidence to confirm the authenticity of the "rumors".

Ye Ting believed that other officials probably hated these pig teammates.

Until now, Nitocris has become the general, and after that, he will be the final general. .

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