The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 833 Collaboration [Fifth Update]

It's another sunny morning.

In the city of Memphis, people gathered near the square at the entrance of the palace early in the morning.

According to the notice from the palace a few days ago, because several high-ranking officials in Egypt died due to divine punishment (yes, Nitocris simply concluded this matter), the Pharaoh believed that all this was because of the gods. In order to resolve the current dissatisfaction in Egypt, she decided to appoint and remove officials and priests at the gate of the palace in front of the people.

Those who are not recognized by the people cannot obtain those vacant positions.

Regarding this, the people of Memphis were extremely excited.

After all, such a thing has never happened in the past.

The so-called appointment and dismissal of officials and temple priests were originally a gluttonous feast that only the upper class could participate in.

How can people be allowed to participate in this kind of carving up of power and interests?

But today is different. The people finally have the opportunity to participate. Although it is just a suggestion and cannot really decide the real candidate, it also proves the respect that Pharaoh has for the people.

Pharaoh Nitocris 11, what a good pharaoh.

If someone they recognized ascended to a high position, he would definitely be able to cooperate sincerely with the Pharaoh and change the chaotic situation in Egypt.

With this idea in mind, the people gathered here early, looking forward to everything that would happen next.

And what do the officials think about Nitocris' decision?

There is fear, opposition, disdain, ridicule, and so on.

Those who are frightened and oppose this decision are often those ministers who are rampant when they get their way, those who are more unscrupulous after they have power, and have not very good reputations.

When these people have some power, they will often buy and sell by force, rob civilian women, eat the king's meal, and even worse, prey on the common people wantonly, and put some people who offend him in jail. "Yan

Such people naturally have no advantage in this situation. If they want to fill the vacant official positions, they will definitely receive widespread opposition.

In other words, Nitocris's decision blocked their way to obtain power vacancies.

Definitely, there are some unlucky guys who are obviously more competent at doing things, but they are also likely to lose the opportunity for promotion.

Such people are often judges, tax collectors and the like.

Judges have never been popular with ordinary people, and tax collectors are even more hated by people - especially businessmen.

It doesn't matter how competent they are.

Definitely, those who welcome Nitocris's resolution are not officials with real conscience.

But those guys who are thoughtful and know how to disguise.

These people are often more hateful than those with a bad reputation on the surface, because they seem to be good people on the surface, but because they will not be noticed, they can do some worse things - such as controlling gangs, such as bribing corrupt officials. Corruption, such as some more terrible transactions.

Since these people are not bad people on the surface, at least they will not be opposed by the common people. However, no one knows how they, who never make extra money, accumulated wealth that cannot be supported by their school certificates.

In the eyes of these people, Nitocris's decision is like telling them face to face that these dead powerful people, the rights they left behind are yours.

The ridicule was naturally aimed at Nitocris's whims.

In their view, Nitocris's attempt to use her prestige among the people to interfere with the promotion of officials was indeed a clever move. After all, although her original power had been evaded, few high-ranking officials would obey her orders.

But her prestige among the people is huge amounts of, and her influence among the people will directly affect the army - you know, most of Memphis's army are from Memphis and nearby villages. In this era, except for some elite professional armies, all garrison troops cannot be composed of people who live thousands of miles away from home.

With the current social system in Egypt, it is simply impossible to support as many professional soldiers as in modern times. Even in Memphis, most of the soldiers are only semi-professionals or conscripts.

Nitocris, who has taken control of the people, has naturally taken control of this group of troops. In this way, even if no officials obey her orders, they can only temporarily compromise with her, obey her, and let her to determine the distribution of supreme power.

But so what?

These officials know deeply that even if Nitocris has the power to control promotion channels, under the current situation, if all potential competitors are not hers, what difference does it make if she has such power or not? ?

The Egypt of today is no longer the Egypt of the past.

After experiencing decades of corruption during the reign of Pharaoh Pepi, the entire Egyptian bureaucracy has completely changed.

Except for the grassroots bureaucrats who were ignorant and loyal to the Pharaoh, those bureaucrats with a certain status have all become vested interests in seizing the power of the Pharaoh.

Today's Egypt has long since changed from the original feudal king system to a system similar to the Senate and the Parliament of Nobles. Under this system, the Pharaoh is just a human skin seal, and the people below are all working together, so that the Pharaoh's orders cannot leave the palace.

In this case, does it make any difference to whom Nitocris assigns the highest power?

Any one of the 850 candidates would want to sideline her anyway, right?

It's impossible for her to directly choose an ordinary person to hold a high position - not to mention whether such a decision can convince the public, ordinary people simply cannot afford this responsibility.

It is certain that in this process, it is still possible for her to arrange one or two of her own people in those vacant positions. After all, in today's Egyptian bureaucracy, there are still a small number of ministers who are still pharaohs and traditional.

After all, unlike the previous pharaohs, Nitocris has mastered a powerful secret force, can carry out sharp assassinations, and win over the people and the grassroots army. It is reasonable for her to regain some of her power.

However, everything ends here.

In the face of a completely corrupt bureaucracy, it is useless no matter how hard you struggle. Even if all the newly replaced high-ranking officials are finally pharaohs, if they are one level below them and the people who work for them are corrupt, then their power will not be at all It is just a castle in the air and cannot be passed on.

Even if you select high-level officials who are satisfied with the people, if you do not select high-level officials who are satisfied with the officials, then such appointments will be in vain.

Even the Pharaoh can't fight the entire bureaucracy, can he?

With this idea in mind, officials from Memphis also came to the scene one after another, waiting for the arrival of the Pharaoh. .

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