The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 844 The Domineering Empress [Third Update]

Following the infantry regiment and the magician regiment, the cavalry regiment and the chariot regiment were reviewed.

In this era before stirrups and horseshoes, the cavalry was still an auxiliary arm in war. The shortcoming of the knights being unable to free their hands prevented the cavalry from playing a decisive role in the war. In most cases, it was still used for reconnaissance and harassment.

The chariot is the king of war in this era.

Although it is not as flexible as cavalry and its turning ability is very poor, chariots dominate the battlefield with their strong defense and impact. Heavy chariots are like tanks on the battlefield in this era. No matter what kind of infantry phalanx, Unable to withstand the impact of the chariot.

During the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period of the Chinese Dynasty, countries at that time would evaluate a country's national strength by the number of chariots. The unit of chariots was "ride", and a "country of a thousand chariots" was enough to be called a powerful country.

Now in front of Ye Ting and Nitocris, it is this fighting army.

There are four horses in front of each of the majestic chariots. The horses have leather vests and metal protective gear on key parts. They are armed to the teeth and look particularly imposing.

Three soldiers stood on each chariot. One of the soldiers is responsible for driving the horse, one soldier holds a long-handled duck-bill ax, and another holds a bow and arrow. The Egyptian military flag is stuck at the rear of the car.

There are hundreds of such chariots in front of them, which is enough to prove the power of Nitocris's force now. You know, many weaker Nomu don't even have tanks.

Today's Memphis can have so many chariots, thanks to the help of magic: in terms of production, magic technology can provide great assistance. Spells can make people's hands more dexterous, and can help through shapeshifting. Manufacturing, spells like "Stone Shaping" and "Shaping" can directly change the shape of objects, and spells like "Supernatural Craftsmanship" can even directly turn the raw materials of objects into finished products - definitely, this will only involve physical changes.


In short, as magical power became part of the country, Nitocris's power grew faster than anyone imagined.

After the battlefield, there are siege engines.

Such as trebuchets, rams, ladders, etc.

In this regard, the technology of ancient Egypt is not low: refer to their brilliant architectural achievements, we know that in terms of these machinery, if you can use levers to create transportation machinery, you can use levers to create trebuchets.

The siege equipment was the last item. After the inspection, slaves came forward to disassemble it and prepare it for transportation.

After the army review was completed, Nitocris's chariot returned to the city gate again, and an official came forward to report the logistics arrangements to her.

Nitocris nodded, then stood up and looked at the soldiers in front of her.

Everyone looked at her with burning eyes, their hearts surging, waiting for Pharaoh's order.

These soldiers have been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Soldiers of Egypt~々!" Nitocris's voice resounded through the army under the influence of magic, "I am your pharaoh, your commander-in-chief, Nitocris!

"Four years have passed since the Great Judgment. Four years ago, Egypt was in chaos. The country's rulers and officials were corrupt. The governors in various places were in charge of their own affairs. The entire Egyptian people were in dire straits. The glory of the god Ra, the glory of the sun The glory is gradually setting in the west. Letting Egypt become like this is a shame to me, the Pharaoh, and a shame to you!"

Listening to Nitocris's words, all the soldiers remembered the past days and the chaotic Egypt at that time, and couldn't help but feel angry in their hearts.

Egypt, this great country inherited from the Nine Pillars of God, should not be like this.

"Four years ago, I eradicated the moth in those countries. Today, four years later, at least in Memphis, our country has begun to prosper. I can proudly say that the people of Memphis can be punished under the law. Treat everyone equally and live a happy life with your own efforts! The brilliance of the sun has risen again!"

These words brought back the memories of the soldiers. In the past four years, the improvement in the quality of life of the people near Memphis is visible to the naked eye. Although there will still be a shortage of certain supplies, it is all due to the trade barriers caused by the fragmentation of various places.

At least in terms of food and military pay, they never had a shortage.

"But is this enough?" Nitocris asked loudly, "Only the people of Memphis can enjoy the splendor and glory of the empire. Is this enough?"

"not enough!"

All the soldiers shouted in their hearts that they were eager to pursue glory.

"No, not enough!"

Nitocris spoke out on their behalf.

"I am the son of Horus, the human god on earth, the incarnation of Ra and Horus, the queen of the sky, the lord of Upper and Lower Egypt. I am the glory of the sun! This world should be ruled by me, the glory of the Pharaoh. , the glory of the sun should shine on the whole of Egypt!"

"Exactly! Exactly!" the soldiers cheered loudly.

"Then you, warriors of God, are you willing to follow me and spread the glory of Pharaoh throughout the earth?"

"Yes! Yes!" There was another burst of cheers.

"..Then, at this moment, when the sun's brilliance shines in all directions, the legions of gods set out to fight!"

"Go to war! Go to war!"

With bursts of cheers, Nitocris led the tens of thousands of troops on the journey.

Nitocris's carriage led the way.

Looking at the heroic female pharaoh next to him who was covered in golden armor, and recalling her arrogant and domineering declaration just now, Ye Ting was filled with emotion.

The shy and cute girl at first has really grown up now.

She was originally young, but now she has become a real female pharaoh. Compared with this, she will leave a more brilliant achievement in history than her original destiny.

As if aware of Ye Ting's gaze, Nitocris turned to look at the man beside her.

"Were you shocked by me just now?"

The girl's eyes were crooked and she said as if she was offering a treasure.

At this time, she completely lost her domineering attitude, and changed from the original empress to the original cute girl.

"Yes, yes, my Pharaoh is the best. (Good King)"

Ye Ting touched the girl's head as if comforting a child, and scratched the girl's jackal ears.

However, for such a "disrespectful" behavior, the female pharaoh not only did not get angry, but narrowed her eyes happily.

Just like... Erha?

Sure enough, Nitocris is the kind of dog-type girl who looks majestic and domineering, but also has a playful side.

"Yes, yes, let me just say it. I have been thinking about that line for several days. How did you feel after listening to it?"

The girl boasted with a smile.

"Don't you think...the middle school student?" Ye Ting wanted to answer this, but before he could say it, another sentence came out.

"I feel a little embarrassed to say that I saw you so domineering. I suddenly became jealous and wanted to pin you down.


Listening to the chatter of the two big shots behind him, the female guard responsible for driving the carriage suddenly wanted to plug her ears. .

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