The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 845 Malibra Aheito [Fourth Update]

It is no exaggeration to say that under the governance of Nitocris, although Memphis has been in chaos for many years, it now surpasses all of Egypt in terms of strength.

In terms of the combat effectiveness of the army alone, all the soldiers in other Nomes in Egypt combined are no match for this army.

Historically, the death of Nitocris announced the end of the Sixth Dynasty of ancient Egypt, and also announced the temporary end of the centralized rule of ancient Egypt. At that time, more than 70 pharaohs appeared in Egypt overnight, each A man claimed that he had the right to inherit this country. The Seventh Dynasty of ancient Egypt lasted for seventy days before it fell. After that, there was eight years of chaos. During this period, although the pharaoh existed, his decrees were only Can travel in Memphis, the Pharaoh's rule exists in name only.

The next rise was the Heracleiopolis dynasty, with Heracleiopolis as its capital, the ninth dynasty of Egypt.

The first king of the Ninth Dynasty was Meilibula Akhito I. He was originally the governor of Heracleiopolis. He took the throne and named Meilibula with brutal means and would rule imposed on his colleagues and other governors. In addition to the delta area that was penetrated by the Asiatics, the vast area of ​​Central Egypt and south to Aswan recognized his royal status.

Heracleiopolis is the capital of the 20th state of Upper Egypt. It stands at the junction of Upper and Lower Egypt, and its strategic position is very important.

At the moment, its governor is Melibula Akhito. Among the many rulers who split Egypt, most of them are short-sighted. The only purpose of splitting is to establish their own local rule and become a local emperor. The local wealth supports itself.

Only Melibula Akheito was different. He was in a strategic location and had always been the bridge between the rulers of Upper and Lower Egypt. The implementation of many policies regarding Upper and Lower Egypt had to go through him. hand, subject to his cooperation.

Due to the innate geographical isolation, Upper and Lower Egypt have always had different customs and customs, which has also caused a certain tendency of division. Therefore, for the pharaohs, maintaining the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt has always been their important responsibility.

Melibula Akheito, who is in a strategic location, has also shouldered this important responsibility. He has been working conscientiously and is committed to maintaining the unity of Upper and Lower Egypt.

Being at the junction of the two places, he saw the differences between Upper and Lower Egypt and the various conflicts between the Upper and Lower Egyptians. All these made the rule of Heracliopolis extremely complicated. Any policy issues would continue in this complicated situation. enlarge. Such difficult governance also allowed him to gradually develop extraordinary foresight and overall perspective.

He himself gradually regarded maintaining the unity of Egypt as his goal during his many years of rule.

In the later period of Pharaoh Pepi's reign, the old and feeble Pharaoh caused chaos in Egypt, which also made him dissatisfied. In his opinion, such a Pharaoh was simply incompetent, and the division of Egypt would inevitably occur at his hands.

Melibula's judgment was very accurate, and the successive deaths of Pepi and Melaran II accelerated the division of Egypt. After Nitocris, the female pharaoh, succeeded to the throne, Melibula's dissatisfaction with the pharaoh reached a point of At its culmination, he regarded the division of Egypt as their sin.

But such dissatisfaction also made him raise his own ambitions.

Since the pharaohs are incompetent, why can't I replace them?

The chaos in Egypt seemed to other governors to be an opportunity to temporarily split and rule one side, but in the eyes of Melibula Akhito, this was an opportunity to realize his ambitions, so warlords in other places withheld taxes and drank and drank. At that time, he was working hard to develop his own strength.

At the same time, he is also waiting for the chaos in Egypt to further develop.

That was the time for him to formally send troops to seize the title of Pharaoh.

In the original history, he succeeded, and Nitocris's successors fought on their own, and the war over the position of Pharaoh exhausted Egypt's last vestige of strength.

And he took the opportunity to replace him and became the new ruler of Egypt - although his rule was not recognized by the entire Egypt.

However, because of Ye Ting, his ambition is now destined to fail. (bbff)

This time, he did not wait for the chaos to get closer, but instead waited for the army from Memphis.

Although in Egypt, the most prosperous place is the Nile Delta area near the Mediterranean Sea. The network-like waterways of the Delta have given birth to a large number of oases, making it the best habitat for Egyptians and the most important place for Egypt's economy.

However, after setting off from Memphis, Nitocris did not lead the army north to reunify the most important region of Egypt, but instead went south along the Nile River.

Along the way, the army attacked cities and territories everywhere. Itawui, Meidum, Crocodile City, and one after another originally independent Nome and cities surrendered to the Pharaoh's soldiers and "returned to the glorious ministers of the sun."

And Nitocris also dismissed the local dignitaries and officials who caused division and chaos, ransacked their homes, exiled them, and executed them. She also moved the families of those "meritorious officials" who were loyal to the Pharaoh and did not split the country to Meng. Fes, giving central official positions as a reward.

In these cities, she left troops and officials to govern the place together with locally promoted officials.

Using officials sent from the center to control local areas instead of ruling in a manner similar to governors and lords greatly strengthened Memphis' control over local areas.

The plan to move the original nobles imitated Liu Bang's method in the Han Dynasty, concentrating influential and powerful people in the capital for direct control, reducing local power, thereby deepening the kingdom's dominance. For a time, Egypt's rule Started to develop into a county system.

In the process, Nitocris naturally admired Ye Ting more and more. A few days ago, she was complacent about her achievements, but now she discovered that in terms of political wisdom, "she is better than the man who has been teaching her." Not even close.

In short, with the overwhelming offensive, the army finally arrived near Heracleiopolis.

If Nitocris had not risen, her mediocre heirs would naturally not be aware of the governor's ambition. But Nitocris was different. Before the war started, she sent many caravans to various parts of Egypt in the form of food trade, taking the opportunity to collect intelligence from various places in preparation for the war.

Due to the chaos in Egypt, except for Memphis, the grain production in all parts of Egypt has dropped sharply, even the Nile Delta is no exception, so grain merchants are welcome everywhere.

As for this kind of intelligence collection method, no one in this era can see the clues.

Therefore, relying on this advanced method, Nitocris successfully obtained intelligence from various places. Among them, Patentbra's unusual behavior naturally attracted her attention.

Heroes like Mailibula must be nipped in the bud. .

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