The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 846: Mailibula’S Doubts [First Update]

In the city of Heracleiopolis, in the palace of the city lord, Melibula Akhito was admiring the misguidance of the slave girl.

Although compared to other warlords in Jiuchiroulin, Mailibula is a more visionary and ambitious hero, but this does not mean that he will scrimp on food and clothing and invest all his accumulated wealth into military construction.

Chaos and division made his life better.

In front of Melibula, the dancers in cool clothes danced to impress. Although in Egypt, the status of female slaves like concubines is quite low, but every slave knows that as long as they are favored by their master, at least their living conditions will be better. Go up one floor.

Facing the charming dance in front of him, Melibra felt a little ready to make a move. Just when he was impulsively trying to get started, suddenly there was a burst of fierce footsteps outside the door.


His interest was disturbed, and Mailibula pushed away the dancer angrily. He did not want to show off a lustful image in front of his subordinates.

But he also hated this guy who disturbed his interest.

"It's already this time, what's the emergency?"

With this thought in mind, he sat upright and waited for someone to come.

Soon, Japanese soldiers wearing only leather shorts broke in.

"Oh no, Governor!" the soldier shouted breathlessly, "Sir Governor, urgent report from the city, there are... enemies coming towards our city!"

"What enemy?" Meribra did not panic when he heard the news, and remained calm. "Where did the enemy come from? From nearby Nome? Or a bandit? Or a rebellion?"

In fact, Mailibula did not believe that enemies would appear now.

If there are really enemies, the above three are the most likely enemies to appear in Melibula. Today, various parts of Egypt are divided and independent, and the warlords in various places are like vassal states. In this case, some Warlords will indeed attack neighboring warlords, either for wealth, personal enmity, or territory.

The possibility of banditry is not small. Without the restraint and protection of the central government, some cities with lax defenses will indeed be blatantly attacked by sand bandits. Today's sand bandits are larger in scale than in the past. With the chaos, As the situation continued, the power of many sand pirates expanded rapidly, and some arrogant ones were no longer satisfied with robbing the road, and simply began to attack cities and seize territory, becoming the leaders of the ten directions.

As for rebellion, it is a common thing for independent warlords everywhere.

After all, the self-reliant warlords in various places are no better than the Pharaohs. They do not have the orthodox reputation of the Pharaohs. Many people are not convinced that they lead a party. These people are either die-hard ministers loyal to the Pharaoh, or they have equally large local forces and want to stand on their own. Local wealthy families who are warlords, etc., and there are countless rebels who have revolted because of the tyranny of warlords.

However, in Melibula, it is basically impossible for you to encounter the above three.

He simply does not believe that the nearby warlords will launch an offensive against his forces. You must know that his strength is the strongest among the warlords in several nearby Nomes, and even the entire Egypt. Although the nearby warlords do not know this, But everyone knows how powerful he is, and with him as the leader, how can they dare to attack him?

It is impossible to be a bandit. After establishing himself as a warlord, in order to ensure the stability of the territory, Mailibula has carried out several raids near Heracleopolis and wiped out several large and small sand bandits. Now he His reputation has spread among the sand bandits. Those guys don't even dare to harass the villages in his territory, so why attack him?

And the rebellion... In the land of Heracleiopolis, all the loyalists of Pharaoh were killed by him, and all the aristocratic families obeyed him. As for the people, he was no better than those This short-sighted guy, with his pharaonic ambitions, would naturally not treat the people harshly. How could anyone rebel?

The soldier's answer also confirmed his thoughts.

"They are not other Nome armies, nor bandits, nor rebels, sir," the soldier said, his tone trembling with fear, "They are... they are... they It’s Pharaoh’s army from Memphis!”

"How can it be?!"

This answer made the originally calm Mailibula become angry, regardless of the city or image.

He stepped forward and grabbed the soldier's shoulders tightly.

"Are you mistaken? It's really Pharaoh's army?"

"Yes, I recognize the flag, the 'Red and White Crown', the symbols of 'Horus' and 'Ra'. That's the Pharaoh's army, that's right!"

…Please give me flowers…

The soldier confirmed this fact with a horrified expression.

"How could this happen?" The news that the Pharaoh came to attack him made Melibula look disappointed. " shouldn't be. Memphis should still be in chaos now. Those corrupt people How can Memphis organize an army when these guys have turned this country into this? Is that rumor true? But... is this impossible?

The chaotic situation in Egypt has made information from various places extremely closed. Except for Nitocris who can rely on caravans to collect intelligence, the rest of the warlords mostly rely on certain rumors to know about other places. Definitely, if it's Memphis, there are liaisons between local officials and officials in Memphis.


However, as Nitocris regained power and most of the officials were disposed of, the method of learning information about Memphis through this method no longer worked, so most of what these officials knew about Memphis came from rumors.

For example, "Pharaoh killed all the officials in one go", "Pharaoh invented a new smelting technology", "Pharaoh promoted many high-ranking officials from civilians"... These rumors are not reliable at first sight.

In short, due to the long-term chaos and contempt for the female pharaoh, Nitocris's hard work in the past four years did not attract the attention of the rebels at all.

So now, they have to pay for their carelessness.

Although he couldn't believe it, since the urgent news came from the city, Mailibula still believed in his men, so he immediately ordered the mobilization of weapons and supplies, and at the same time he rushed to the city.

Then he saw a dark army setting up camp in the rolling yellow sand in the distance. Their flag was the symbol of the Pharaoh. As a past governor, Mailibula was quite familiar with this.

Sure enough, this was indeed Pharaoh's army.

Heracleiopolis and the pharaoh's city, the royal capital Memphis, were not adjacent to each other, and were separated by several Nomes.

What does it mean that Pharaoh's army appears here today?

Those Nomes were probably captured by the Pharaoh.

From this point of view, this army also has a lot of tricks. .

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