The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 847: Thinking Highly Of Oneself [Second Update]

The appearance of the Pharaoh's army certainly made Meribra panic, but he soon came to his senses and saw the opportunity contained in this accident.

What is Melibula's dream? To replace the current royal family, become the new pharaoh, and then unify Egypt and achieve immortality.

In this process, Pharaoh's power was a major obstacle between him and his ambition.

If he wants to become the new Pharaoh, either the current Pharaoh's regime must collapse, or he must defeat the Pharaoh head-on.

And now, isn't the opportunity right in front of us?

Pharaoh's army came from afar to fight Heracleiopolis.

In this process, the Pharaoh probably recovered several Nomes.

If he could defeat the Pharaoh's army, his fame would immediately spread throughout Egypt, and everyone would bow before his power.

When the time comes, he will be able to fight openly and openly, and then become the new Pharaoh.

Given such an opportunity to step on the current pharaoh and ascend to power, could he not seize it?

If you think about it carefully, the Pharaoh walked all the way, and it would take time and energy to recover the Nome on the way.

In the direction of Heracleiopolis and Memphis, the nearest Nome was Thebutunes.

There were also exchanges and transactions between Heracliopolis and Tebtunis.

So, when was the last time you communicated with the warlord of Tebutunis?

Five days ago?

a week ago?

It won't be long anyway.

From this point of view, it did not take long for the Pharaoh's army to conquer Tebtunis.

It takes time to recapture Tebtunis, to completely occupy a place, and to maintain order. So now that this army appears here, it has not taken much rest in the middle, and it must be exhausted.

In addition, due to the war, the grain production in the entire Egypt was not much, and the Pharaoh did not have much grain on hand. As a result, she must have been short of food and grass, and exhausted when she went to Heracleiopolis. .

It is not difficult to defeat such an opponent.

Meribula had seen the power of the Pharaoh Guards in the past, but due to a long period of no war and various corruptions, the current Pharaoh Guards have somewhat lost their combat effectiveness.

And he has been working hard to train his army for a long time.

In addition, with the fortified city behind and the convenience of waiting for work, if there is a head-on battle, no matter how you think about it, your side should win.

So.........done it!

After thinking about it for a while, Lieb immediately made a decisive decision.

Tomorrow morning, we will have a head-on battle with the opponent.

Although relying on the advantage of defending the city, the possibility of victory is greater, such a victory cannot bring about a decisive result at all. The pharaoh who retreated after defeat can quickly recover.

But field battles are different. Defeating the opponent openly and honestly in the field battles will be a much greater blow to the Pharaoh, both militarily and politically.

So after observing for a while, Mailibula walked down the city, came to his military camp, and began to organize soldiers.

That night, as expected, Melibula saw the messenger sent by Nitocris.

However, in the face of the envoy's persuasion to surrender, Melibula tore up the letter from Nitocris in person, and made wild promises of a decisive battle tomorrow.

In the early morning of the next day, the weather was gloomy, matching the solemn atmosphere of the war.

Under the city of Heracleiopolis, Melibula's army was lined up in a square formation, ready to go.

To defeat the Pharaoh and compete in the world, Melibula has been waiting for this day for a long time, and they have been waiting for a long time.

In the original history, they would have to wait a few more years.

Unlike other warlords, because Meribra was willing to invest resources, almost everyone in his army was strong and strong. Although the armor was still simple leather armor, and most of them only had leather pants and leather shields, but in In this era, such an army is the norm.

In terms of weapons, Melibra believed that his army would surprise his opponents.

With the ambition to become a pharaoh, Melibula naturally knew the importance of the army.

If a worker wants to do his job well, he must first sharpen his weapons. In order to form a powerful army, Mailibula has been collecting craftsmen a long time ago to prepare elite weapons.

Nowadays, everyone in the army under his command is holding high-quality weapons. There is no such thing as the blade and handle of the dagger are separated when fighting with people. Egypt's military industry is not advanced.

This situation is actually common in Egypt today.

What's even more exaggerated is that Mailibula even spent a lot of money to form a chariot army with fifty chariots.

You must know that as the decisive force in today's wars, chariots have long only been equipped by pharaohs in large numbers. The rest, even nobles for generations, can only keep a few chariots at most.

With such an army, Meribra believed that he would be able to give the current female pharaoh a little surprise.

When I think of the female pharaoh Melibula, I feel contempt and covetousness.

The former was naturally because he looked down on the female pharaoh, and the latter... When Nitocris was still a princess, Meribula met her once, and at that time he was embarrassed by Nitocris. She was deeply shocked by her beauty, who is called the most beautiful woman in Egypt today.

Now that he thought that he was going to fight this female pharaoh head-on and win, he even had other thoughts.

What a wonderful thing it would be if you could make this female pharaoh your queen.

Moreover, with the blood descendants of the previous pharaohs as queens, would it be easier to become a pharaoh yourself?

It was rumored that the female pharaoh favored a pretty boy from a foreign country, but it didn't matter. Mailibula didn't care about it. After all, such a beauty had such an identity. "She was the only one in Egypt who was worthy of him."

The fanciful Mailibula soon came to his senses and led his army into the battlefield.

He couldn't wait to defeat his opponent and hold the Pharaoh in his hands.

However, after seeing his opponent on the battlefield, Mailibula was instantly dumbfounded.

It's not that Nitocris's heroic spirit and elegance on the battlefield are not enough to attract him, nor is it that Nitocris riding in a tank with the "boy" around her doesn't make him angry, but because Nitocris's army was too powerful, beyond Meribra's imagination.

In fact, in terms of military strength, both sides of the battlefield are equal. Although Nitocris led nearly 50,000 troops when she went on the expedition, in fact, most of them were garrison troops. It was okay to garrison one side, but the front Fighting is not in line with Nitocris’s requirements—definitely, it’s just Nitocris’s requirements.

These garrisons are naturally used to garrison troops after conquering a place.

But now there are only 10,000 or 20,000 troops facing Mailibula on the battlefield, which is similar to his subordinates.

But just 10,000 or 20,000 people, with their equipment and momentum alone, dealt a huge amount of blow to the self-respecting Mailibra.

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