The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 848: Before The Formation [Third Update]

Even Mailibula had to admit that the army in front of him was the army of his dreams.

At the front of the team are the terrifying chariot soldiers. Unlike the chariots of Melibula, the horses in front of the Pharaoh's chariot are all covered with vests, and the chariots also appear taller and stronger. More importantly, now there are There were hundreds of tanks in front of him, several times as many as him.

Behind the chariot are a group of monsters covered in metal armor.

Said to be a monster, it was actually a type of soldier that had never appeared in Egypt - heavy infantry.

These heavy infantrymen are covered in gold-plated metal armor, which covers them tightly. Ordinary weapons and arrows cannot cause harm to them at all. And each of them is tall and powerful, holding a heavy axe, and you can tell at a glance. An irresistible warrior, Mailibula could already guess the consequences of these infantrymen breaking into his formation.

On the wings and rear of the heavy infantry were ordinary soldiers.

The soldiers wore luxurious full-body leather armor and held elite weapons that looked extremely sharp. They were arrayed in front of the formation in a strict formation. The entire team was silent. No one made any unnecessary movements. They just stood there, with a solemn and murderous aura. born.

On both sides of them are the cavalry. Compared with the infantry, the cavalry's 11 formation is more scattered, but there are still hundreds of people in number. Compared with the infantry, the cavalry is originally larger in size, so it looks very scary from a distance.

At the end of the team were tall wooden machines. Mailibra didn't know what these machines were, but they were definitely not easy to deal with if they appeared on the battlefield.

Looking at the luxuriously equipped, well-trained, and forbidden army in front of him, and then seeing that he was not as good as the opposite army in terms of quantity, training level, and equipment, Mailibula let out a long sigh.

Except for the generals, no one under his command can wear the metal cloud.

Who knows how that pharaoh found so many armors.

From the looks of it, this battle is difficult.

Mailibula looked at the opposite side again. At the moment, the figure in the enemy's army, covered in glittering gold and extremely elegant, was so terrifying in his eyes.

"I was deceived..." Mailibula said softly to himself.

"What are you talking about, sir?" asked the general beside him.

"All of us have been deceived," Mailibula shook her head and said directly, "Everyone underestimated the female pharaoh and established such an army quietly. This woman, too It’s terrible.”

The generals around them all had pale faces. To be honest, facing such an army, they also felt desperate.

Mailibula even had the idea of ​​withdrawing his troops altogether.

But the idea was immediately abandoned.

Yesterday he vowed to mobilize the army, and in the evening he announced tomorrow's decisive battle in front of the envoys to persuade him to surrender, and then today he ran away after meeting the opponent face to face. After doing this kind of thing, he himself was embarrassed, the morale of the army was plummeted, and there was no resistance at all. Will is the big thing.

Rather than running away now and then being captured by the opponent, why not fight hard and fight with the opponent? Maybe the opponent makes a mistake in command and is defeated? The battlefield is changing rapidly, and anything can happen.

With this in mind, he ordered the entire army to prepare and then take the initiative to attack.

The enemy's formation is so terrifying that even ordinary soldiers can see the gap between the enemy and ourselves. In this case, we must take the initiative to restore the momentum. Otherwise, if the enemy is allowed to charge, the army may even be unable to withstand the pressure and collapse.

Following Meilibula's order, the Heracleiopolis Army slowly started, and the soldiers moved forward step by step in neat steps.

Generally speaking, the order of formal wars in this period was that the two sides approached each other, archers from both sides fired at each other, chariots attacked frontally, cavalry flanked and harassed, and infantry then covered and killed.

Definitely, it is sometimes possible for warriors to challenge head-on and then challenge each other as a prelude to starting a war, but Mailibula will not be stupid enough to do this. Everyone knows that in terms of loudness, no one can compare to the royal family who are descendants of God. .

As the Heracleiopolis army began to advance, Nitocris also issued an order to march.

In this way, the phalanxes of both sides gradually approached at a "rumble" pace.

three hundred steps

two hundred and fifty steps,

two hundred steps,

One hundred and fifty steps,

When the distance between the two sides was about 150 steps, Nitocris ordered the army to stop.

How is this going?

Generally speaking, the Egyptian army will stop and shoot when they are twenty or thirty steps apart, and the chariots will attack. This is because the bows used by the Egyptian archers are too primitive and their range is really limited.

So why did the Pharaoh's army stop so far?

Mailibula was a little puzzled, but he did not let his soldiers stop. After all, it was too late to change tactics casually in this situation.

Then, he saw that the large wooden machinery in the enemy's formation moved.

I saw the slaves near the machine put a huge amount of sphere into the machine, and then started to pull the rope at the other end...

Just hearing the sound of "Huh--", huge amounts of spheres were instantly projected out by the machine and flew towards their direction.

"How is that possible? That's actually a trebuchet!?" Mailibula was shocked. "Isn't the trebuchet used to attack cities? How could it move?"

Melibula didn't understand the principle at all. In his mind, the trebuchet didn't look like that at all. The real trebuchet should be a tall and complicated machine. It would take several hours to attack the city. It can only be used if it is built on site, and there is no mobile capability at all.

In fact, the trebuchet used by the Pharaoh army is a newer type of small mobile trebuchet designed by Ye Ting, or it can also be called a trebuchet. Although it does not have the range and power of a real trebuchet, it can be pulled up and moved. It is very convenient to use in battle formation.

I saw a sphere like a flying stone being launched by a trebuchet, and then slammed into the rear of the Heracleopolis army. A big hole was immediately smashed into the ground, and the two unlucky guys were smashed into meat paste.

"It's okay, it's okay, it's the end."

Although Melibula was confused as to why there was only one trebuchet in operation, he was secretly glad that it did not hit the formation. What he was most worried about was not how many people were killed, but that the trebuchet would disrupt the formation of the phalanx.

In cold weapon warfare, no matter how fancy the so-called formations are, the core essence is only one thing, that is, there are more people in the area and fewer people.

Therefore, a tight formation is quite important.

However, Mailibula didn't know that this stone throw was just a calibration, similar to modern artillery firing calibrated shells.

The trebuchet designed by Ye Ting naturally has a relatively reliable scale.

After the stone-throwing data was determined through this attack, the real attack was about to begin.

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