The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 857 Code And Banks [Second Update]

The first step in Nitocris' reform is legislation.

In the past, Egyptian law was still customary law, and its interpretation was in the hands of judges. Most judges were born into nobles, so they could use this power to seek benefits for the nobles.

Nitocris changed the original rule and formulated a written code, which has clear and standardized legal provisions and needs to be announced to the world and known to everyone.

Although due to the reasons of the times, even under such a law, Nitocris had to maintain the superior status of the nobles to a certain extent, but with a written clockwork

The nobles could not play with the law arbitrarily, and to a certain extent, they did protect the interests of the people, which was regarded as great good governance.

This code, known as the "Code of Nitocris", was a pioneer not only in Egypt, but also in the entire "060" world. It was later called the first relatively complete written code in history. .

After formulating the code, in order to promote it smoothly, Nitocris arranged it as part of the bureaucratic examination. Everyone who participated in the exam must study the code, and those who want to become judges must be extremely strict with it. Only those who are familiar with it can do it. At the same time, she arranged for people to carve the code on stone pillars. Every city and larger village must have such stone pillars. Soon, the code was promoted throughout Egypt.

As a result, Nitocris also had the titles of "Son of Anubis" and "Incarnation of Maat" - Maat is the Egyptian goddess of justice and truth, and was often the one who encouraged ancient Egyptians to act and Anubis is the Death God in the underworld, responsible for weighing the Scales of Judgment. One side of the scale holds Maat's feathers, and the other side holds Decedent's heart. Anubis uses this to weigh Decedent during his lifetime. to judge good and evil.

With such a title, people have no idea about Pharaoh’s following Code Z.

Definitely, in addition to law, what Ye Ting values ​​​​very much is Egypt's business, economy and finance.

Born in modern times, he understood that if he controlled the country's economy, he would control the country.

As a result, Egypt's coinage was fully nationalized, and Egypt's first bank was established in Nitocris's name and her private gold reserves.

This bank is called the Royal Bank of Egypt and is the private property of the Pharaoh.

After that, the bank began minting money.

The new Egyptian standard gold coins have the image of the female pharaoh Nitocris on the front, and the image of the royal palace on the back - originally Nitocris wanted to print Ye Ting's face on it, but she was strongly opposed by Ye Ting. Let it go: Just kidding, if his image of an Oriental appears on ancient Egyptian gold coins, future archaeologists will go crazy.

In addition to gold coins, Ye Ting also asked the bank to issue large-amount "silver notes" - or "gold notes" - which are used to replace large-value transactions on the one hand, and to control financial jokes on the other hand. All the money was in the hands of Pharaoh's bank, so he had to obey Pharaoh's orders, otherwise the gold notes in his hands would be invalid.

Definitely, with the current technology, the anti-counterfeiting of banknotes such as gold tickets is a problem, but this cannot be troubled by Ye Ting. Following the method of Gringotts in the Harry Potter world, every gold coin and gold ticket issued has Anti-counterfeiting contract magic has been applied to them. If you are not a professional, even the most powerful magician will have a hard time breaking such magic.

As time went by, both ordinary people and officials were happy to deposit their property in banks, and businessmen were also happy to lend money to them.

What's more, Egyptian gold coins and gold tickets have gradually spread to other neighboring countries, and their high-quality appearance and anti-counterfeiting ability have gradually replaced the original currencies of nearby countries.

All believed in Pharaoh's credibility.

However, the credibility of the Pharaoh can be trusted, but the integrity of the bank cannot be trusted.

Gold coins are made of gold and cannot be cast arbitrarily, but gold tickets are different. As the wealth of Egypt is deposited in banks, the bank's gold reserves are getting higher and higher, but the total number of gold tickets circulating on the market is gold. Several times the value, the difference is naturally the stamp tax unknowingly collected by the bank - definitely, for Egypt's neighboring countries, this can also be regarded as an IQ tax.

They are still ignorant about business and have no idea how Egypt has unknowingly misappropriated their assets.

They never thought about what they would do if Nitocris found an excuse to announce that the golden tickets in their hands could not be cashed...

In short, the emergence of the bank has given Egyptians great convenience, and for Nitocris, the existence of the bank has made her money several times easier than the original basis. With the bank, she can finally make it And what the pharaohs of all ages have dreamed of doing: let go and engage in construction.

When it comes to being a foreman and doing construction, every pharaoh in Egypt is very enthusiastic about it.

This includes Nile water conservancy, urban construction, infrastructure that benefits the country and the people, and private buildings such as kings and pharaohs' tombs (Pyramids).

Perhaps this has been engraved in the genes of the pharaohs. As a pharaoh, Nitocris also had an extraordinary desire to build large buildings, although she also cared about the people.

The first thing to start construction was the entire Egyptian water conservancy system.

The various water conservancy and agricultural measures pioneered by Ye Ting in the past allowed Memphis' grain production to increase dramatically within a few years. It could not only supply the local area, but also be sold to other Nomes at that time. It was with this foundation that Nito Only Kris could build up an elite and powerful army within a few years to reunify Egypt.

Now, as long as this is implemented throughout Egypt, the Egyptians will soon become rich in food, and they will not need to worry about food.

Escape from the food crisis is important for Egypt's prosperity.

While establishing the water conservancy system, the top priority is to expand Memphis.

As the capital of Egypt, although after the Great Trial, the aristocrats and bureaucrats who occupied the essence of Memphis were emptied out, the aristocrats who moved to Memphis from all over the country after the unification of Egypt, coupled with the merchants from all over Egypt, were destroyed due to the war. Displaced people, etc., caused the population of Memphis to surge to hundreds of thousands, and the entire city had to face huge amounts of population pressure.

Not to mention how busy the garrison maintaining order was, the crowded slums were the biggest headache for Nitocris now.

Not to mention, as the great Pharaoh who made Egypt prosperous again, many people believe that today's Memphis and the palace in it are no longer worthy of Nitocris.

So the vigorous project construction began. .

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