The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 857: Big Construction [Third Update]

Although for most ancient rulers, due to productivity limitations, such large-scale project construction was considered to be a waste of people and money, but Ye Ting believes that it is not a bad idea to carry out some project construction in Egypt today.

Because of the previous wars, Egypt has now entered a certain degree of depression. Many people have been impoverished due to warlords and wars. It is difficult to make Egypt prosperous in a short period of time just by recuperating and recuperating, but this is not the case with such project construction.

Compared with the intensive farming of Japanese farmers, Egyptian farmers have the convenience of the Nile River, and their planting is very extensive, and the Nile River has flood seasons and early stages.

In the early days, Egyptian farmers were naturally idle. At this time, through paid engineering construction, wealth could flow to their hands, which could stimulate people's consumption and Egypt's prosperity.

Therefore, for Egypt today, a certain degree of construction is nothing less than a good medicine.

People in this era don't understand this, but Ye Ting still understands: money can only create value when it circulates.

Now Ye Ting is the only one who can stop Nitocris from carrying out construction. Now even he agrees with this matter, and Nitocris just plunges into the big pit of construction.

Unlike the past 11 pharaohs, although each generation of pharaohs would build a Nile water conservancy project, Nitocris did the most exaggerated thing.

Compared with the tinkering of other pharaohs, Nitocris simply carried out subversive construction: building dams and reservoirs.

The construction of reservoirs can intercept floods, store water, and regulate water flow. For the Nile River, which is prone to flooding during the flood season and the land is prone to drying out in the early stage, it is a good choice to use the reservoir to intercept the peak of the flood season and then discharge it in the early stage.

However, for people of this era, the construction of reservoirs is really a project of huge amounts, and no one has ever thought that rivers can be controlled like this.

However, Nitocris is not afraid of trouble.

Because he has a group of very good helpers: magicians.

Magicians of the Geb school are proficient in spells related to the earth and earth elements. They are undoubtedly good hands in engineering construction.

To build a reservoir, Nitocris only needs to let these magicians arrange magic to change the landform between the Nile River and the established low-lying terrain, create a sunken waterway, and then let workers dig along the waterway.

If Magician is asked to do all the work, obviously no one can bear it, but it is still no problem to let them provide the construction framework.

As a result, Nitocris's water conservancy project was launched with great vigor.

The place she chose as a reservoir was named Fayon Lake.

It is located to the west of the Nile River in Fayon Nome, at the lowest point of the Fayon Oasis.

In prehistoric times, this lake was a freshwater lake with a large area and a lot of water, and it was connected to the Nile River.

But later, the climate changed greatly, causing the water level of Fayon Lake to become low, thus cutting off the connection with the Nile River and basically becoming a useless waste lake.

The channel between Lake Fayon and the Nile has dried up. Only when the Nile River surges does water occasionally flow into it.

In Nitocris' view, she only needs to find ways to deepen the river channel, build a dam, and then introduce Nile water, so that she can make good use of Fayon Lake, a natural lake, as a reservoir.

In response to this situation, Nitocris decided as the first step to renovate Fayong Lake and turn it from death to life.

First, she built a dam at the mouth of Fayong Lake, built some sluices and embankments, and drained the water in the swamps around the lake, making Fayon Lake a good and leak-proof reservoir.

Then, he mobilized magicians to perform geofissure on the original dry waterway between the Nile River and Lake Fayon, creating a deep crack, and then asked workers to dig from the crack.

Based on this, a long canal was built to connect Lake Fayon to the Nile River.

In this way, during the flood season, the rushing Nile water can enter the lake through this channel. Conversely, in the early days, as long as the dam is opened, the water in the lake can also flow into the Nile River.

With Nitocris's investment regardless of cost and the help of magic, the Fayon Lake Reservoir was built so well that as long as this water conservancy facility is properly maintained, it can last for thousands of years.

In fact, in the next thousands of years, the pharaohs and rulers of Egypt's successive dynasties will carefully maintain this water conservancy facility, and the legacy left by Nitocris will indeed be benefited by future generations until modern times. During the period, the Egyptian government at that time rebuilt the reservoir and corresponding dam using modern technology.

However, even though the Fayong Lake reservoir a thousand years ago is no longer there, the reservoir that has been in use for thousands of years is still an eye-opener for future generations. Historians and archaeologists cannot figure out how Nitok was built for more than 4,000 years. In the Lis era, how did the Egyptians at that time build this reservoir? Therefore, the Fayon Lake Reservoir is considered to be an ancient Egyptian engineering miracle as famous as the Sphinx and the Nitocris Pyramids.

Speaking of the greatest miracle created by the female pharaoh Nitocris during her lifetime, in the eyes of people more than four thousand years later, it is naturally the majestic Nitocris Pyramids. The longest building in history, in fact, construction started almost after the expansion of Memphis and was not completed until after Nitocles abdicated.

The Nitocris Pyramids were the largest of the ancient Egyptian Pyramids. The tower is more than 180 meters high. Due to long-term weathering, 15 meters of the top peeled off. It is now 165 meters high, which is as high as a 737 building with a height of more than 50 meters.

Its tower body is made of about four million huge stones. The stones of different file sizes weigh from 1.5 tons to 50 tons. The total weight of the tower is about 11.82 million tons. Its scale is larger than the hundreds of stones discovered in Egypt so far. The largest of the Pyramids.

It is an almost solid boulder. Groups of people hauled these large stones upward along the spiral ascending passage inside the Pyramids, and then stacked them layer by layer. More than 100,000 craftsmen shared about 60 years of work. A human miracle that took time to complete. When the Eiffel Tower was not yet built, the Nitocris Pyramids were the tallest buildings in the world.

However, unlike what people think, the Nitocris Pyramids are not the tombs of the pharaohs like other Pyramids of the pharaohs.

In fact, Nitocris Pyramids is the magic workshop that Nitocris built for herself, or it can be said to be the equivalent of a magician tower. The Pyramids are built on the largest spiritual vein in Egypt, and can also rely on The special structure of the Pyramids and the magic system within them gather energy from the sun.

Because of this, Nitocris Pyramids is not only famous among mortals, but also a holy place in the minds of future generations of magicians. Every year, thousands of magicians come to Nitocris Pyramids from all over the world. Pay homage to the miracle of the predecessor, the Magic Queen Nitocris. .

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