The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 858 Encyclopedia: The Eternal Empress—Nitocris I (Part 1) [Fourth Update]

Female Pharaoh Nitocris: approximately June 21, 2200 BC - September 2113 BC), a pharaoh of the Sixth Dynasty of ancient Egypt, an outstanding politician, military strategist, artist, and poet of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt. His reign marked the end of Egypt's Old Kingdom and the beginning of the Middle Kingdom.

The era of Nitocles' rule was the most powerful era in the history of the Egyptian kingdom.

Perhaps it can be said that the female pharaoh Nitocris is the most famous pharaoh in the history of ancient Egypt and one of the most legendary female rulers in the world.

She had a legendary life.

She is a powerful queen, an invincible general, a politician respected by all people, and a tireless builder.

Nitocris I (Nitocrisl, Nitocris the Great), who wore these haloes, reigned for about 69 years, and she still enjoys these high reputations to this day.

Her enemies fear her, her subjects love her, and her gods protect her.

Nitocris I, who lived in the Sixth Dynasty of ancient Egypt, left an indelible mark not only on the history of Egypt, but also on the history of mankind.

She took over the throne from her husband and brother Melaram II at the age of eighteen.

During her reign, she did not have any royal husband or heirs, so she was truly a chaste queen.

There are rumors that although the female pharaoh Nitocris did not choose a royal husband throughout her life, she did have a lover, a yellow man from the East. This kind of statement is often seen in unofficial histories, but in most histories In the eyes of scientists, this is just a nonsense. There is no evidence that the eastern race at that time had crossed the continent and ocean to reach Egypt as far away as Africa.

Nitocris's life span was long enough. At that time, the average life span of ancient Egyptians was only more than 40 years old, and he lived to be 867 years old. Her subjects and successors witnessed her legendary voice, and boasted about her experiences and carved them on buildings. Even her deified statues stood all over Egypt, alongside the gods.

In fact, after Nitocris died, because of her legendary experience and the glory she brought to Egypt, she was worshiped as a god by the Egyptians and became a member of the Heliopolis pantheon until thousands of years ago. After many years, it is still one of the main gods worshiped by many Egyptians. This is also the only person among the Egyptian pharaohs who can reach this point.

The battle for the unification of Egypt made her a victorious general in the eyes of her subjects; she used her economic talents to annex the Hittites without any bloodshed; as a very famous architect in ancient Egypt, she preserved the glory of the times for the world. These legendary experiences and distinctive personality are all concentrated on him.

During the reign of Nitocles I, she carried out a genius transformation of Egypt, which laid the foundation for Egypt's glory for the next thousand years. However, in fact, when she first began to rule, it was the period of decline of the Sixth Dynasty of Egypt.

Pepi II ascended the throne at the age of 6 and reigned for 94 years. But his long-term rule was not a blessing to the country. His unprogressive management of the country and his policy of being content with the status quo brought many contradictions to the surface. Due to the weakness of the king, the power of the monarch began to collapse, the ministers were dictatorial, and the governors of various states competed with each other for power, and the political edifice was in danger of overturning.

After the death of Pepi II, he was succeeded by his son, Melaram II, the husband and brother of Nitocles I.

Because of Egyptian tradition, they got married when Melaram II succeeded to the throne, but the actual age gap between the two was very large. Melaram II was the descendant of Pharaoh Pepi when he was young, but Nitocris was the descendant of Pharaoh Pepi when he was old.

However, despite such a large age gap, Nitocris and Melaran II still have a deep relationship.

When Meranla II came to the throne, the decline in royal power was already quite serious. He only lasted for one year before he clashed with officials who controlled real power. The ensuing political murder ended Merara II's political career and made Nitocris a widowed queen.

The sudden political murder plunged Nitocris into pain. But this did not knock her down. Perhaps out of revenge, she calmly hid her feelings, kept a clear head, and skillfully dealt with powerful officials. Finally, she gained trust, was pushed to the throne, and became the master of Upper and Lower Egypt. This was the first female pharaoh in Egyptian history to exercise political power throughout Egypt.

During her tenure as queen, Nitocris paid attention to the national economy and people's livelihood and worked hard to develop the country's economy. After the Nile River flooded every year, she would personally go to the fields to sow grains and lead the people to develop production. She became a very approachable queen and enjoyed high prestige among the people.

"Propaganda is her best weapon, which plays an important role in promoting her kingdom and mission, and also allows her to gain the support of the Egyptian people." Ada, an Egyptology professor at the University of Pisa, Italy Edda Bresciani recounted, “A large number of statues and inscriptions tell people about the feats and courage of this female pharaoh. Her actions gave her an advantage in the future against powerful officials and made him The image has been passed down through the ages and can still stand the test of time.

(In fact, only Ye Ting knows that this is just a rumor. Nitocris had no intention of gaining the support of the people at the beginning, and this result was just a beautiful accident)

According to legend, in the third year of Nitocris's accession to the throne, God sent down divine punishment and killed those ministers who murdered Melaraan II. However, according to the research of historians, it may be that this female pharaoh This goal was achieved through assassination.

After that, she announced the successor to the official position in public, gathered Egyptian officials in the square in front of the palace, and invited the people to come and watch the ceremony. However, this was just a trap. In the square, she took advantage of the people's support for her and their dissatisfaction with Egypt's chaotic status quo, and arrested all Egyptian officials and tried them in public.

It was not until this moment that she truly avenged her husband.

Without the constraints of bureaucrats, Nitocris I began to select bureaucrats from among the common people and grassroots officials, and truly took control of the power.

When Nitocris came to power, due to the long-term corrupt rule of Egypt, the imperial court lost control of the local area and fell into division. Nitocris worked hard to govern, build water conservancy, and develop agriculture.

In fact, Nitocris is not only an excellent ruler, but also a genius who actively promotes technological progress. During her reign, Egypt saw the emergence of "drip irrigation" and other advanced agricultural technologies at the time, and improved the originally backward smelting technology and bow and arrow manufacturing technology.

Through these technologies, Nitocris I accumulated powerful power and formed an invincible army.

So, six years after taking the throne, Nitocris launched a war to unify Egypt.

Compared with the Egyptian rebels at that time, Nitocris I's army had sharper weapons and armor, longer-range bows and arrows, and more abundant food and grass. At the same time, she also pioneered the transformation of the trebuchet and used it in field battles. Relying on these, (Li Wanghao) Nitocles reunified Egypt within a year.

In fact, in the process of Nitocris's unification of Egypt, many battles have been deified to varying degrees by later generations.

For example, in the Battle of Heracleiopolis, people said that Nitocles summoned Horus's divine thunder, Shu's divine wind and Ra's scorching sun, and defeated her greatest enemy without any damage to the army. Today, many murals in Egypt describe such scenes.

Due to the war, the population of the originally powerful Egypt dropped sharply, and the country was weakened as never before. So Nitocles worked hard to reform the political system of Egypt at that time, formulate laws, build water conservancy projects, promote commercial development, and even invented the earliest officials. Education and selection system, many of her pioneering achievements have set an unprecedented precedent in the entire history of mankind. She is worthy of the name of "the greatest empress in history". Even if we look at the best emperors in human history, this female ugliness You can also be on the list.

By the year of her death, Egypt's population had quadrupled, Egypt's territory had doubled, and the Sixth Dynasty entered its heyday. .

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