The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 859 Encyclopedia: The Eternal Empress—Nitocris I (Part 2) [Fifth Update]

Politically, Nitocris established a centralized system and political power institutions, abolished the governor-general system, and changed to the state and county system. The local administrative agencies were divided into county and county levels. The main officials of counties and counties are appointed and dismissed by the central government, and generals, governors, and county magistrates are not subordinate to each other, which strengthens the central government's control over local areas and reduces the risk of splitting.

Nitocris was also the first founder of a relatively complete written law in the world. The establishment of this written law further weakened the rights of the nobility and protected the interests of the common people. It had a great influence on the establishment of the subsequent Greek, Roman and even the entire Western legal system. had a profound impact.

Nitocris knew people well and appointed them on their merits, regardless of their origins. In order to allow more talents from common people to be used by her, Nitocris created a bureaucratic examination system, which replaced the selection of officials from nobles. Old example. And all talented people are required to pass specific examinations before they can become officials.

At the same time, she also compiled many teaching materials specifically for bureaucrats to learn from, and established schools specifically for teaching.

The contents of these textbooks include theology, mathematics, astronomy, geography, agriculture, engineering, etc., whether it is the bureaucratic examination system or the original nature of these books, they all had a profound impact on the subsequent Egypt.

Economically, Nitocris used a series of means to promote the development of commerce, making Egypt at that time the commercial center of nearby areas.

She recast gold coins with her own image on them, and established financial institutions similar to banks for people to save property and make loans.

By building roads and borrowing money from small businessmen, Nitocris brought Egypt's business to its peak at that time. Businessmen from nearby countries came to Egypt one after another to conduct various commercial activities.

In addition, she even issued a series of paper alternatives to gold coins called "gold notes," which were actually the earliest bank and paper money.

Nitocris's greatest economic achievement was to use economic means to annex the Hittites in neighboring countries.

Due to the power of Nitocris I and Egypt, Nitocris's bank and gold notes had a good reputation in nearby countries. Even the kings and nobles of these countries also deposited their wealth in her bank, and Using her golden tickets, she soon controlled the commerce and wealth of nearby countries.

So, Nitocris used the excuse that the Hittite king was disrespectful to her and announced that she would not honor the Hittite gold tickets. As a result, the Hittite gold tickets became useless paper and the whole country fell into chaos. She took advantage of this opportunity. He bribed the Hittite generals and officials and annexed the country without bloodshed.

Culturally, various works written by Nitocles personally for officials are cultural treasures that record the wisdom of the ancient Egyptians, which show the ancient Egyptians' attainments in astronomy, geography, mathematics, agriculture, etc.

The buildings she left behind are also human treasures. (bbbc) After Nitocris, she has always existed in Egyptian legends. The legendary life of Nitocris is widely talked about by her descendants and appears repeatedly in ancient Egyptian literature. Among the works, it can be said to be an enduring cultural motif.

It is precisely because of Nitocris's reform of Egypt that historians unanimously divide Egypt from Nitocris I and later into the "Middle Kingdom" period, or the "Egyptian Empire" period, which is different from the "Egyptian Empire" period. During the Old Kingdom", because Nitocris established a new system, these things had never happened before him, started by her "and have been used for thousands of years:

The pharaohs after her all achieved their achievements in managing the country under the framework of his institution. The great achievements they created were largely due to the work that Nitocris I had laid for them. Base;

How much work is needed to complete so many institutional and cultural changes, as well as numerous construction projects, without the previous premise?

Facts have proved that Nitocris was successful. After her, the newly born Egypt was extremely powerful. Although it experienced several terrible civil strife, it has always maintained its strong position, even overpowering the people at that time thousands of years later. Ancient Greece, ancient Rome, and ancient Persia couldn't hold their heads high -- Nitocles I was undoubtedly the greatest lawmaker who laid the foundation for all of this#

Nitocris I died in Melara in 2113 BC. Unlike other pharaohs, Nitocris did not leave her mummy behind. According to legend, she did not really die at that time, but ascended to the gods. world and become a member of the gods.

At that time, her nephews Denche and Helite, the heirs to the throne, took the imperial ark and led a large fleet along the Nile River to carry the robes representing the remains of Nitocris I to Nitocris in Heliopolis. Silk Pyramids.

Along the way, all the subjects shed tears to pay tribute to this great Pharaoh who brought them peace and prosperity.

Nitocris I was more diligent in building large-scale construction projects than most pharaohs in ancient Egypt. There are an incredible number of palaces, temples, statues and stele about her in Egypt. Except for Ramses II, there is no No pharaoh could surpass her in this.

But unlike Ramesses II, only a small part of the buildings related to Nitocris I were built by him himself, while more were built for her by her Egyptians who worshiped her. And she has only a few achievements of her own. (Especially her successor, her nephew Nicelic Helit, this pharaoh was a crazy admirer of Nitocris. Throughout his life, this pharaoh established the temple in memory of Nitocris. The temples and sculptures were much larger than his own projects, and Egypt, which was originally prosperous because of Nitocles, was almost ruined by him)

But even these few buildings are all shocking to the world.

The two miracles of the great Fayon Lake Reservoir and the tall Nitocris Pyramids are naturally among them. In addition, the projects left by Nitocris I included the expansion of the capital city of Memphis, which made it possible at that time. Memphis became a giant city that could accommodate 400,000 people, which was actually the largest city of that era.

The other is her palace. The luxurious palace covers an area of ​​800,000 square meters. People can still see part of its majesty. Unfortunately, most of the palaces are now only ruins in the yellow sand.

The last one is the Temple of Thoth, which is also the most luxurious temple built by Nitocris during her lifetime. But what is strange is that although Nitocris is called the son of Horus and the incarnation of Ra , but the temple does not enshrine the two most important gods in Egypt, but a less important god - the Oil of Wisdom in ancient Egyptian mythology, "also the god of the moon, mathematics, medicine, and Egyptian hieroglyphics" Thoth, the inventor of writing and the scribe of the gods.

Perhaps, it is precisely because Nitocris worshiped Thoth and understood the importance of wisdom that she was able to accomplish such a brilliant achievement.

As for her nephew Nicelic Helit, he also left behind a great building - the Temple of Nitocris.

The temple is nominally dedicated to the true god Ra and the Nine Pillars, but in fact it is a temple dedicated to Nitocris I, the aunt of Niceli Helit.

The temple is tens of meters deep, and the statue of Nitocris I herself is located in the deepest part. On June 23rd and December 23rd every year, the sun will shine into the temple and shine on the statue of Nitocris I. These two days were her birthday, so the people praised Nitocris I as the "King of the Sun".

No matter what Nitocris's name is, as a pharaoh, she undoubtedly made an important mark in the history of mankind, and as a woman, her achievements can be called a model for women throughout the ages.

If the Qian Ancient One Emperor of China is Qin Shihuang, then the Thousand Ancient One Emperor of Egypt is undoubtedly this great female pharaoh. Interestingly, according to historical records, the image of Qin Shihuang is exactly the same as the image of the god Thoth in the Temple of Thoth. This is the biggest joke in human civilization.

This volume probably ends like this: "Today is also the fifth watch of Liuli.

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