The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 864 Put The Elephant In The Refrigerator [1St Update]

Now that the goal has been determined, it is necessary to formulate a suitable plan.

In fact, according to Ye Ting's calculations, it is not as difficult as imagined to control Alaya.

In particular, although the Xingyue world has countless parallel worlds, the one Ye Ting came to was the original Xingyue world.

In other words, even the original Alaya was not completely born, so where did the infinite parallel world come from?

And this also means that Ye Ting's plan cannot be interfered with in any way - if Ye Ting was in a parallel world, this would not be possible. After all, the real Lai Ye was already beyond the timeline at that time.

Ye Ting's plan is divided into two steps. First, let the gods on the earth truly withdraw from this stage, and then control Alaya after her birth.

It sounds simple, just like putting an elephant into the refrigerator only requires three steps. In fact, each step is not something ordinary people can do.

Just let the gods withdraw from the world stage.

Although Ye Ting's original strength is strong enough, he is still unable to fight against the main god. After all, the incarnation of this rule originally has no flaws at all. The reason why Ye Ting was able to single out a god 633 before was just because he used He It's just Carter's power.

In other words, if Ye Ting wants to destroy the gods in the world, he must strengthen Hecate's power.

Strengthening Hecate and letting her control the spiritual veins of the world is what Ye Ting has been doing all along, but ending the Age of Gods by defeating the gods is "completely treating the symptoms rather than the root cause."

Just like the existence of magic is based on magic power, the reason why the gods can roam freely on the earth is based on the true ether in the atmosphere.

True ether is the oxygen of the gods. Without the true ether, the gods will either have to use the power of faith to replenish their consumption, or they will have to watch their own divine power only come in and out, and finally end obediently.

And with true ether, even if Ye Ting kills one god, two gods, or even slaughters an entire god system, there will still be more gods rising. As long as the concept exists, then gods will exist. This is also true for Ye Ting. Can't stop it.

In other words, in order to end the rule of the gods, Ye Ting must cut off the true ether on the earth, and then extinguish the belief in the gods. Only in this way can humans around the world be truly liberated from their belief in gods once and for all. , let Alaya truly come.

So how to control Alaya?

This is not something that ordinary people can do.

But if Ye Ting wants to do this, he can learn from the gods.

Gods were able to suppress Alaya's birth precisely because humans believed in gods. Human beings could not obtain free will under gods, so Alaya could not be born.

And if Ye Ting wants to control Alaya after she is born, then he can refer to the methods of the gods.

This method is definitely not about making yourself the only god on earth, because gods and humans are different - gods are the incarnation of rule and the tentacles of Gaea. In other words, if you rule the world as a god with the power of god, it represents Gaea. The power suppresses the power of mankind, and Alaya will still sleep.

However, is there no other solution that can both control humans and circumvent this point?

Ye Ting even thought about signing slave contracts with everyone in the world, but this was completely a delusion. Even things like slave contracts and self-enforcement certificates were not a piece of cake at all. Even if you were contracted, you still had to pay enough. powerful.

This kind of thing cannot be mass-produced at all and can only be made by oneself. However, with so many people in the world, it is a big project for Ye Ting to make so many contracts.

And in fact, newborns are born every minute and every second, which means that this work cannot be cut off at all: even if the materialization of the soul gives Ye Ting infinite magic power, Ye Ting may not be able to create contracts as fast as newborns. The speed of birth.

Therefore, it is nonsense to control every human being (bbbf) through magic to control Alaya.

So is there any other way?

The answer is yes, that is to use human power to rule mankind.

This identity is "king".

Divine power and royal power are both rulers in the eyes of humans, but they are completely different things in terms of mysterious concepts.

The power of the king also belongs to the power of man. To rule mankind with the power of the king is the meat rotting in the pot for Alaya, which also represents the rise of mankind.

Therefore, Ye Ting had such a plan.

If all human beings in the world obey one king, then as a collection of their thoughts, their collective unconscious must also surrender to this king.

After finalizing the plan, Ye Ting was ready to implement it.

Ye Ting already has a draft of how to cut off the true ether.

But in order to accomplish all this, the top priority is to make Hecate change from the goddess of the magic web in "Egypt and Greece" to the goddess of the magic web in the world.

Ye Ting's plan cannot be revealed to outsiders. After learning many secrets from the Heliopolis God System, Ye Ting finally left the Egyptian God's Domain and returned to Greece.

Nitocris did not return with him, perhaps because she was stimulated by her love rival Hecate. According to her, she was too weak now, so she wanted to stay in Egypt and follow the Heliopolis. Only spiritual cultivation will do.

Nitocris' original idea was to become a god so that she could keep pace with Hecate.

Definitely, she did not become a god, or in other words, she originally met the conditions for becoming a god, but Ra, the master of the Heliopolis pantheon, refused to let her become a god.

According to his words, if Nitocris could live forever as a human being, becoming a god would be equivalent to being buried with old guys like them, which would not be worth the loss.

However, Ra agreed to another thing, which was to let Nitocris take a step further in Egyptian rune magic with their help.

Although the gods do not understand magic, they are originally familiar with the rules they control. Through the medium of magical runes, Nitocris may be able to take a step closer to Egyptian magic and become the only one in this field in history. character.

Definitely, Nitocris will not be lonely even across the divine realm.

Because the power of Hecate, the goddess of the magic network, connects the two worlds, through her, Ye Ting can still come to Nitocris at any time.

So, Ye Ting returned alone, leaving Nitocris alone in her "Electric Tocris Pyramids".

However, Ye Ting did not return alone.

Along with her was a black cat.

It is said to be a cat, but in fact it is a god, or in other words, a god who has given up the power of the god and reduced himself to a half-human and half-god—or a god in the form of a "saint".

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