Catwoman Bastet, the goddess of war and patron saint in the Heliopolis pantheon, is in charge of war, protection, music, dance, family, and the moon. Her status in the Heliopolis pantheon is the same as that of Athena. similar.

However, compared with Athena and Zeus's dislike of each other, Bastet's relationship with Ra is much better. During the daily patrol of the sun boat, she is responsible for dealing with the archenemy of the sun god Ra, the snake of Chaos, Apollo. Face fights.

From this point of view, her combat effectiveness cannot be underestimated, at least it is at the level of the Lord God.

However, now she has lost the power of God and is like a fantasy species.

Although her strength is still among the top among fantasy species, without her divine power, it is almost impossible for her to regain the power she had in her prime.

There is naturally a reason why Bast gave up her position as a god and followed Ye Ting back to Greece.

In the Heliopolis pantheon, most of the main gods under Ra are his descendants, with the exception of Bastet.

This Catwoman god was originally a god who was sublimated from a mythical beast. She was originally worshiped by the primitive humans in Lower Egypt. Although she is a powerful mythical beast, she has not seen anyone of her kind who has the same power as her for a long time. The lives of humans who can communicate are so short, which makes this god fall into deep loneliness.

Later, after the arrival of the Heliopolis pantheon, the lonely Bast took the initiative to join the pantheon because she thought they were "interesting" and "kindred spirits with the same power."

Although this Catwoman is a god, she still retains the part of being a cat. She basically has no ambitions for power and profit that ordinary gods have. Her greatest pleasure is to eat, drink, sleep, and chase her own tail for a day.

In this way, after she joined the Heliopolis God System, although she had the inherent laziness of cats, she still worked diligently day after day to fight against the biggest enemy of the Heliopolis God System, Chaos. The snake Apophis, and does not ask for anything in return (only the desires of cats, no desires of humans and gods) can be regarded as a model worker.

It would be fine if this goddess was the descendant of Ra, but she happened to be the kind of person who brought her own dry food to join (not even fighting the battle between gods), and did the hardest work every day (except for the god Ra himself, only She can do it), Bastet like this is the most sorry person.

For the sake of the dignity of the Heliopolis pantheon, Ra was indeed able to face the end of everything, but how could he bear the heart to take Bast with him into the end of God.

Originally, he had no idea how to save Catwoman. After all, even if he could demote her from a god to a saint, saints are not invincible, and no matter how powerful Bastet is, she is just a relatively spiritual cat. Although She is astute enough, but not as cunning as human beings. As a saint, she may be deceived by someone one day, and she may be deceived.

Therefore, La was never at ease with this last resort.

Until Ye Ting appeared.

As a mortal, Ye Ting's power was extremely shocking. He was sure that this mortal did not have any god's power in his body, but his power was comparable to that of a god.

In terms of wisdom, Ra had to admit that even gods were different from him - this was why Ra acquiesced in the spread of the name Thoth, the god of wisdom.

Because of Ye Ting's help to Egypt and Nitocris, Rangla also recognized his character, so he became interested in this person.

With strength, wisdom, and character, wouldn't this be a good person to entrust to Bastet?

So Bast was handed over to Ye Ting by La Shen.

Ye Ting initially refused La's request.

Because he feels that if you can't ask me to accept it, I will accept it immediately. First, he wants to give it a try.

Because he was unwilling to accept Bastet, he discovered that the two parties could not get along well. Cats are creatures with a cold side, especially cats that have been raised for many years. Such cats are basically indifferent to strangers. If they are not raised well, they may even be indifferent to their owners. That's the attitude.

But after actually meeting Bastet...

Mmm, it smells so good.

Ye Ting really has no resistance to creatures like cats.

Especially when the cat is so cute.

The first time Ye Ting met Bastet was when he was invited by La to board his sun boat and hang out on the boat.

In fact, at first Ye Ting just thought it was an ordinary mythical beast on the sun ship and did not realize its identity as Bastet.

Seeing this cat, which was completely dark with only a pair of shining eyes, it looked particularly cute, so Ye Ting suddenly felt itchy and wanted to stroke it.

…Please give me flowers…

Why are cats so cute?

Definitely, when you see a strange cat, it is not easy to touch it without making it angry. Ye Ting never had a cat in his last life, but in this life he is already a senior "shit shovel", even though he is only He once raised a Feiju—oh, by the way, he also took care of Hermione’s Crookshanks—but after getting along with her for a long time, he had learned strong cat-loving skills from Feiju, and his His hands can easily make Feiju feel so comfortable and ecstasy (dense fog).

So, facing the black cat in front of him, Ye Ting took action skillfully.

First, he stretched out his hand tentatively and gently stroked the cat's head with one hand.

When he realized that the cat in front of him did not object to his actions, but simply lay down, he understood that the cat was willing to accept his touch.


So, he first slowly stroked its back with his hands, combed it from head to tail, and then repeated...


Ye Ting's technique made Black Cat's eyes narrow in comfort.

He looked like he was enjoying himself.

And Ye Ting also felt that the cat felt quite good.

So he stretched his hand to the cat's chin and scratched it gently.

These cats felt more comfortable, even purring softly and raising their chins, as if they wanted more.

Okay, I'll satisfy you.

Ye Ting touched even more vigorously, and after scratching for a while, the little guy simply lay down on the ground, exposing his lower abdomen.

It was almost an unguarded gesture.

Hey, he is obviously a cat raised by gods, but he is too familiar with strangers. Is he so lack of vigilance?

However, since the other party offered such kindness, Ye Ting naturally accepted it without hesitation.

This black cat probably grew up eating cute things.

So during the meeting, Ye Ting simply held the black cat.

When La asked Ye Ting to take care of Bastet, he naturally refused without any hesitation on the grounds that he was not familiar with her.

Then the black cat in his hand immediately stood up dissatisfied and hit him.

Definitely use meat pads.

Just when Ye Ting was confused, he smiled strangely.

"Hehehe, you said you are not familiar with Bastet. Look, isn't she in your arms?",

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