The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 873: Ile Was Ignored [Third Update]

When he first met Yiler, Ye Ting was indeed surprised by his condition.

He had never seen such a god before, and he always had a sad expression on his face, just like a Buddha or something like that.

Although as gods, except for freaks like Hephaestus, they all have excellent appearances, but with such a sad expression, the frowning brow makes people feel depressed when they see it.

After breaking into Yiler's shrine, Ye Ting saw him like this.

"As the god-king of Canaan, why do you have such an expression?"

While Yiler maintained this expression and sat alone on the throne of the God King, a strange male voice sounded in his ears.

"Who is speaking?!" Iler turned sharply to the source of the voice.

The male voice continued to talk to himself.

"Your palace is empty. There are no subordinates waiting for your orders. There are no gods to follow your instructions. You are obviously a god king, but you have to guard this empty palace. Why is this?"

Yiler finally saw the face of the visitor.

It was a rather handsome young man, wearing a gorgeous white robe. Standing beside him, at his feet were two cats, one black and one white.

Although Yiler could tell at a glance that he was just a mortal, this did not make the god-king let down his guard.

Because he had already seen the extraordinary qualities of this mortal.

Not to mention his original temperament, just because of the heavenly clothes on his body that are filled with mysteries about the nature of this world between the stitches, and the two cats with divinity at his feet.

It's not something ordinary mortals can have.

No, it would be better to say that even their Canaanite God System cannot illuminate such artifacts and beasts.

"Mortal, why did you rashly break into the palace of the God-King of the Canaanite God System to meet with the God-King?"

Although he was curious and wary of the visitor, the God King's demeanor kept him calm.

"God King?" Hearing his words, the visitor almost laughed out loud, "A God King without subordinates? A God King who lives alone? A God King who even betrayed you after the God Queen? I just passed by you just now Your son's shrine is much more lively than this empty hall.

"...Have I ever told you that you are terrible at talking, a mortal?"

Yiler's originally miserable expression became even more distressed.

"Oh, really? There wasn't one in the past, but now there is one." The man shrugged indifferently, "But don't you care about this situation at all?"

"what do you want to say?"

Iler became more wary of men.

"I just want to tell you that if you are dissatisfied with the current situation and want revenge, I can help you.

"Are you from the Heliopolis pantheon?" Iler asked alertly, "Or are you from the Zoroastrian pantheon?"

"Neither of the two." The man shook his head, "I only represent myself."

"Well, come in front of me and claim that you can help me get revenge, and then tell me that you only represent yourself..." Yiler showed a sarcastic look, "Do you think I will believe it? I have smelled it from your cat. It tastes... As for you, you are just a mortal."

"But ordinary mortals will not help you take revenge." The man, Ye Ting, shook his head, "It seems that you regard me as the spokesperson of a certain god. That's it.

If I want to win your trust, I should show some real skills. "

After saying that, his expression became serious.

"It is the source of thousands of worlds and the demon of trillions of planes!

The place where time and space meet, the hub of endless dream dimensions

————It is Alpha,

It is Omega,

It is the beginning of countless numbers,

It is the end of eternity

It is—the inherent barrier·the sea of ​​Chaos!”

The originally majestic and magnificent shrine has completely disappeared, replaced by vast and boundless distortion and chaos.

Time, space, and all concepts completely disappeared here, and only the endless storm of time and space caused ripples everywhere.

Yiler tried to sense his own power and use divine power to mobilize the laws of the world, but failed. Everything around him seemed to be incompatible with him. No, rather, all the rules around him were completely opposite to the normal world. The rules of time and space Law, the law of the elements, everything is in chaos. Even an almost omnipotent god like him can only use pure divine power to build defense. The laws of heaven and earth that could originally be used to assist him have completely lost their effect.

"You...what method is this?"

He had already assumed a completely defensive posture, with a divine shield protecting his whole body, and he looked at Ye Ting defensively.

"Relax, relax." Once again in the sea of ​​Chaos, Ye Ting seemed to have returned home, feeling like a fish in water. "I just want to prove to you that I have the means to help you revenge and help you take back everything." .Now, do you believe it?"

"...Yes, you are indeed not an ordinary mortal.

Being dragged into a strange world by unknown means, the innate control of rules, which is the source of God's strongest power, has lost its effect, but the other party seems to be playing around.

This situation forced him to surrender.

"..So, what do you want from me?"

Maintaining the divine shield, the former God-King said something that was too cowardly.

"It's not what I want for you, but what you want for yourself." Ye Ting touched the cats entangled at his feet, "I said, I am just a mortal and do not represent any god. Yes, I just happen to be able to help you get revenge.

Understanding the other party's inner concerns, Ye Ting explained this way.

"I didn't believe it before, but now I do believe it." Yiler's sad expression relaxed slightly, "This kind of method that completely invalidates the power of the gods is simply impossible for them to do - otherwise, Canaan The gods have long been annexed by them."

Ye Ting couldn't help laughing when he heard the other party's misunderstanding.

In fact, Yiler's judgment was only partially correct. Ye Ting's inherent barrier could indeed make the gods completely lose control of the rules.

But even if you can't take advantage of the world's rules, gods still have their own divine power.

If this highest level of power is directly converted into an attack method, although it would be a huge waste compared to controlling rules, it is not impossible.

And as long as Yiler does this, he will find that this sea of ​​Chaos is just an illusion, and it will be broken if he exerts a little force.

After all, this time he did not borrow Hecate's divine power.

It's a pity that Ye Ting's appearance established his enigmatic image from the very beginning. Feiju, Bastet and Tianzhiyi made Yiler take a look at Ye Tinggao and regard him as the god-king of some god system. An important demigod——only a person with this status can have the top divine beast as a pet and the top artifact as equipment.

After Ye Ting used the inherent barrier, Yiler denied the statement of demigods and completely imagined him as some mysterious independent existence. Otherwise, how could a person who does not belong to any god system have such a power? What about power and ability?.

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