The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 874: God-Level Brother Control [1St Update]

The frightened Yiler simply let go of himself - facing such a strong man anyway, he had no power to resist at all, so he might as well be more relaxed.

"It seems that my little tricks can also catch the eye of His Majesty the God King." Don Juan bowed slightly, "Then we have a basis for communication. Regarding the fact that you were threatened by your daughter and ignored by your son? "

...Do you even know this?" Iler thought that the fact that he was threatened by his daughter Anat and had to pass the throne to Baal was very secret.

In fact, in Canaanite mythology, although the god-king El and his three sons seem to be powerful, especially Baal, who is famous, in fact, the real werewolf is Anat.

Anat is the sister and lover of Baal, a brave maiden god. She is passionate, unrestrained, arrogant, aggressive and unscrupulous. She is the goddess of hunting, fertility and battle.

With this goddess who is both his sister and lover, the great god Baal is just a pretty boy, a despicable person:

Both children of the father god Ile, Ile preferred the sea god Yam to Baal. In order to obtain the inherited power, Baal went to Mount Zaphon, the holy mountain of Elesh.

, tied up Er, stabbed him, and castrated him.

Through such 497 means, Baal actually took away El's holy mountain and power, forcing El to hide at the end of the river and in the valley of the abyss. From then on, Baal, as the new god who ruled the world, lived on Mount Zafen, the holy mountain of the universe. And Ered lives at the end of the world.

Elle, who was grieving for his fate, begged his descendants to avenge him. His eldest son, the sea god Yam, heard Elle's lament and gave him a cup of strong wine. So El declared Jam as the heir, thus laying the groundwork for the struggle between Baal and Jam.

In the struggle for power with his brother Yam, the sea god, Baal was originally at a disadvantage and was even treated as a slave by Yam. In this case, Anat took action. She ordered the God of Craftsmen to build a thunder hammer called "The Chaser" for Baal. Baal used it to attack Yam, but it had no effect. The Craftsman God made another thunder hammer called "The Expulser", and this time Baal used it to knock down Yam.

Later, Anat even loudly encouraged Baal to dismember Yam, and Baal ascended the throne. All the gods supported this, and even Asherah betrayed the castrated Ile and came to Baal's side. .

Sure enough, compared to her brother Baal, my sister is the cruel one.

If in the process of defeating Yam, Anat only played the role of a companion to assist the brave, then she played a major role in the subsequent process of Baal reaching the peak of divine life.

At that time, all the gods in Canaan had their own palaces, but Baal did not. So Baal turned to Anat for help, and Anat assured Baal that she would get El to allow Baal to build the palace.

So Anat united with Asherah, the mother of the gods, and her children—in fact, the entire Canaanite gods—to make a request to the abdicated old god—to allow Baal to build a palace.

Power is now the King of God.

Otherwise, "I will smash your head and make your hair stained with blood!"

This is Anat's threat.

As a result, Baal was finally able to build a palace and his kingship was established.

After that, Anat's help to Baal became even more exaggerated.

After becoming the God-King, Baal declared war on the enemy of the gods, Mort, in a provocative tone in order to gain a higher reputation.

But it turned out that Baal was no match for his brother. Although he humbly surrendered to his brother: "Holy Moth, I will always be your slave and will always be loyal to you!" But Moth still opened his big mouth and killed him. Devoured, the ground suddenly fell into darkness, and the Father of God Ile was grief-stricken.

Anat came to Hades with the help of the sun goddess Shapash. She grabbed Mot's coat and screamed: "Give me back my brother!"

But Mort replied: "Anat, what do you ask of me (bbbi)? Yes, I have devoured some people, and my gums crushed the mighty Baal like a lamb. That's how it is." "

Hearing this, the angry Anat grabbed Mot, cut him into pieces with a knife, blew him away with a fan, roasted him into dried meat with fire, and crushed him with a grindstone. , and finally spread it on the ground for the birds to eat.

Anat recovered Baal's body and placed it on the top of Mount Zaphon. In order to stop the drought, El and Asherah wanted to support Anat as king, but Anat decisively refused the position of god king.

As seven years passed, Baal was finally resurrected and ascended to the throne of God-King, but the demons who had the same origin as him also gathered together.

After every seven years, Mort will be resurrected and continue to fight Baal. With the "help" of Anat, Baal was able to defeat Moth every time and continued to maintain his position as the God King.

Facing Moth, even Baal could only kneel down and beg for mercy, but Anat was able to tear him apart with his own strength, which shows how terrifying she is. Baal was lucky enough to become the God King almost all of the time. Hugging Anat’s thighs.

The most incredible thing is that although she is the lover of Baal, Anat is still a virgin goddess. It is simply incredible. This is the first time that Ye Ting has heard that gods also have platonic love.

When thinking of this Canaanite myth, Ye Ting couldn't help but pity the previous generation of god-kings in front of him - the biggest sufferer. Not only was he betrayed by his children, but his wife also left him. Ting had already seen his head. On to the vast grassland.

"Unfortunately, I do know you quite well."

With an expression of pity, Ye Ting spoke.

"Humans, what do you know about us?"

At that moment, Yiler inexplicably saw full of malice in the man's eyes.

Ye Ting didn't speak, but the way he looked at Yiler's key parts said everything.

" did you know this!?" Yiler was shocked and angry by Ye Ting's eyes. His most secret tragedy might be known to others, and Yiler almost collapsed.

"After that, even your God Queen abandoned you and even came to the side of the culprit who caused all this. Although there are no rumors, I guess that he and Asherah have a very good relationship... …Don’t you have any hatred in your heart for such a betrayal?”

Yiler's face turned red, which was the anger after the secret was revealed.

"I don't care about this, humans, stop being so self-righteous!" he said loudly.

Ye Ting shrugged, he almost believed it.

Although the spellings of Asherah and Astaru are very similar, Anat is the prototype of Astaru. It was mistaken before and has been changed.

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