The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 877 Angel Reincarnation And Icarus [Fourth Update]

For Yiler, "Genesis Eden" is indeed the most suitable method for him. It can be said that this divine spell - or demiplane - is completely the nemesis of the gods and the real killer. God's means.

Compared with this, those so-called "Locks of Heaven" and "God-Killing Spears" are just child's play. They are at best aimed at those incomplete gods - for example, demigods who only have some characteristics and have lost their true nature. The etheric environment, entering the slow death of gods, etc.

Only "Genesis Eden" is the method that truly targets the gods and kills the gods in their full glory.

After understanding the principle of "Genesis Eden", Yiler couldn't help but be afraid of Ye Ting. He could create such power to kill gods and demons. How terrifying is this seemingly mortal guy in front of him?

[However, it is really stupid to use such power unconsciously and instead give it to me. 】

[No matter what kind of traps there are, the power you hold in your own hands is real.

Thinking like this11, Yiler readily accepted this power and the seeds of these demiplanes.

After repeated tests and inspections, Yiler did not find any traps in the divine spells, nor did he find any spiritual imprints on the demiplane seeds.

Without these, it proves that this power can be used without any precautions. The other party did not trick him through "Genesis Eden", and it can indeed become his power.

So Yiler accepted it with satisfaction.

In fact, Ye Ting did not play any tricks on this.

Even he couldn't use his soul to control a god king in front of him, but this didn't mean that Ye Ting was really so kind to hand over the power of killing gods to an outsider.

His real foreshadowing lies in the original demiplane seed. The spell is just the use of the demiplane. Without the demiplane, the spell of "Genesis Eden" is just nothingness.

After accepting all this, Ye Ting gave Yi Le two more artifacts.

"Angel's Pond of Reincarnation," Ye Ting introduced to Yiler, holding a golden cup filled with water blooming with white light, "This is used to create your subordinates and army."

"Subordinates? The army? Use this glass of water?" Yiler thought it was a bit ridiculous, but he didn't fully express it.

He didn't think there was any mysterious potion that could allow people to drink it and gain the power to fight the gods - or at least to participate in the battle with the gods.

And if there is no such power, no matter how large the army is, it will not help him.

Seemingly not noticing the other party's distrust, Ye Ting said to himself.

"This water is used in 'Genesis Paradise'. When that demiplane matures, you can dig a pool in that world, pour this glass of water, and then the Angel's Reincarnation Pool' will be born. .”

"So, what does it do?"

Although he had no expectations, Yiler still asked politely.

"The use is very simple," Ye Ting smiled slightly, "As long as you inject divine power and soul into it, a spiritual warrior with a back and two wings will be born in the pool of reincarnation - I call it Angel." According to the intensity and divine power of the injected soul, Depending on the number of angels, the strength of Angels varies, but the strongest ones can even fight against the existence of the main god level without cutting off the true ether."

"Is this... is it true?" Ile was dumbfounded. Creating life, especially intelligent life, is not a simple matter even for gods. Otherwise, many gods of the pantheon would not Create humans by creating a small number of humans and then allowing them to reproduce.

He didn't believe at all that there would be such an artifact that could create an artifact that was spiritual and powerful enough to fight gods.

In fact, in addition to the "Angel Reincarnation Pond", there is another artifact with a similar function, which is the Soul castle of the Aesir clan of the Nordic god system.

However, even Soul Castle only selects the souls of warriors on the battlefield, transforms them into spiritual life, and then continuously strengthens them. Such strengthening requires the original efforts of the spiritual body and takes time, and even if such strengthening reaches its peak , the heroic spirits created (the heroic spirits of Norse Mythology) are just cannon fodder on the battlefield of the gods, existing like ordinary soldiers.

The "Angel Reincarnation Pool" is much stronger. It is one of the ultimate products of Ye Ting's soul materialization magic and materialized life research. In addition to Ye Ting, his student Daedalus is also in the process of making this artifact. After putting in a lot of effort, he finally created this unique artifact, and also created a new race——Angel.

The soul that enters it will be completely restored to its original state before birth, and will be born again through the "Pond of Reincarnation". The water in the Pond of Reincarnation is like the amniotic fluid in the womb, nurturing Angel's growth.

This process of simulating the birth of life from the womb allows the born Angel to completely throw away everything from the previous life and become a truly new life. The time required for this process is about the same as the time it takes for humans to go from pregnancy to delivery. It is definitely stronger. This process for the soul will take a little longer, but it will never exceed three years.

This is also the reason why the Pond of Reincarnation technology can replace the "artificial simulated soul" and then cultivate it into a real soul, becoming a new technology in the spirit weapon plan - the ideal artificial simulated soul can become a real soul through contact with the soul. It takes too long.

During this "birth" process, the reincarnation pool will compile it according to the established magic program, and produce corresponding spiritual cores according to the characteristics of the soul - this is also the reason why the soul strongly determines the strength of the creation. 027 Then, divine power will construct Angel's body based on the spiritual core. Depending on the amount of divine power injected, Angel will produce a corresponding number of wings. The more divine power injected, the more wings Angel will have.

"In that case, let you see the effect." Ye Ting said after listening to Yiler's unbelievable words.

Then he snapped his fingers.


In an instant, a girl with wings on her back appeared behind Ye Ting.

She has long pink hair with uneven layers, and two long braids with red ribbons tied behind her. Her cute face is full of indifferent expressions, and a pair of green eyes are even colder (actually she is just in a daze) There is a shining golden halo on the top of the head, and there is also a strange collar around the neck.

Although she looks like a cool and cute girl, unlike humans, the girl has a pair of wings on her back.

Her wings are tender pink and covered with soft feathers. She is wearing sexy and gorgeous metal armor all over her body, which looks very mechanical.

"The almighty Angel Icarus for entertainment obeys your summons, my master. What are your instructions?"

Quite cold words came out of the girl's lips. People who didn't understand would think that she was a cold and charming woman.

But in fact, Ye Ting knew that this was just a natural idiot.

[Slim and graceful monthly ticket, a gentleman likes to be brave].

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