The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 878 Ouranos And Fusion Bomb [First Update]

"Angel for entertainment?" Ilage asked.

This name doesn't look like it can be fought.


Ye Ting casually knocked Icarus on the head.

"Ouch!" Icarus couldn't help but stick out his tongue after being punished.

"Don't listen to her nonsense. This child has been taught badly by my disciples. In fact, she is actually a 'strategic all-purpose Angel' [entertainment use is a joke." Ye Ting explained in a dumbfounded manner.

"That's it." Yiler nodded in understanding, but in fact, he was complaining madly in his heart.

[Isn’t it just a weapon used for war? Why are you so kind to her? There is no punishment for causing such an accident. I don’t quite understand what you are thinking!]

As a traditional god, Ile is the kind of guy who cares very much about superiority and inferiority.

Icarus is the first-generation product of Angel's Reincarnation Pool and the crystallization of the wisdom of Ye Ting and Daedalus.

In fact, Icarus is the so-called Angel who can fight with the main god level gods. However, it is very difficult to create such an Angel. In addition to having very high requirements for the soul, it also needs to inject quite powerful divine power. Even for For a main god, this level of divine power also requires a long period of accumulation.

However, these expenditures are worth it.

Like Icarus, this level of Angel basically has no limitations on wings. The number of wings alone is not enough to show its power. In fact, as long as she has sufficient energy and full firepower, she can be as powerful as any main god. It is possible to destroy a star by one person.

Ye Ting did not answer Icarus's words, but turned to Yiler beside him.

"Your Majesty," he asked, "is there anything around here that can be destroyed?"

"Any place can be used," Yiler said with a self-deprecating smile, "This is the end of the Divine River, the valley of the abyss, where all the gods have given up. Only a reviled guy like me will live here, so , you can just destroy it, no one will notice."

"Well," Ye Ting nodded nonchalantly, and then looked at the girl next to him, "Icarus, it's time for you to show off your skills, just think of it as a test of your weapon system.

So, the three of them walked out of the palace.

"So, the target is that mountain, how about it?" Ye Ting pointed to the side of the valley in the distance and asked Yiler.

"Is this...really okay?" Yiler said with some hesitation, "Isn't it a little too tall? Moreover, this is a mountain in the divine world, and its solidity is different from that of mortal rocks.

The existence of the divine realm is maintained by the power of the gods. Therefore, every plant and tree in the divine realm is much more solid than the same existence in the mortal world. Generally speaking, only the gods have the ability to destroy them. destroy.

He still doesn't believe that "Angel" can reach the destructive power of a god.

"Seeing is believing." Ye Ting turned to Icarus, "Well, Icarus, don't embarrass me.

"Understood." Icarus agreed in a slightly cold tone.

Then, his whole person's state began to change drastically.

The girl's body was covered with more white armor, and her eyes flickered from the usual dark green to yellow, and finally turned to dangerous red.

At the same time, a pair of pink wings behind her also began to open and transform at a rapid speed, and then emitted a light blue light, and the golden Angel ring above her head shone even brighter.

"Codename: Alpha, Icarus, attack!"

Without even flapping his wings, Icarus instantly flew into the sky.


Icarus continued in the sky, and saw a huge amount of phantom suddenly appearing behind her, and the blue wings turned into a transmission channel "connected to the huge amount of phantom."

Then, the phantom finally turned into reality and truly appeared in mid-air.

At a sudden glance, it was an existence that looked like a huge spaceship, with a high-tech appearance and ferocious steel wings covered with densely packed weapon systems.

That is the Ouranos system.

This system was created by Ye Ting and Daedalus based on the ultimate creation of technological civilization based on the prototype of the Olympus God System - the space carrier: "Uranos", the Lord of the Sky.

Naturally, they used the remaining magic technology of the Olympus pantheon, but also added their own research. The drawings came from Aphrodite, the god who was the sublimation of the core system of Uranus. , Aphrodite has relevant memories.

Definitely, with Ye Ting's current ability and resources, it is impossible to completely restore the entire song "Uranus", but it is possible to restore a smile part of it and use it as a weapon system.

As the strategic all-powerful Angel with the highest output power, Icarus undoubtedly has the authority to summon the Ouranos System.

Ye Ting and Yi Le undoubtedly have different understandings of the so-called "strategic all-purpose Angel". The latter at most believes that the so-called "strategic use" refers to being able to dominate the war on the ground. However, in Ye Ting's view, there is no How can an interstellar war-level influence be called strategic use?

Now, what Icarus shows is only part of the completed Ouranos system.

"Permanent rear-end air-to-air missile launch!"

The next moment, countless missiles were launched from the Ouranos system, each of which had the power of a fusion bomb, but they were densely packed like locusts, and they all shot towards the cliff ahead.

It's no wonder, without such power, it would be impossible to cause damage in the God Realm.


On the cliff, violent explosions were heard constantly, like exploding suns.

No, that's real, the sun's power zone really exploded in it.

Although Ye Ting does not have the ability to create fission bombs, he is able to make a leap forward in creating fusion bombs, thanks to the superiority of magic in this aspect.

Just like the drastic reaction in the sun, in the process of making the fusion bomb, Ye Ting did not consider studying thermonuclear fusion at all, but directly intercepted the concept of using the sun and showed it in it.

Even in the God Realm, its destructive power is quite astonishing.

Looking at the completely collapsed cliff in front of him, Ile was dumbfounded.

Is this really the effect that artificial weapons created by humans can produce?

This has already reached the level of a main god.

But it's no wonder, after all, it is the result of thousands of fusion bombs. If it were in the mortal world, without the constraints of true ether, an attack of this level could almost plow the surface of the earth.

But it's not over yet.

Ye Ting turned to another direction.

Pictured is Icarus.

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