The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 879 The Final Weapon And The Ring Of Sealing [Second Update]

"Icarus," he pointed to the cliff on the other side, "the target is there, let's change the attack method.

"Understood, Master."

Icarus waved his hand, and the Ouranos system behind him immediately turned into reality and finally disappeared, returning to the place where it was originally stored, and her wings also changed back to their original appearance.

Then, she made a bow and arrow gesture.

Yiler noticed that the Angel's eyes had turned scarlet, and the blue light on the wings on his back also had a tendency to explode and spread. He was obviously in a state of energy explosion.

Then, a black mechanical longbow appeared in Icarus's hand. The longbow was glowing with purple light, which contained huge amounts of energy.

As Icarus drew the long bow, purple-red arrows appeared on the bowstring.

From this bow and arrow, even Yiler felt a fatal threat, which seemed to be able to destroy it.

"The restrictions have been lifted, and the final weapon, Artemis, is ready," Icarus' cold voice sounded, "Launch——"

The purple arrow was launched almost instantly, and then hit the target as if it were light.

Then 200 minutes later, Yiler felt a white light flashing in front of his eyes.

But the next moment, all the white light disappeared completely, leaving only darkness.

"How is this going?"

Yiler looked ahead, where he saw only a dark void.

It was as if all the surrounding light was absorbed into the void.

However, it is not just light that is absorbed - gravel, atmosphere, mountains... Any matter or even energy is attracted by the hole, and then is infinitely stretched and crushed the moment it enters the hole, and finally in Disappeared into the void without a trace.

"That...what happened?" Yiler had no idea what happened, because he didn't perceive anything, as if even his mental power was attracted.

Ye Ting just smiled and did not answer.

In fact, this arrow triggered the legendary level spell, "Singularity Collapse".

Although the name is somewhat similar to a famous legendary spell "Singularity Collapse", "Singularity Collapse" is different.

"Collapse Singularity" is a necromancy spell. The principle is to create a temporary conduit that connects the main material realm, the magic network and the negative energy realm, allowing pure negative energy to flow into the world.

However, "Singularity Collapse" is a spell belonging to the change system. It does not connect any realm. In fact, this book is the ultimate space collapse - completely compressing matter and space within a certain range into one Singularity, the pulling of space and extremely compressed mass will produce a strong space depression, causing the surrounding matter and even space to be continuously pulled into it. Because matter and space are concentrated at a singularity, its unit material density is much greater than that of a black hole. , so the effect is basically an enhanced version of the black hole.

However, since the total material content is not as good as that of a black hole, its duration is very limited. When the duration of the magic is completely over, the singularity will collapse, and the extremely compressed material will collapse and explode, causing secondary damage.

According to Daedalus's original plan, the conventional weapon fusion bomb was named "Artemis", and the ultimate weapon black hole bomb (singularity collapse) was named "Apollo".

However, this was opposed by everyone - you know, Artemis is her teacher's cutie (Daggy), who is that gay Apollo?

Moreover, it is obvious that fusion bombs represent the power of the sun, while black hole bombs are obviously more related to the night. Isn’t the light in the night the moon?


Finally, the compressed matter and space in the cavity could no longer be maintained, and the final explosion occurred.

A bright light flashed, and then what appeared in front of the three people was a large spherical pit.

The material inside has been ejected further away, causing huge amounts of damage.

Looking at the "Ultimate Weapon Artemis" Iler, who had more effect than thousands of fusion bombs with just one shot, he was completely dumbfounded.

Until he returned to the palace, the god king was still in a trance.

"How about the Angel I created?" Ye Ting asked teasingly.

"I...are convinced." Yiler sighed, "Mr. Ye Ting is really amazing."

As he spoke, he took the golden cup filled with white light water, filled with anticipation.

If he mastered such power and then launched "Genesis Eden", how could other gods be his opponents?

Looking at the expectant and proud god in front of him, a trace of ridicule flashed in Ye Ting's eyes.

Next, he took out a second artifact.

That's a set of rings.

There are ten in total, all sparkling with gold, and the patterns on them are different, but all of them are very gorgeous.

"The Ring of Sealing," Ye Ting introduced, "can seal the spirit body of the god you defeated. This ring can connect the face of the sealed person with you. In other words, all the sealed gods, their beliefs The power, whether accumulated in the past or generated in the future, will be attributed to you - provided you do not kill them."

"Thank you very much for this artifact!" Yiler excitedly took the ring.

Compared to the Pond of Reincarnation, the function of this ring can directly help him.

You know, now that he has embarked on the road of crushing his opponents through the power of faith, Yile will face a serious problem: lack of faith.

Different from divine power, the power of faith completely relies on the accumulation of believers. In other words, in the absence of believers, Ile's power of faith will be used less.

But in his current state, there aren't many believers at all.

Even if he can rely on his past accumulation to defeat the enemies of the Canaanite god system, it will take a long time to re-establish faith among the Canaanites and accumulate enough power of faith.

Unlike major pantheons such as Olympus and Heliopolis, entities such as the Canaanite pantheon will face competition from other pantheons at any time.

The Heliopolis pantheon has always been eyeing them, and the Zoroastrian pantheon on the other side is also quite dangerous.

Once he started the civil war of the Canaanite God System, even if he succeeded in defeating his opponent, it would mean that the power of the Canaanite God System would be exhausted and it would be impossible to counterattack the invasion of other Gods.

The existence of these ten sealing rings undoubtedly prevented this from happening.

"The gods sealed in it will lose their past appearance," Ye Ting added, "They will be downgraded and become 'Mephista', but without the power of the gods, they will be driven by the ring, and maybe they can be used by you. "

"Thank you, thank you Mr. Ye Ting for your help." Hearing this, Yiler was obviously very happy. I don't know whether it was because he could successfully take revenge, or because he foresaw the downgrade of his enemy.

The picture shows the final weapon.

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