"Hey, why is the ring on sister Samael's head black?"

"Samael's legs are like snakes, so cool!"

"Astraea likes cake the most. If Samael calls me senior, I can give you a little bit."

However, it was the way she was so silly and pestering each other to chat indiscriminately that warmed Samael's heart, which was originally cold because of his low self-esteem.

Ye Ting and Lilith were relieved.


In the end, Astraea cried and threw herself into Ye Ting's arms.

This time, Astraea's dream of becoming a senior was extinguished again.

Patting Astraea comfortingly like a child, Ye Ting was finally pleased to see that Samael was able to break through his inner inferiority and communicate well with them.

Sure enough, no matter how depressed a person is, as long as they bully Astraea, they can feel better.

Facing Ye Ting's half-smiling target, Samael couldn't help but blush a little.

"Um...I didn't mean to do this to Astraea."

She turned her head away, a little embarrassed.

Ye Ting suddenly realized that Astraea might be born the type that people can't help but bully. Otherwise, why would even the kind-hearted Samael start bullying her without knowing it?

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, Astraea is not happy about being bullied ("I don't have it!")" Ye Ting shrugged, "In fact, as Astraea said, the so-called The sanctity and depravity are just two manifestations of power, so there is no need for you to feel any discomfort."

"Do you really... think so?"

Samael was a little surprised by Ye Ting's statement. Shouldn't ordinary mortals and Angels regard this kind of degenerate power as a scourge?

"Definitely, I have always believed that there is no distinction between good and evil in power. It all depends on how to use it." Ye Ting said, looking at Lilith, "In fact, let's not talk about the power of corruption for the time being, the power of death But the power commonly used in necromancy spells happens to be very good at Lilith. From this point of view, you two are a good match."

At the same time, Lilith also cooperated with a move with her bare hands, and the rich power of death condensed into a small ball in her palm.

She waved her hand casually, and the ball flew to the ground in the distance and exploded. Soon there was a barren land on the ground, and all the vegetation in it withered and turned into ashes.

This scene moved Samael slightly.

Seeing this scene, Ye Ting stepped forward and took a step further while the iron was hot.

"Actually, you have to understand that it is not just sacredness that represents beauty. Even corruption and darkness have their own charm."

As he spoke, Ye Ting came to the back of the Death Angel, tidied up her messy hair, tidied up the unkempt fallen Angel's wings, and finally stroked her back.

It’s dress-up magic.

The light of magic flashed, and the tattered cloth on Samael's body completely disappeared, replaced by a sexy black scale armor. The style of the armor complemented her snake tail, making her originally embarrassed and full of depravity and enchantment. Unusual beauty.

However, during this process, Samael inexplicably felt as if something had been touched all over her body. Although as an Angel, she was not shy or uncomfortable, it still felt strange.

"How are you now?" Ye Ting asked after looking at Samael in the mirror, "Even if you are like this, you are not bad compared to you in the past, are you?"

......you're right. "Seeing himself filled with another kind of beauty, Samael nodded thoughtfully, "Maybe I am really too persistent, but..."

Having said this, she looked at her snake-like lower body again.

She still cares about the snake's tail transformed from her legs.

However, compared to the rest, Samael's snake tail is actually the more acceptable part in Ye Ting's opinion.

"What's this? It's just a curious lower limb, and it doesn't lack any function."

As he spoke, he even touched the cold and delicate scales.

"It looks beautiful, doesn't it?"

Ye Ting's words made Lilith look strange, but Samael was originally confused.

"Is what he just said weird?"

She didn't understand what Lilith's expression meant.

"Oh, I forgot, compared to Astraea and the others, you Angels have been sealed as part of 'people'."

As he spoke, Ye Ting's hands touched the wings on Samael's back again, and he muttered something.

As he recited the incantation, Samael suddenly felt a strange burning sensation in many parts of his body, especially his chest and lower abdomen, as if something sealed was breaking out.

Then, in full view of everyone, her body shape changed.

…Please give me flowers…

Her chest gradually swelled, supporting the scale armor, the curve of her waist also became rounded, and even more between her legs...

In short, Samael is much more feminine today than before.

"What's wrong with me?"

Touching the changed parts of her body, Samael was confused for a while. She had touched those places in the past, but she had never felt such a subtle feeling.

"I unsealed the gender seal in your body. Ye Ting shrugged and explained, "Originally, as a weapon, gender is redundant for Angel, but as a life, it is an indispensable part. So although in fact, as an Angel, you still have a preset gender in your body, but it has just been temporarily sealed. "

"Is...is this it?" With the awakening of gender, Samael not only felt changes in her body, but her thinking also gradually changed a lot. She once again recalled what this man thought about her snake tail just now. , Samael finally understood the meaning of Lilith's weird expression, and he felt a little shy.


However, while being shy, I was also moved.

People who can accept snake tail... As expected, Lord Ye Ting is a good person.

Completely misunderstanding Ye Ting's thoughts and thinking that he was just trying to comfort himself, Samael's affection for him greatly increased.

At the same time, she also thought of another thing.

"Master Ye Ting knows the seal in my body, and I have sister Astraea by my side ("She's my sister!")... Then, Master Ye Ting and the birth of our Angel...

"You guessed it right," Ye Ting nodded, "In fact, Angel was created by us from the beginning," and the pool of reincarnation was obtained by Jehovah from us.

"No wonder Lord Ye Ting and Sister Astraea were near the Garden of Eden when I sent Lilith away." Samael immediately figured out another thing.

"No, no, it wasn't me that time," Astraea immediately denied her loudly. "It was Ikaros-senpai who was with the master that time... Also, don't call me sister! Although I am better than you Short, but I...my breasts are bigger than yours!"

Astraea made a fuss again over the issue of seniority, and Samael also showed a knowing smile.

ps: Astraea has a bust size of 91cm, which is considered the largest among the artificial Angels. .

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