The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 886 Israel Invades Canaan [Third Update]

Maybe it was because the identity of Ye Ting's creator was clear, or maybe it was because of other reasons. In short, Samael became much more enthusiastic towards Ye Ting.

So Ye Ting took advantage of the situation and invited Samael to join them, and even the responsibilities were clearly defined - as Lilith's guardian Angel.

Samael was naturally willing to agree to this request, but she still declined with a wry smile.

"As the creator of Angel, you should know that although the perfect Angel is powerful, this power is based on the existence of heaven - after being reprimanded and leaving heaven, the link between me and heaven has been terminated. In other words, don't look at me now It seems that I am very strong, but it is just an illusion. In fact, after one battle, my energy recovery will not keep up with the consumption, and I will no longer be able to carry out high-intensity battles in a short period of time. You are also willing to accept this kind of me ?"

"Definitely "three-three-seven"," Ye Ting said decisively, as if he didn't care about Samael's self-deprecation, "Actually, it's not just you, as the 'child' I created, as long as Angel is willing, I will be happy." Give them a destination—and, who says we don’t have a paradise-like existence here? Why do you think Astraea and the others get their power from?"

"Hey, is the master calling me?"

Suddenly hearing her name, Astraea ran to Ye Ting's side happily.

"No, it's nothing," Ye Ting pushed away the charming Angel and continued to say to Samael, "If you are willing, you can relax your mind and body, and I will connect you to a new energy source.

"Okay, I'm very happy." Samael agreed readily, without any preparation for Ye Ting.

Then, she felt that magic power, which was more abundant than heaven, was injected into her body.

"Hmm... I feel... filled up."

Saying words that were misleading, Samael groaned due to the sudden burst of magic power.

Ignoring her suspicious words, Ye Ting introduced her.

"The energy you feel now comes from the spiritual veins of the entire earth, from the magic web woven on the surface - now, I am honored to tell you that you are already the guardian angel under the magic web goddess Heka."

"I...feel the great will of the goddess." Samael said, closed his eyes, clasped his hands, and began to pray. Listening to her prayers, although they were derived from prayers to Jehovah, they were The target has been changed to Hecate.

It seems that beings like Angel are indeed professional divine servants. They are so professional.

With the addition of Samael, Ye Ting's direct information about Eden was finally cut off.

However, he soon discovered that he didn't need anyone to report information.

Because those humans who originally lived in the Garden of Eden were driven out of the Garden of Eden and had to survive in the wilderness.

Definitely, this is not because Jehovah has given up on them. Under Jehovah's magic, the place where they live has become extremely fertile, and there are also livestock for them to raise and slaughter. With a little farming, they can have enough food and clothing.

It's no wonder, after all, eating the "wisdom fruit" not only represents the growth of wisdom, but also represents the acquisition of human common sense. It also represents that they are no longer ignorant and their minds have begun to mature rapidly.

Leaving them in the Garden of Eden at this time, and sooner or later letting them develop the bad habit of reaching out for food and opening their mouths, will not be beneficial to the future development of mankind.

For Jehovah, it was definitely a great surprise for Adam and Eve to eat the Fruit of Wisdom. After all, it meant that the growth rate of human population had slowed down. After all, compared with the daily growth rate,

Increase production, people who focus on production will naturally produce much faster.

But he could only bite the bullet and accept it.

No wonder he angrily drove away Samael, the culprit of everything.

Fortunately, the first generation of humans were able to give birth to offspring almost every year, and the same could be said for the children when they grew up. The population grew at a very fast rate. Even if they moved out of the Garden of Eden, it would only slow down the rate. But even if it slowed down, the population growth rate would still be slowed down. It was still very fast. Within ten years, the number of these people exceeded one hundred.

Another hundred years have passed, and the population of this human race created by Jehovah has exceeded ten thousand people. At this time, they can no longer maintain the original population growth rate, but until this time, they can barely be regarded as a nation.

And relying on the power of faith gained from them, Jehovah gradually began to take action of his own.

The Canaanites living in the land of Canaan discovered that a new nation had broken into their territory. They began to attack the small tribes of Canaan, annexed them, and asked them to give up their gods and believe in their gods.

According to the Canaanites, their god's name was Jehovah, a name that had never been heard of before.

Faced with this unexpected intrusion of strange gods, the Canaanite gods began to take action. Some of the less powerful gods among them seemed to think that this was an opportunity for them to expand their faith and increase their followers.

It was also an opportunity to strengthen themselves, so they ordered the tribes that believed in them to attack this new tribe to force out the god named Jehovah.

Then, they disappeared.

No one knows how they disappeared. They just heard that when they disappeared, they were surrounded by flames and darkness.

But when the gods of the Canaanite pantheon came to the battlefield of the divine battle, they found nothing.

The tribes that believed in these gods also lost the protection of their gods and were defeated by this group of people who called themselves "Israelites". They were forced to join them and converted to the god called Jehovah.

Although I don’t understand how Jehovah did this, there is no doubt that this proves his strength.

The Lord of Canaan was not angry because of this. They had always been a loose alliance. The gods among them agreed that they should pull this new god into their pantheon as usual. Just like they did in the past - except for the core of the pantheon such as El, Asherah, Baal, and Anat, which have a family relationship 75.5, the other gods were merged into the Canaanite pantheon in this way. of.

After all, no matter how powerful a god is, he is still unable to face a second-rate god system alone, but joining one can protect himself. You know, most god systems do not have a good attitude towards an independent god.

It is precisely by relying on this method that they have maintained a second-rate divine system and are able to survive among the major divine systems.

But this time, the ever-unfavorable recruitment methods failed.

The messengers sent by God never returned, but the Israelites continued to annex the Canaanite tribes.

This result made the gods of Canaan understand that a war between gods was inevitable.

The jianjia is green and the white dew is frost. The so-called monthly ticket is on the water side. .

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