The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 887: The Battle Of Canaan Gods [First Update]

The divine war between the Canaanite pantheon and Yahweh began as quickly as it ended.

The main gods such as Baal, Anat, and Asherah brought a group of followers to find trouble with Jehovah, and the two sides happened to meet head-on.

Since Il acted as the leader of the Cross religion with a new look and appearance, the Canaanite gods did not see his true identity at all when they met and before they took action.

They all regarded Jehovah as some ignorant foreign god, and seemed to want to persuade them to surrender.

However, El's heart was full of hatred for Baal and other Canaanite gods.

Not to mention that Baal and Anat, as his children, overthrew him. What made Jehovah even more angry was that Baal not only castrated him when he was stabbed, but also made it difficult for him to regain the power of a male god even now. What's more, as a son, he took away his father's god queen - Asherah.

Anat is a virgin, but Ashera is not. Until now, Baal and Ashera have had several children.

The son betrayed his father, the hatred of losing his roots, and the hatred of seizing his wife. As a man, Baal did all the biggest hates to El. This made him regarded as the only unforgivable enemy by El. With the enemy facing each other, Yiler was naturally extremely jealous. He even felt that the shining halo above his head had turned green.

In this case, what else is there to discuss?

Fight directly.

In the blink of an eye, "Genesis·Scorched Hell" has unfolded, and the Angel team around Jehovah, who was originally alone, is ready to go, and the battle is just like that.

Before the Canaanite gods could recover from the sudden change in environment and the sudden disappearance of the true ether, the attack of Jehovah and Angel came.

Fighting in a world that has lost the true ether, both Jehovah and the Angels are experienced and at home like a fish in water, but the Canaanite gods are very unfamiliar with this. Facing the enemy's attack, some of them want to defend, and some want to avoid it. , but many people have done nothing but useless efforts - except for directly operating divine power, relying on the control of the rules to defend has failed, because the rules of this environment are not controlled by them at all.

With just one meeting, Jehovah's side gained the upper hand.

Many gods suffered heavy losses, and only the main gods headed by Baal were able to maintain the situation.

Definitely, something else followed, and that was the revelation of Jehovah's true identity.

While he deliberately maintained a different appearance and appearance, as long as he didn't take action, his identity could still be hidden, but once he took action, the familiar fighting methods and familiar divine power immediately made the Canaanite gods understand the identity of the enemy. ——Their old master Il.

This is a bit embarrassing. It is clear that this is the revenge of the previous generation of god kings on the betrayers.

With this meaning, even some gods have given up their resistance - originally thought that this was an invasion by a foreign enemy, but unexpectedly it was a power struggle within the Canaanite pantheon. Foreign invaders can share the same hatred, but the power struggle... That's a matter for the big guys, and it's best for the juniors not to get involved.

Even Baal felt extremely uncomfortable when he saw his father and the master of suffering, while Ashera even hid her face and retreated.

Both of them felt that they had gone too far and were a little ashamed to face the resident Yiler.

Only the female war goddess Anat, without a trace of hesitation, decisively attacked Jehovah.

She is a naive, arrogant and even cruel girl god. Although she has the advantages of enthusiasm and unrestrainedness, she also has an arrogant, aggressive and unscrupulous side.

At the beginning, she was dissatisfied with her father's cowardice, old age, and incompetence, so she supported Baal in taking power, and even threatened her father to break his head to achieve this goal.

As the God of War, she fought all the way for Baal. Baal's enemies, no matter what evil ways they were, even the river god sea monsters under the command of the god of Hades, Mot, and the sea god Yam.

And anyone who disrespects Baal, she will defeat them with invincible bravery without mercy.

Opening the way for Baal's kingship, she is the bloody goddess who harvests life unscrupulously.

Today is no exception. Even if she is facing her own father, and even if the current Yiler is completely different from the old and incompetent person in the past, Anat does not have any hesitation.

She deeply practices her life principle - once you choose a path, don't look back.

As the God of War, Anat is very terrifying on the battlefield. On the battlefield where she exerts her divine power, countless enemy heads and arms are flying in the air, highlighting the unparalleled power of the victorious goddess; she walks across the earth. On the bed, blood spread over her knees and touched her neck. She laughed loudly and was extremely excited in the sea of ​​blood. She slaughtered the enemies with various weapons until they were all killed. Then she washed her fingers in the blood of warriors and heroes, took the rain and dew of Baal, and gave the earth fertility.

In the Canaanite pantheon, the goddess Anat is one of the demigods that Iler needs to be afraid of, and the other half is Baal.

Sure enough, on the battlefield of "Genesis·Scorched Hell", facing the attack of Jehovah and the heavenly army, it was Anat who was the first to launch a counterattack, and it was also she who first found the battlefield to heal the true ether. Fighting skills.

I saw her laughing wildly, waving two long knives in both hands, and she was invincible in the heavenly army. Even the powerful Angels such as Lucifer and Michael, who will be famous in later generations, are not her enemies - Anat It is indeed quite powerful, but the Angels are still too young.

Finally, with Anat taking the lead, the other Canaanite gods were able to launch a counterattack.

However, Jehovah is not a vegetarian either.

The reason why the heavenly army is the heavenly army is that the Angels are not only God's warriors, but also a complete army.

Since they are an army, they are naturally different from others. Although the Angels are strong, they do not fight alone like the gods. Instead, they fight like an army - forming a formation and working together to resist the enemy.

Considering that most Angel weapons are mass-produced weapons, Ye Ting and Daedalus took into consideration the aspect of winning by quantity when designing. However, in this world where the strong are rampant, quality is often more important than quantity. For this reason , Ye Ting also designed the linkage mechanism of the forces between Angels.

In short, based on the principle that Angels have the same source of power, they can form a formation with themselves as nodes, and use magic arrays to concentrate and amplify their own power, so that they can use quantity against quality.

Its prototype circle magician is a way for magicians to focus on casting spells. With the help of a group of low-level magicians, a Medium level magician can even cast spells that are several levels higher than himself.

And the same is true for the Angel Corps.

Even though the current number of Angel Legion is not large, and the major leaders are far from achieving complete victory, Lucifer, Michael, Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael and other Angel leaders still led their subordinates to work together and barely surrounded them. Anat, with their backs to heaven, they tried to subdue Anat by consuming her divine power.

On the other side, the weak gods did not dare to join the battle, and Jehovah was happy with it. He led the remaining Angels to directly attack the leaders Baal and Asherah. .

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