The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 937 Tentacles And Small Room [First Update]

When Ye Ting gave up Mooncell and handed control over to BB, he definitely did not simply trust BB.

He has more considerations about this.

Once he controls the center and becomes the true core of Mooncell, then he is equivalent to integrating with Mooncell.

Mooncell will become part of Ye Ting.

But in this way, Ye Ting is equivalent to binding this behemoth with a diameter of three thousand kilometers.

This is what he doesn't want.

Although being bound to Mooncell does not mean that Ye Ting cannot leave the moon, it is certain that it will be difficult to leave the moon world.

But Ye Ting's pursuit is to experience the endless world, rather than settle in a corner - even if the world of Xingyue is so colorful.

So, just like Ye Ting gave up on becoming a god in the past, but instead helped Hecate become the goddess of the magic network.

Now Ye Ting has also let "597" abandon Mooncell and handed it over to BB.

Anyway, like Hecate, although BB has a bad personality, she is really willing to listen to him "That's enough.

When Hecate controls the magic network, and BB and Oriana control the entire empire as the empire's masterminds, the Xianqin Empire will be able to develop steadily with this as its core.

Others say that men conquer the world by conquering women, and women conquer the world by conquering men.

When it comes to Ye Ting, it is he, Ye Ting, who conquers the world by cultivating women.

As for himself, let him be a prodigal son of the world.

Just like that, he folded his arms and watched the purple-haired girl move forward and touch the blue crystal.

Just like white rice paper stained with ink, after being touched by BB, starting from the place where she touched it, the blue crystals quickly smudged into the black of Chaos.

That is a sign that it is infected by BB.

As for the BB virus, Mooncell's core had no resistance at all, so the black virus rapidly multiplied itself and devoured data, setting off a spreading black wave.

one tenth,

one eighth,

one quarter,


three quarters,

seven eighths,


Finally, the original blue cubic crystals have been completely replaced by the black of Chaos.

This means that BB has completely swallowed up Mooncell's control core.

The core has been subverted, and other parts of Mooncell's central level will not be spared.

The white light path that was continuously input into the core was not affected, but all the output light paths changed.

The information output by the information optical path changes from white to black, and based on this, it begins to affect the entire central layer and even the entire Mooncell.

The core dyed black is like the heart of Mooncell at the moment. All the venous blood input does not change. However, as the venous blood is infected in the heart, when it is output as arterial blood, it has become The appearance of BB.

The infected arterial blood will be transported to all parts of Mooncell's "body".

Although today's "venous blood" is still normal, venous blood also changed from "arterial blood". As the infected "arterial blood" captured the entire Mooncell, eventually even the "venous blood" input into the core became Chaos. black.

At the moment, the central layer has become a Chaos-colored world just like the seventh layer.

After that, the black faded.

The world that took a long time to turn black turned back to its original state in the blink of an eye.

However, only Ye Ting knew that Mooncell at the moment was different.

From the moment the entire Mooncell turned completely black, this supercomputer was completely in BB's hands.

And now that the goal has been achieved, Mooncell naturally does not have to maintain ugly colors.

While Ye Ting was waiting for BB to appear again, the space around him seemed to have cracked open, revealing bright red cracks one after another.

And one after another weird tentacles protruded from the crack, with sticky and disgusting suckers, black and red lines, and yellow horniness—in short, it was a respectful and funny color scheme.

Although the densely packed tentacles are like the devil of a magical girl, making people suffer from trypophobia at the sight of them, the willful color scheme makes people unavoidable.

With Ye Ting as the target, tentacles attacked him from all directions.

Because the tentacles were so dense, Ye Ting had no room to escape.

However, judging from his nonchalant look, he probably didn't have any thoughts of escaping.

As the tentacles continued to approach, very close to the man, they seemed to have touched some invisible wall. No matter how they flapped or squirmed, they could not make an inch forward.

But even so, the tentacles did not give up. Instead, they tried to surround Ye Ting more and more fiercely, and soon submerged him along with the protective wall, just like wrapping a glass box...

Ye Ting, who was in it, could see tentacles and suckers on them.


After sighing, Tubi finally spoke.

"Have you had enough trouble? BB?" His tone was full of doting and helplessness for a naughty little girl, "With so many tentacles, do you want to make me so sick that I can't eat?"

As he opened his mouth, the surrounding tentacles retreated three minutes faster than when they came, and quickly retracted into the space cracks, and then the cracks disappeared one after another, as if they had never appeared before.

As the tentacles left, a girl wearing a black coat appeared in front of Ye Ting.

"Shh~, don't say that, Mr. Creator," the girl tilted her head and said quite scary words in a cute tone, "This is an indescribable late-night program specially produced by BB. The sticky horror is dedicated to you. ~☆!Why don’t you accept the kindness of BB’s kiss?”

If ordinary people faced the girl's terrifying enthusiasm, they would be scared out of their wits.

But Ye Ting has seen a lot of girls. A yandere girl like BB doesn't scare him, but makes him feel a little...cute?

"Come on," Ye Ting said with a casual shrug, "I'm not a magical girl."

"But... BB-chan really wants to grab the creator with his tentacles and imprison him~" Speaking of this sentence, BB was about to cry. No matter who listened to that pitiful tone, She will be happy to fulfill her wish.

But what the girl said was scarier than anyone else: "I don't want the Creator to go out, I don't want the Creator to leave~ It's enough for you to have me by your side."

Following BB5.1's words, the surrounding pure white space immediately turned into a narrow secret room. In the secret room were restraints, X-frames, beds and chairs with restraint devices, collars, mouthballs, whips... There is everything you need, which makes people want to have wild dreams at the first sight.

BB who was inside also put on a pink nurse uniform and winked seductively at Ye Ting.

"How about it? Master Creator~, if you feel disgusted with the tentacles, it's not a bad idea to switch to the room that BB-chan loves? Hehe, hehehe, hehehehehe! Hey, that's weird? Wait a minute, you Why are you running away!? I spent a lot of time preparing it carefully! Look, this tiger bench is a new one I made? It’s very interesting, be sure to take a look. ...Haha, No matter what kind of feeling you want, your wish will come true. This time I will let you enjoy the full service slowly and carefully..."

Sure enough, a girl like BB shouldn't let her be too proud. .

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