The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 938 Altira’S Resurrection [Second Update]

BB's joke didn't go any further.

The tentacles and the small room were finally canceled by her, but BB was still very dissatisfied with Ye Ting's reaction.

"What? My dear, I want to show off my prowess so enthusiastically and prepare a love imprisonment for the Creator, but I refuse it right away. He is really a man who doesn't understand the charm, huh~^"

"No, I can't bear imprisonment or anything like that."

"Hey, the Creator is obviously a toy worth playing with and bullying.

"I'm really sorry for leaving such an impression on you."

After fighting, the two left the core of Mooncell.

By controlling Mooncell and gaining huge computing power at the level of the solar system, even if BB does not exert Mooncell's Holy Grail ability to realize all wishes simply by relying on information manipulation Ability, Mooncell can still play a huge amount of role for Da Qin.

For example, he is responsible for all calculations in Daqin's industrial production.

For example, deduce and predict the development of Qin Dynasty, and use this to formulate appropriate plans.

For example, he participated in all government affairs of Da Qin, monitored the entire Da Qin, and ensured that no vicious events that violated the "Laws of Da Qin" did not occur.

With BB, even if Great Qin's colonial territory extends throughout the solar system, Ye Ting no longer needs to worry about the centralized system's ability to keep up with the growth of population and territory.

He can proudly say to each of his people:


Definitely, the existence of BB and Mooncell does not mean that no accidents will happen.

There is at least one thing that Ye Ting needs to worry about as Qin Shihuang.

That is whether BB will cause trouble.

With BB's Trask character, even when facing the creator Ye Ting, Ye Ting doesn't believe that she won't cause any trouble among the people of Great Qin now that she has the power.

Therefore, before BB took office, Ye Ting gave her a good lecture until she promised that she would fully comply with Ye Ting's requirements and there would be no accidents.

"Okay, okay, what a shame, Creator! I know I'm the kind of person who would say, 'Fighting by the rules is too boring, isn't it? I want to see more of your painful expressions!' But Creation It’s too much for Mr. Zhe to preach repeatedly like this. My dear, you will definitely swallow your tears for the sake of love and abide by the agreement with Mr. Creator.

There is no way, who told this child to be created by Ye Ting himself? Now that things have happened, I can only believe her a little bit.

Then, Ye Ting temporarily left BB and went to an unknown area in Mooncell - an area located inside Mooncell but not part of Mooncell.

That is the photon network interruption zone used to isolate the external memory of the predatory planets carved into the moon - the starship.

After conquering Mooncell, Ye Ting finally had the ability to let the giant god Altira experience the beauty of the outside world for himself.

Definitely, before Ye Ting completely defeats the predatory star, Altira's body as a giant still cannot leave this place of imprisonment, otherwise it will still run rampant due to the control of the star and become a monster that destroys civilization.

However, without Mooncell's interference, Ye Ting was able to completely let Altira's consciousness leave the imprisoned starship and project it into the body created outside.

For Altira, this is the same as experiencing everything in the outside world in person.

In order to create a body that completely matched Altira's consciousness, Ye Ting specially returned to the earth and came to the grassland outside Daqin Pass.

Since the Qin Dynasty completely completed its modernization, the nomads on the grasslands could no longer pose a threat to the Qin Dynasty: machine guns and cannons had become their nightmare, so the Huns called the Qin army devils and moved towards the west one after another.

And Ye Ting knew that on the grassland where the Huns now lived, there were hidden taboos from prehistoric civilization.

That is the huge amounts of corpses of the giant god Altira on the ground, and it is also the location of the holy place believed by the Huns.

Because the white giant's corpse was too huge and terrifying, it was regarded as a miracle by the Huns, so these Huns built a temple on the corpse and worshiped it from generation to generation.

The dead body of this white giant was the raw material and reference that Ye Ting used to make Altira's body.

What could be more suitable for her than Altira's past body?

Therefore, following the prototype of Altira and using the dead body of the white giant as a reference, a girl who almost possessed most of the power of the "Destroyer of Civilization Sefalu" was born through Ye Ting's efforts.

That is a beautiful girl with brown skin,

Although his figure is slender, he is still toned, and his brown skin has strange white patterns.

She has red pupils, but her hair is white.

Wearing a white dress that only covers her vitals, the white veil makes people mistake her for long white hair.

Basically, the body of the girl in front of me is the same as that of the giant god Altira in the Starship Stone Chamber, except that the file size has been adjusted to the size of a normal human.

However, when the consciousness of the giant god Altira was put into this body, the character of the awakened girl was completely different from the sometimes loving and gentle, sometimes girlish and innocent character in the stone chamber.

It was absolute calmness and arrogance, as well as a real murderous intention.

But when she became aware of her surroundings, the powerful killing intent immediately dissipated invisible.

The cold warrior expression also softened.

"This familiar land... I finally feel it again... You did it, Ting."

"Definitely, didn't I promise you that I would take you out? I always keep my word." Ye Ting replied happily, "As long as you don't understand that I made you wait for too long.

"No," Altila shook his head lightly, and said seriously: "I'm very touched that Ting can do this. Ting... is the first person to treat me like this.

Then, she suddenly knelt down on one knee and her expression became serious: "Then, my name is Altira, and my power will always be used by you."

.......There is no need to be so formal. "

Altira's actions made Ye Ting feel embarrassed. He wanted to help the girl up, but was refused.

"I can't think or feel. I can only fight and kill. You are special to me, so whether it is thinking or feeling, I leave it to you." Altira used inorganic matter The voice said, "Killing and destruction are the only things I can do for you, use me."

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