The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 945 World And Soul [First Update]

Faced with Ye Ting’s frankness, which he didn’t know whether to call refreshing or arrogant, Jehovah was not angry but smiled:

"Ha... You actually dare to admit this in front of me. Based on this alone, I would like to praise you for your boldness - a mere mortal dares to plot against a god. A madman like you is so brave. It’s the best in the world.”

"However, if it weren't for this mortal, you might still be trembling under the hands of your own son, Baal." Ye Ting retorted, opening his mouth to say घंट

When his dark history was mentioned again, Jehovah's face became furious.

"Watch your words, mortal!" A stern voice resounded through Holy Place, and even the holy light all over his body became stronger because of His anger: "blasphemy is a great sin - okay mortal, I am Jehovah, the Cross The only God of religion, the omniscient and omnipotent Lord, the almighty, righteous, majestic, holy, faithful, loving, honorable and beautiful true God, the Lord of hosts

The only king in heaven and on earth—evils and heretics like Baal are my greatest enemies! And you, making up things about gods at will is an unforgivable sin__"

"Compilation? Haha......hahahahahahaha - stop joking with me!?"

Hearing that this radiant god in front of 510 was so shameless that he turned his back on the past and refused to admit it, Ye Ting sneered loudly as if he had heard some big joke.

"No wonder, no wonder you have been able to reach this stage from the poor god in the past. Whether you are a god or a believer, you can compete with the major gods. I still underestimate your hypocrisy and shamelessness. Maybe Only people like you are suitable to spread and promote a religion."

With a sarcastic tone, Ye Ting was full of emotions: "It seems that in order to become a true omniscient master, not only have you completely gotten rid of your past self physically, you have become neither male nor female now, and even your thoughts have changed. Kamiya planned to abandon the past completely.

"That's right, how could someone as sacred and great as you, the only god in heaven and earth, have such a miserable past? How could someone like you, the God of creation who is here, past, and eternity, have a wife? Do you have children?

"But you have forgotten, what is the basis for everything you have today? If I can praise you as a god king, I can make you fall into the world again.

However, Ye Ting's words did not make Jehovah feel intimidated - not even a trace of mood swings.

It was as if it had been expected.

"Mortal, you are too arrogant." Jehovah said slowly and majestically: "Do you really think that your plan can be hidden from the omniscient and omnipotent God? Do you really think that you can threaten a great man with your mortal wisdom? The true God?”

Following His words, the divine body of Jehovah stood up from the throne, floating in the air with its feet not touching the ground. Matched with the halo of light all over its body, it was plainly dressed, but it looked so sacred.

"You probably didn't expect it--you may have thought that what you did to Solomon's rebellion was perfect, but your tricks cannot be hidden from the omniscient gods. I have already realized your malice, so you thought I was stumped." Won’t you take any countermeasures?”

Although the tone of Jehovah's words was still so solemn and steady, Ye Ting still heard a little anger and pride in it.

However, his words did not make Ye Ting feel panic or guilty at all.

"Really? So that's the reason why you're like this? To protect yourself from me, you became neither male nor female?"

Hit the nail on the head.

Ye Ting's words accurately hit the most painful memories hidden in his heart.

"Whose responsibility do you think this is?"

Finally, Jehovah could no longer maintain his emotions, and his tone was no longer calm as if everything was under control, but full of violence.

"Use the ring to gather the 'fate' between me and the believers, and then use it to cut it off so that I can no longer draw strength from my faith. What a good plan you have!!"

"Who calls you stupid? You don't even think about it, if you don't materialize the concept of 'fate', how can you carry out such specific manipulations to give you the ability to inspire the faith of other gods? As for Solomon That thing was just the price you paid for being greedy for petty advantages."

Ye Ting spoke calmly, but the sarcasm in his words made Jehovah even more angry inside.

"Yes, yes, you really have bad intentions. Do you know that it was precisely because you cut off my way of survival that I had to make up my mind to abandon the past and become what I am now?

As he spoke, Jehovah even showed an angry smile, his expression extremely ugly.

"In order to survive without belief, I gave up my body as a god, completely integrated into the rules, and became a mere spiritual existence - all of this is thanks to you.

After hearing this, Ye Ting's eyes finally changed when he looked at Jehovah.

Giving up the body of a god and completely integrating one's spirit and divinity into the rules is a very serious matter for the gods.

You must know that gods, as independent beings who control the rules of heaven and earth, are at the pinnacle of spirituality compared to ordinary creatures.

But no matter how noble or great a god is, it cannot change the fact that he is still a member of living beings with independent thoughts and souls.

Every world and plane is composed of multiple factors: time, space, matter, rules...etc.

Space is the basis of everything, matter and energy fill the space, rules allow everything to be allowed according to the established framework, and time allows the world to flow.

All these factors are combined together to create worlds and planes.

To the world, the soul is a rather special element.

Unlike other factors, the soul is not indispensable among the factors that make up the world. Even without the existence of the soul, any world can continue to exist because there is no life.

But the addition of souls can make the world truly "alive", make the world colorful, and give the world unlimited possibilities.

The world is materialistic, rational and inevitable, while the soul is idealistic, perceptual and accidental.

In a world without a soul, everything in the future is doomed at the very beginning.

A world with a soul has infinite possibilities - definitely, even if it has a soul and a world with life, it also has fate and fate, but only the soul can break fate.

However, precisely because the soul has such illogical and irrational characteristics, its existence and the rule originally are incompatible with each other to a certain extent.

This is why ordinary beings cannot control rules. .

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