The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 946 God’S Desperate Move [Second Update]

Therefore, gods who have independent souls and can control rules to a certain extent are so cherished.

However, even as a god, there is a price to pay for maintaining an independent will - that is, the character is assimilated by rules to a certain extent.

The God of War is warlike, the God of Cupid yearns for love, the God of Death is gloomy, and the God of Sun is sunny. It is all because of these reasons. Gods who master the same type of rule may be different, but the difference only lies in which part of the rule they express - even if it is Vulcan is only a personality difference between enthusiasm and irritability, but enthusiasm and irritability still have common characteristics to a large extent, and Vulcan will never be a cold existence.

Therefore, in addition to worrying about being tied to a certain world by rules and being unable to travel around the world, worrying about being affected by rules is also one of the reasons why Ye Ting is unwilling to become a god.

However, after all, the gods have only been affected by part of their personalities. Most of their souls still exist independently and can still have independent joys and sorrows as a life. They are not completely lackeys of the rules.

If "Heaven" represents the rule, and "Human" represents the independent soul, then the part of the gods that belongs to humans is much greater than the part that belongs to Heaven.

This kind of independence allows Ye Ting to safely hand over his back to the goddesses, but precisely because the "heaven" part of the gods is incomplete, there are various barriers to their control of the rules.

For example, the need for a true ether environment, such as the need for faith.

The incompatibility between soul and rule is the source of these barriers.

What Jehovah wants to do is to break this barrier and break the incompleteness of the "heaven" owned by the gods.

Once such incompleteness is broken, the power of the gods will continue to grow. Without these invisible barriers, the gods will become the true controllers of the rules. As the proportion of "heaven" continues to increase, the power of the gods will continue to grow. The bigger it gets, it's not impossible to change the color of the entire galaxy with just one move.

And when the gods completely shed the "human" part and become a complete "heaven", then the gods will become the true incarnation of the rule. It can be said that he is the rule, the rule is him, and his power is enough to affect the entire universe. .

What a terrifying power this is. If a god of the earth is completely integrated into the "sky", then he will become the god of the earth of the entire universe. Any existence judged as "earth" will be affected by his will—— -In other words, all solid planets in the entire universe are under his control.

However, no god has ever done this.

No matter how fierce the war between gods was in the past, no matter how fierce the gods were in the battle, no god was willing to integrate into the rules, and no god was willing to let the "heaven" part replace the "human" part, not even a single thought.

Because this means the loss of independent will.

As the more parts of gods belong to "heaven" and the less the parts of gods belong to "people", the gods will have less independent will and will gradually become the spokesperson and tentacles of rule.

That is, rules control gods, rather than gods controlling rules.

When the gods completely lose the "human" part and become "heaven", then the gods will originally become part of the rule.

That means that the gods disappear forever.

Its past, present and future have all lost their meaning, and all their love, hatred and hatred have become nothingness.

At that point, no matter how powerful it is, what's the point?

Even if there are strong emotions in his heart, even if he is about to die, no god is willing to go to that point.

Love, hate, love, hatred, and even the desire to survive are all emotions that only exist in life, and what emotions does rule have? Once a god integrates into rule, his emotions as a life will disappear and become like rule. , even the basic desire to survive will disappear.

In fact, at the beginning of the age of gods, it is not that there are no gods who are willing to touch this taboo power - although the method of disintegrating the demon is terrifying, it can be regarded as a desperate trump card.

However, after some gods really made a desperate move, other gods realized that integrating into "heaven" was meaningless to the gods.

After the gods who want revenge obtain the power of "heaven", hatred has no meaning for them, and revenge is still empty talk.

After the gods who did not want to die obtained the power of "heaven", even the desire to survive themselves disappeared, and they were killed on the spot without blinking an eye.

The so-called integration into the rules is basically equivalent to "fitting oneself in line with the Tao".

However, not all "Heavenly Ways" in every world have independent will.

This is why Ye Ting was surprised by Jehovah's behavior.

Definitely, I was just surprised, but not worried.

Asking for flowers......

After all, he is very clear about the consequences of integrating into the rules - that is, Jehovah loses his independent will, any ambitions and revenge are meaningless, and then everything ends.

"You probably think that once I integrate into the rules, there is no need to worry... Haha, do you think that I didn't think of this?"

Speaking of this, Jehovah finally stopped pretending to be holy and revealed his natural madness.

"Isn't it difficult?" Ye Ting asked back, "Especially since your domain is 'omnipotent', that is, the entire rule. You are more likely to be swallowed up by the rule than ordinary gods, so you are no threat to me. .”

"Hahahaha - you actually think like this!? It's really the wisdom of a mortal. Do you think that I have abandoned my powerful divine body one by one over the years and become the existence I am today? For what reason? In order not to be stripped of my independence. Will, I have been preparing for a long time!"


In fact, it is precisely because of the rule of "omnipotence" that Jehovah has become neither male nor female, neither old nor young, such a moderate and unpredictable appearance.

Because of its omnipotence, no matter whether you are male or female, whether you are young or old, all human characteristics must be reflected in this body. [The result is this body that has all the factors of "human" belonging to Tian - just Suitable for accommodating "omnipotent" rules.

But this is not enough.

Rule's assimilation of souls cannot be prevented by a mere divine body.

But the Lord laughed.

"Since you know the horror of 'omnipotence', how could I not know it? Therefore, from the beginning, I have not pursued absolute omnipotence - I only need to achieve omnipotence under certain conditions, and it is enough to impose restrictions on rules. Then the price I have to pay doesn’t have to be too much - and this restriction..."

Having said this, Jehovah looked at Ye Ting's feet with meaning.

By adding restrictions to the power you want to obtain, the price you have to pay can be discounted. This is completely in line with the laws of magic, and it is indeed a smart strategy.

Seeing Jehovah's eyes, Ye Ting suddenly understood and frowned.

"You! The limitation you imposed on yourself is space, and your omnipotence is only within 'Genesis Eden'?"

Ye Ting blurted out his guess about Jehovah's plan. .

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