The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 957: Xingyue’S Consciousness [First Update]

After living in the Xingyue world for so long, Ye Ting feels that he already knows the rules and characteristics of this world quite well.

First define a metaphysical "will", which is the basis of this world:

It can be simply understood as a mechanical command, similar to instructions in a program.

Four (or less) basic forces are the vague manifestation of this "will" in the representational world.

These basic forces can evolve into more complex instructions and more complex substances in the world. Although on the whole, all of this is messy, but because of the basic rules, there will always be things happening in this messy "Chaos". Some special parts, this part of matter and instructions are similar to ancient life in the primitive ocean.

Such things can be understood as things like inertia that "will continue to move without the application of external force." Neutrality, reactivity, instinct, will, reason, etc. are just their more and more complex forms.

The concept of "definitely" is just a metaphysical description and has little practical significance. It is just a foreshadowing for the next investigation.

This kind of "will" is called "Type" in Xingyue's world view.

Definitely, this kind of "will" exists in many worlds, and the "will" that exists at the bottom of the Xingyue world is the "source vortex".

The so-called "roots" actually have similar things in all cultures - the tree of life in the Jewish Kabala, the tree of existence in the Hindu Bhagavad Gita, the other tree in Norse Mythology, the golden apple tree in Greek mythology, the tree of existence in the Bible, tree of wisdom. One can even add a modern mythological system - Darwin's evolutionary tree.

The structure of using "tree" as a metaphor for "existence" has a long history. Life is differentiation and branching.

"Root" refers to the root system of the tree of life, and "source" refers to the underground water source - so "root" actually refers to the invisible force buried in the dark soil.

If we use Buddhist terms, above the land is the visible reality, and below the land is the invisible realm of cause and effect.

If we use philosophical terms to describe it, we need to look at the "tree" upside down: above the land is the metaphysical world of representations, and below the land is the metaphysical world of ideas, and the branched branches converge to a common "root".

In the world of Xingyue, the "Vortex of Roots" can actually be said to be the only protagonist. All the events involved in all the characters are just for it to amuse itself by wearing a mask of personality (some of the characters in "The King in Yellow" smell).

The rule of "Root Vortex" has already been the original universe, the original Chaos, but Chaos does not mean complete chaos. According to the Chaos theory, even in Chaos, there is a local order that is different from the overall Chaos, as shown in The order in the Chaos universe is the existence of planets - they are a collection of matter and energy in the universe, and they exist in a chaotic order.

The development of astronomy has integrated the evolution of the planet into the evolution of the entire universe - people once believed that the destiny of the planet with such a degree of order and harmony must be due to the "subjective will" of the Creator, that is, the theory of intelligent design; but In the end, people discovered that dust can spontaneously evolve into an orderly form through a statistical law (accretion), so it is better to say that this is a function of "objective will".

If the "vortex of origin" has a will, then the whole is the embodiment of its instinct, and the planet is its true will and thinking.

But from another perspective, can’t it be said that there is some kind of manifestation of divinity on the planet?

In fact, the term "star soul" does exist in the Xingyue world. The so-called UO is the theoretical end point of the planetary evolution food chain and the king of the planet that enforces the will of the planet. If the star soul does exist, then UO is The strongest tentacle of Star Soul.

But when it comes to the will of the planet, we have to mention the birth of life.

If the planet, as a collection of matter, is an unexpected order in the Chaos universe, then life, as a collection of organic matter capable of self-replication and reproduction, is a new order that is unexpectedly created in the Chaos matter on the surface of the planet.

If, compared to the universe of Chaos, matter is the embodiment of order, then compared to inanimate matter, life is a higher level of order.

The existence of life brings about the birth of a new will above the will of the source and the will of the planet - that is the "Gaea will".

The so-called "Gaea" theory - that is, the living bodies and non-living bodies on the earth together form a complex system that can interact with each other, and "Gaea" is the will of nature - air flow, water cycle, ocean currents and trade winds, material balance, ecology Balance, plate movement, all these are the self-regulation of the huge consciousness of "Gaea"; the meaning of the alternation of life generations is nothing more than the organizational renewal of "Gaea". For the will of nature, life and non-living things are just a means of adjustment. , but in turn, it is precisely because of the existence of a large number of lives that the will of Gaea exists above the will of the planet.

Above Gaea's will, the fourth level of will is called "Alaya", which is human collective unconsciousness.

Just as order "betrayed" Chaos and life "betrayed" matter, as the primate of all things, human beings also "betrayed" Gaea, the will of nature.

First of all, we can imagine living things, including humans, as a continuous "superorganism" according to each species: an individual is just equivalent to a single cell, and the birth and death of an individual are just this "superorganism" organizational updates.

Then we examined this phenomenon - this "superorganism" has almost no so-called memory, because it has no "brain" part used to process memory, and is at an extremely low level in terms of biological characteristics.

So each species is like a person who keeps losing his memory. Every time he wakes up, he finds himself in a strange place, so every time he repeats the same line. "Gaea" or our planet gets a A stable ecosystem and power source.

The key to the desire to survive being able to break away from the control of natural desire lies in the emergence of "civilization" - this is the original sin of Adam and Eve in Christianity of eating the forbidden fruit.

The so-called birth of civilization is based on the fact that human beings can record memories outside the brain through stone slabs, knots, and even oral transmission. Therefore, "human beings", a super-living body, finally have the ability to "memory", and memory carries Came thinking.

Thinking arose in the unconsciousness of Chaos, which is the beginning of thought. It is not an exaggeration to call Alaya consciousness the subjective consciousness of Gaea.

But just like what humans face: subjective consciousness and subconsciousness are always contradictory, so humans always have to overcome their various desires in life and fight against arrogance, jealousy, rage, laziness, greed, gluttony and lust. Only in this way can we It's called civilization.

So humanity betrayed Gaea, and "Alaya Consciousness" was born.

Civilization is essentially an "externalized gene", such as the concept of memes that is well known in our time. .

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