The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 958: Going Deep Into The Will Of The Planet [Second Update]

According to the setting of Type Moon's worldview, if predicted according to normal conditions, human beings should eventually evolve into the Ultimate One of the earth, that is, Type-earth.

It can even be considered that Gilgamesh, the "Wedge of Heaven" created by the Mesopotamian pantheon, was "born" as the prototype of the first Type-earth.

But I don’t know when human beings began to go astray. As a "human" who is subordinate to the will of nature, because he has an independent consciousness, he has gone on a "path" that deviates from the will of nature.

This is the beginning of the spiral of contradictions.

"Alaya" was originally a part of "Gaea", but then differentiated independently, which relied on the rationality generated by the highly developed human brain. There are subtle differences between the two major inhibitory forces: for "Gaea", as long as the world is fine, it doesn't matter what happens to humans; for "Alaya", even if it wants to erode the entire planet, Ensure the survival of mankind.

The reason why the two have lived in peace for a long time is because for humans, if the planet is destroyed, they will not survive, unless humans develop technology that does not rely on the planet to survive————Facts Proving that this can indeed happen.

However, above the Alaya consciousness, there may be a fifth level of consciousness - Amara consciousness.

Just like "Alaya" which emerged from "Gaea", "Amaro" is also produced from the depths of "Alaya". Humanity's will to survive betrays the will of nature, and individuals also betray the whole. Such a collection of individuals is actually what the world calls "religious believers", "sages" and "magicians".

"Saints" think about the ultimate truth: "religious believers" practice asceticism, birth control, and resist the seven deadly sins; "magicians" would rather die than move towards the truth.

Since "God" has no cognitive power, then cognitive power is beyond "God"; since God is only a will or will, then this kind of person denies will - not only does he deny the natural will of "Gaea", they also It also denies the "will to survive" of its own species.

These human beings no longer just pursue their own survival, but are thinking towards a higher level. They pursue truth and principles beyond human beings, and on the other side of them

But what are they pursuing? What are they rebelling against? Philosophers and sages throughout the ages have not understood what this kind of thing is. All of this is nothing but "empty" or """. It’s the “Callan’s Cave”

If we want to give it a name, the so-called "Amara Consciousness" or "Untainted Consciousness" is the realm of emptiness.

Although the "will" initially defined above is divided into several levels, in fact all levels of "will" are a "continuum of consciousness" with no boundaries.

What I want to say is that the potential energy is different.

All physical law, planet consciousness and life will are just its increasingly thinner tentacles: the tentacles of the nameless God appear in human consciousness in the form of instinct and will, arranging human behavior and dictating human destiny; Human reason and a nobler spirit always want to rebel against instinct and get rid of the control of will. This is the eternal theme of the existence called "human beings".

According to the stratification of consciousness, Amara Consciousness is exactly the consciousness of the "betrayers" among human beings. However, this "betrayal", this abandonment of simple thinking of survival, has brought unnatural consequences to the "betrayers". strength.

That is the power that comes from the human subconscious - the power called magic and magic.

Although it is human consciousness that controls this power, the source of the power comes from another organ-the magic/law circuit.

The magic circuit exists as an organ in concept, usually as a nerve, but as a core point, it connects to other points to form multiple branch points. The roads formed by these bifurcation points are connected to the same material as synapses in the brain, and the core will never change.

Human consciousness is expressed by nerves and brain.

Through this phenomenon, Ye Ting deduced the connection between magic circuits and human will - or subjective consciousness, and in this way deduced the manifestation of the will of the planet.

Proving the imaginary number of the coordinates of the planet's magic circuit—the spiritual veins—is the side of the planet's will that manifests itself.

Although Ye Ting's theory was complicated, except for Altira, everyone present was a smart person (god), and they understood the key in just a moment.

"Now that we have found the will of the planet, what should we do to it next?" At this point, BB licked his lips, "I really want to do something to it. If we randomly add some chaotic things, For example, yogurt, yellow or octopus gadgets would be great.”

"Don't mess around, BB.

Ye Ting smiled bitterly and stopped the girl from messing around: "Not to mention the chaos that those messy alien gods' thinking will bring to the world, let's talk about the planetary consciousness. Originally, even though the authority of the magic network has been instigated by Hecate , but He will still fight back."

"BB-chan isn't afraid. Our base camp is on the moon anyway."

Although he said this, BB still gave up this plan and pointed his eyes at Ye Ting.

"Since the consciousness of the planet will resist, what does the Creator want to do?"

"..The best way is to use the spear of the son to attack the shield of the son - use the planet to deal with him originally."

As he spoke, he looked behind him.

Hecate, the goddess who controls the spiritual veins of the world - that is to say, if the planet is a person, then all the magic circuits in his body are ET by one of his cells.

And this cell has long been instigated by the enemy.

"I am your goddess now. No matter what your order is, even if I betray this planet, I will still help you." Looking at Ye Ting's eyes, Hecate smiled faintly, as if spring had returned to the earth, making Ye Ting's heart Next heat.

Definitely, the two have known each other for thousands of years, and there is a tacit understanding between them, so naturally they will not put their feelings in words.

"Then, let us start the next step." Turning around, Ye Ting issued the next order, "The demiplane seed in the past has now been successfully transformed into the completed 'Genesis Eden' under the cultivation of Jehovah. , what we have to do now is to imaginaryize this world and recast it in the consciousness of the planet.


Although they don't know Ye Ting's ultimate goal, Hecate and BB are still in their respective positions.

"BB~, Channel~! Let's start the progress report now! Mooncell will launch a logic operation on the outer crystal wall of 'Genesis Eden'.

Come on, let’s start dismantling the real number space proofs, come on!

In this process, there will probably be some soul astral feeling. No one here will care, right?!

BB-chan’s big victory! Hmm~~~, it’s perfect! Then, let’s start the future prediction. Mooncell will start to prove the boundary hypothesis in 5 seconds, and the space-time friction and decompression must be alleviated within 0.1 seconds————Hecate Please get ready soon→☆”

Under BB's cheerful broadcast, the imaginary number of "Genesis Eden" is about to begin.

Two monthly tickets sing green willows, and a line of flowers reaches the blue sky. .

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