In Mooncell, the proof of the imaginary number of "Genesis Eden" is proceeding rapidly, while Hecate, the real controller of "Genesis Eden", is working hard to maintain this half-damaged world, and at any time according to BB's reports Adjust it based on incoming information.

As a result, this world of huge amounts of money became looming, and then began to turn into reality.

Just like a disappearing mirage, the image of the radiant world suddenly distorted, disappearing into the invisible along with the people in the demiplane.

At that moment, even Ye Ting felt uncomfortable all over his body.

If a mortal was in it at the moment, he would probably feel himself floating up, and then see his body appear in front of his eyes.

Because the soul originally exists as an imaginary number, but the body has the meaning of a real number, during the process of imaginary numbering, there will be a situation where the coordinates of the soul and the body are misaligned, resulting in soul astral.

However, as a magician who has completed the third method, Ye Ting originally achieved the materialization of the soul, regardless of the difference between body and soul.

As for Altira, whose existence form is similar to the heroic spirit, Mephista Danterian, the goddess Hecate and BB, who are higher than the heroic spirit but have a similar general structure, as well as the Angels who are originally produced as energy material weapons, there is no real sense of the concept of the body.

For these people, imaginary numbers are nothing more than an elevator-like experience.

And now, this elevator has ascended from the world of real numbers to the space of imaginary numbers—a different space that exists because of observation.

But here, the "elevator" journey does not end.

"After entering the sea of ​​imaginary numbers, we have only one task left - to transfer the 'Genesis Eden' to the will of the planet and integrate it with it."

Ye Ting issued the final order.

"You mean...let 'Genesis Eden' become part of the will of the planet?"

Hecate had some guesses about Ye Ting's purpose.

"That's right," Ye Ting said with a confident smile: "Although the will of the planet is grand and terrifying, compared with humans, it has no self-concept. In other words, it is a subconscious that only retains instinct. 'Genesis·Eden' originally originated from the magic circuit of the planet (bbce) - spiritual veins. When embedded in the thinking of the planet, there will be basically no rejection reaction. Through this, I, or we, can indirectly affect the world. will."

"Is this... the reverse application of fantasy materialization?" In just a moment, Hecate saw the possibility of Ye Ting's plan, and then cast an admiring look like a magician, " I really dare to think of such a plan.

As the name suggests, it is the ability to materialize fantasies that only exist in the mind.

The ability possessed by the spirit, which is originally the touch of nature and the world, directly connects its consciousness to the world, causing the world to change into an environment consistent with imagination.

Depending on the size of the elves, their manifestation levels are also different, and only nature can be changed. There is no way to change individuals independent of nature.

The specific principle should be to interfere with the "probability" of the occurrence of many events, and to force the occurrence of events that would otherwise be impossible.

In fact, as far as magic is concerned, fantasy manifestation is basically the top magic among the five major magics. Even the "inherent barrier" is just a subtype of fantasy manifestation.

Ye Ting's plan is the reverse use of fantasy materialization, turning something that originally existed into a certain "fantasy" of existence.

It may seem like a switch that outweighs the gains and losses, but when it comes to accepting the object of "utopia", it is extremely appropriate.

Because the object of accepting "utopian fantasy" is the planet.

Unlike human beings who have subjective thinking, or the "inhibition force" that is specialized in the moon world, the will of planet originally is the unconsciousness of Chaos.

That is to say, only the self exists, and only its own survival is the purpose. Otherwise, there will be no stress reaction.

If we look at it from a biological perspective, it is probably similar to ordinary plants or even some single-celled life.

Such a will, even if it is carved into the thought called "Genesis Eden" by Ye Ting, is nothing more. Even if Ye Ting can fully control "Genesis Eden", he cannot affect the will of the planet at will.

Because the original mechanism of action of planetary will is not like that of human beings.

It is like a person who is basically paralyzed from top to bottom. No matter how wildly the person's brain thinks, the only thing that maintains the entire body is instinctive reflexes. Perhaps the brain's full strength can make these reflexes more intense or slower. , even able to commit suicide [but cannot collectively control the precise living group of a certain ten joints or a certain organ.

But in turn, this also allows the thinking called "Genesis Eden" to exist in the will of the planet for a long time.

Because except for "Genesis Eden", the will of this planet was originally just a Chaos that didn't care about anything but its own survival.

Hecate's understanding of the will of the planet is not as deep as Ye Ting's, but this does not prevent her from cooperating with Ye Ting's plan.

Although the realization of fantasy is the prerogative of natural spirits like Yu Ji, it is also a method used by gods.

As for the retrograde realization of fantasy, although she has not tried it, it is not impossible.

After all, she is the goddess of magic.

And beside her, there is a BB who is equivalent to a supercomputer to provide computing power.

"So, the goal, the coordinates of the planet's will, for the creator--in the name of the King of the Moon, Mooncell, open the departure reality, the imaginary number submarine starts---Zero_Sail, Start!"

Although it has escaped into the world of imaginary numbers, Mooncell was originally a computer that existed in both the real and imaginary worlds, so BB can still mobilize its computing power.

The whole process was like passing through a virtual tunnel, like an imaginary black hole. Ye Ting suddenly felt like his body was being pulled, like a stick of plasticine.

Maybe it was a second, or maybe it was ten thousand years.

The transmission was completed, and the strange feeling finally ended.

For imaginary number space, time has no meaning.

The final integration of "Genesis Eden" and planetary thinking begins.

"The transmission of imaginary numbers is about to reach the set goal. The next step is coordinate fitting, which begins to prove the identity of the non-standard coordinates of the Spirit Vein Bow. This is where BB begins to align the coordinates.

"The recasting of 'Genesis Eden' has officially begun, and the principles of creation are unfolding in front of me——" This is Hecate recasting the demiplane. .

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