In order to ensure that he could complete the unification of mankind and the world before the rise of human reason, Ye Ting finally made up his mind and embarked on the path of killing gods.

But killing gods is not as simple as saying it. The gods in the Xingyue world are not so easy to kill.

In particular, the opponent Ye Ting has to face now is the first-class divine system on the surface.

The Olympian pantheon headed by Zeus, the Norse pantheon headed by Odin, the Zoroastrian pantheon headed by Ahura Mazda, the Heliopolis pantheon headed by Era, The Aztec pantheon headed by Quetzalcoatl, the Quetzalcoatl god, the Indian pantheon headed by Fentian, Shiva, Vishnu, etc...

These are the enemies he has to face.

And among these gods, which one is not a god with several supernatural powers?

This god, who is considered undefeated on the surface, cannot be defeated in a simple head-on unless his environment changes drastically.

Even if Ye Ting has Hecate, the world's magic network goddess, BB who is in charge of Mooncell, and even has the help of goddesses such as Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, etc., he dare not say that there is more than 10% odds of winning.

The gods of the moon-shaped world are real gods who master the law, rather than the "gods of disobedience" who are similar to the incarnations of gods in the world of "god killers", and are not so easy to kill.

Throughout the history of the Xingyue world, there are very few people who can be called "god-killers" in the true sense. Most of the so-called "god-killers" kill people like indigenous gods and subordinate gods. Minor gods, or god-killers, are originally direct descendants of gods, and have the potential to become gods.

As far as Ye Ting knows, most of the people with legends of killing gods in Xingyue existed after the demise of the Age of Gods. At that time, even in the island countries where the Age of Gods remained, the power of the gods was not as good as before. This is why people have land killings. Divine opportunity.

Among these god-killers, the only one who is most famous for killing gods is the Queen of the Kingdom of Shadows, Scathach.

Even after the age of gods faded, it was so difficult to become a god-slayer, let alone now.

Now Ye Ting has to face the gods of the entire world.

Oh, by the way, except for the Nordic Gods. As early as Ye Ting first entered the Nordic Gods, he had already seen that this system was dying - the crumbling World Tree, the eyeing giants, and the famous A rebellious boy, Loki gave birth to three siblings: Fenrir, Yemengard, and Hela...

Ye Ting doesn't need to take action at all, just give him a gentle push, and this divine realm will step into Ragnarök on its own.

Thinking of "Gods of the Yellow Emperor", Ye Ting immediately took action.

"Hecate," he looked at the goddess beside him and asked suddenly, "As the goddess of magic, with your understanding of divine power and spells, if you were asked to unlock the seals of the major gods, would you be able to do it?"

Although in terms of magical attainments, not even Hecate can match him, but when it comes to using divine power, the situation is exactly the opposite.

"That is definitely," the goddess nodded affirmatively, "after all, the power of magic contains the spell of sealing - magic is originally the degradation of divine power. As a magical woman oil

Although I cannot use magic to fight against the divine power of the gods in any aspect, it is still very simple to break the seal they set. "

Speaking of this, the goddess seems quite confident. With the support of magical power, Hecate should basically be regarded as a smaller half of an almighty god - similar to Jehovah.

Definitely, compared to the omnipotence of Jehovah, Hecate is worse. After all, her so-called omnipotence uses the omnipotence of magic. But if the power of a certain god is not analyzed as magic, Hecate cannot master this power. .

In the final analysis, the power of magic comes from knowledge.

However, these restrictions are not a problem for Ye Ting.

"That's enough."

Magician smiled slightly and told his plan:

"Although our opponents are the strongest gods in the entire world, these gods are not without their enemies originally: Zeus's enemy Typhon, the Hundred-Armed Giant and the Cyclops are sealed in the depths of hell; the good god Ahura... Mazda has an opponent named Angora Newman; the sun god Ra’s old enemy is the Chaos snake Apophis hidden in the underworld; Quetzalcoatl, the Quetzalcoatl, even has Tezi known as the Smoke Mirror. Kapolika’s mortal enemy; as for Hinduism...the Hindu gods and themselves are going to lose their minds, so ignore them for the time being.”

Although Ye Ting's suggestion was simple, it made everyone take a breath of cold air.

Indeed, this suggestion is effective, and it can even be said that it completely captures the pain points of the gods - no matter which god system they are in, their main gods have powerful Suo that they must face. If you want to fight against these main gods, release them The enemy is undoubtedly a clever plan of "two tigers competing for food".

However, these divine enemies are originally the most evil and dark gods. The divine battle between them and their enemies can almost destroy the world. Only Ye Ting can talk about such a plan while laughing. Cruel person.

"..However, even if I have the power of magic, it still takes time to analyze the sealing spells to unlock the seal...But the places where these dark gods are sealed are strictly guarded. If you want to It [is] too difficult to break the seal before it's discovered.”

After thinking for a while, Hecate expressed her concerns.

Before Ye Ting could give an answer, BB interrupted.

"If Sister Hecate wants to quickly analyze and unlock the seal, BB-chan can provide help. With the support of Mooncell, any kind of protection will not be a problem in front of Sister Hecate."

"Yes, and I can also help," Ye Ting also said, "If you use the first method, you can still create props that facilitate you to unlock the seal."

So, the plan was set.

Before killing the gods, they first release their enemies to cause some trouble for the gods. When the gods are almost exhausted, Ye Ting will lead the goddesses to take action personally, using something like "Creation (is it good) Century· Eden" means to complete the mission of killing gods while temporarily cutting off the true ether.

As the controller of the Inner Sea of ​​Stars, Ye Ting can summon the Inner Sea of ​​Stars at any time on the ground just like summoning the "inherent barrier", so the tactics used by Jehovah in the past to push many small gods are still effective today.

Therefore, before the God-killing battle begins, Ye Ting still has one last task to do.

That is to create artifacts that can fight against the gods.

Use the first method to create "unsubstantial matter", and then give it the law to resist Deities' Power. This artifact can be used whether it is used to fight against gods or to lift the seal of gods.

This weapon used to kill gods was made into a gorgeous spear.

His name was "Longinus" Joe.

It turns out that monthly tickets for flowers are available all over the place, but they all end up in broken wells and ruins. .

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