The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 964: The Masterpiece Of God, Man And The Planet [First Update]

God-killing Weapon Longinus.

This is the name of the weapon created by Ye Ting.

The whole body is mainly made of black and gold, supplemented by red patterns. Under the gorgeous appearance, there is no naked killing intent.

The material is "Unsubstantial Matter No. 1 - Anti-True Ether" created through the first method, the negation of nothingness.

Weapons made of this material can not only cause targeted damage to the true ether on the earth, but can even cause special attacks on the Tai-like particles called "sin" that permeate the universe. In fact, the so-called The cosmic dust sin is the true ether in the true sense.

This is a particle similar to "dark matter" and "dark energy" in cosmology, or it is the essence of "dark matter" and "dark energy". It exists widely in the lifeless space and is the majority of The "magic" that exists in an uninhabited planet with little life.

The true ether on the earth is the energy that is sublimated after sin is assimilated by the life force. It contains the attributes of life that are completely absent in sin, thus neutralizing the toxicity of sin to life.

In fact, the reason why Ye Ting was able to discover the difference between sin and true ether came from the transformation of Mars.

Before the Great Qin Empire transformed Mars, although there were a small number of living things on that planet, even powerful beings like the Mars UO known as the "Lava Lizard" in 777, it was still extremely barren compared to the earth.

At that time, sin was still the magic on Mars.

However, since Ye Ting started to transform the environment of Mars, making the planet gradually filled with various animals and plants, and becoming a colonizable planet suitable for human habitation, he discovered that the sin that originally existed on this planet began to move towards the earth. What a change of direction.

Sin and true ether do have a certain degree of commonality, which leads to the fact that all creatures that rely on sin and true ether for their existence will suffer an extraordinary blow when facing "Weiyuan Substance No. 1".

However, this alone is still not enough.

On this basis, Ye Ting even gave the God-killing Weapon Longinus several different functions through magic. Coupled with the technology inherited from the mechanical civilization Olympus, this powerful weapon was created.

The appearance of Longinus is basically a gorgeous spear, but through structural shapeshifting, it can change from a cold weapon to a gun at any time. It can be called a multi-function weapon that can be used near or far.

In terms of function, Ye Ting gave Longinus the concept of killing ability called "Tianshou".

The so-called Tianshou refers to life-span-based killing, which can cause damage to hostile targets that is proportional to its established lifespan.

To put it bluntly, it is a naked weapon against immortals and even immortal species.

Even an opponent that doesn't even have the concept of death will cause huge amounts of damage when faced with the power of "Tian Shou".

In short, in all directions, Longinus has targeted the gods to the extreme.

It can be called a great weapon against gods.

The only problem is that the terrifying lethality must be hit to be unleashed.

However, the power of gods is often all-round. In addition to power, any god can give himself powerful agility based on his divine power alone.

Therefore, on this basis, Ye Ting additionally gave Longinus the powerful spatial confinement attribute.

The "space anchor" that was strengthened to the level of resistance to gods was loaded on Longinus by Ye Ting, ensuring that when the gods were penetrated by Longinus, there was absolutely no way to escape or deflect the damage.

The production of Longinus took a lot of time from Ye Ting, the goddesses, Daedalus and other magicians, as well as the top alchemists of the Qin Dynasty [using countless raw materials from the Qin Empire and Mystra Academy.

And the one who made the biggest sacrifice for this was Athena.

In order to cast Longinus, she contributed her own artifact - which is also her god, the goddess of victory Nike (the etymology of Nike, the Roman name is Victoria, which is the etymology of Victory) ).

If we trace the source, the power that Niki, who represents victory, actually possesses is a kind of "destiny". This power is mysterious and mysterious. Although it seems extremely powerful, Niki's original power is too weak, so she often cannot Use the full power of "victory".

So, Niki chose another path: transforming into an artifact with the body of a god for Athena to drive.

As an artifact, Niki has approximately three forms - golden sculpture, golden scepter and golden spear.

With the help of Nikki, Athena was able to compete head-on with the god-king Zeus who holds the artifact thunder without Ye Ting's help.

And now, in order to create a weapon to kill the god, Niki dedicated her godhead and became a part of Longinus.

The shapeshifting ability of Longinus between Spears comes from Nikki.

It can be said that the goddess Niki has now become an existence similar to Longinus' weapon spirit.

During the process of casting the artifact, both the alchemists of Great Qin and the magicians of Mystra Academy relied on the computing power of the main computer Moorcell to provide remote technical support.

But the place where Longinus was actually created was the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

There, Ye Ting and other goddesses gave Longinus the power of powerful spells and concepts. At the same time, even the soul of the planet originally gave him blessings.

It can be said that this artifact can be regarded as a masterpiece conceived jointly by gods, humans, and the planet.

When Longinus was born, the entire Star Inner Sea was shocked by its powerful power and terrifying courage, especially the several goddesses. Longinus contained the unabashed viciousness towards the gods. The murderous intent almost made them shudder.

"Well, this power... I always feel like we are doing it to ourselves. We are obviously gods, but we want to create weapons to kill gods. It's stupid no matter how we think about it.

Looking at the murderous spear in front of her, Aphrodite, who was least good at fighting among the goddesses, couldn't help but shudder.

Hearing this, Moon Goddess Artemis pouted and showed a sarcastic smile.

"What, if you don't want to, you should have refused in the first place, and regretted it later. What did the red one think... If you are like me, my dear, no matter what you ask for, you will satisfy it without any doubt. Him."

"White, why do you accuse me? Even if his request is to make a weapon that can kill you, do you still have to satisfy him?"

"Definitely, my dear is my dear, no matter what you ask for, I will do it."

"So, even as the god of love, I have to admit that sluts are the hardest to deal with.

Listening to the two goddesses bickering, Athena felt angry in her heart for some reason.

"You two idiot love-brained goddesses are just half-matched in this regard! And you, stinky man, stop showing off your affection there triumphantly, come on and give me a try on the power of this weapon!"

FGO's Aphrodite has been installed. She has red hair and the painting is pretty good.

The white one is the white-haired Artemis. .

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