The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 976 Sweeping Across Europe And Asia [First Update]

From the berserkers of Northern Europe to the nomads of Persia, to the Egyptian pharaohs on the banks of the Nile, the global divine wars have undoubtedly allowed humans around the world to experience the most unusual years in their lives.

The impact of the divine war is not limited to the realm of the gods, but also affects the entire earth.

Gods are the spokespersons of rule. Any move they make on the heads of the humans they dominate will be a drastic change that can overturn a lifetime.

When the gods are angry, the color of heaven and earth will change.

The gods roared loudly, thunder resounded, and the earth shook.

Once a god dies, blood clouds fill the sky and rain pours.

In front of the gods, human beings at the moment are still too insignificant.

The gods' war does not target humans, but the weak humans who are inadvertently affected by the war have only one way to die.

The war between gods has made life miserable for the people of various divine realms.

The worst thing is definitely the "287" God's Domain in Northern Europe - even the World Tree has collapsed and withered, and there are basically no humans left in Northern Europe.

In other divine realms, human losses were also very heavy.

When the war between gods is over and the gods return to their old homes to lick their wounds after suffering this unreasonable disaster, humans can finally recuperate and reproduce to replenish the lost population.

But they don't know that this is just the beginning.

Soon, they encountered a formidable enemy they had never imagined, a torrent of steel from a foreign country that transcended the times. They took this opportunity to invade brazenly, baring their fangs against civilizations around the world.

For all countries and civilizations on the earth except Great Qin, Great Qin's legions are undoubtedly demonic legions from hell, monsters that should not exist in the world.

While they were still using broadswords and spears, the Qin Army had already used guns, artillery, and even energy weapons; while they were still struggling to form cavalry on war horses and use them as elites, the Qin Army's The army has achieved 100% mechanization; while they are still playing with ballistas and trebuchets, the Qin army's rail guns have spread throughout the entire low-Earth orbit...

Their warriors have worked hard and are still struggling in the face of power armor; their powerful war magic is vulnerable to sanctions from space; the giant war puppets they are proud of are nothing compared to the magic mechas See the great witch; their generals' strategizing and various calculations are all in vain in the face of satellite observation and Mooncel's computing power.

Regardless of whether it was conventional power or extraordinary power, these kingdoms were all crushed in front of the Qin Empire.

Therefore, starting from India during the Mauryan Dynasty, the Qin army, led by a new generation of commanders headed by "Han Xin", advanced rapidly in a crushing manner, defeating the Mauryan Dynasty, the Seleucid Empire, and the Huns. , Persia...the army crossed the Eurasian and African continents and fought all the way to the Strait of Gibraltar.

This naturally includes Egypt, which once rose with the help of Ye Ting. But to this day, the rulers of Egypt are no longer the same people as before. After the god Ra was swallowed by the god Amun, the pantheon that dominates Egypt is no longer the Heliopolis pantheon in the past, but the pantheon called Heliopolis. Hermopolitan's new pantheon, headed by the god Amun, was born from the remains of the Heliopolis pantheon.

Naturally, Ye Ting didn't have to give face to the unknown God Amon. For Bastet and Nitocris, the Hermopolitan pantheon is an enemy pantheon. Taking action against them is an act of revenge in the eyes of the female pharaoh and Catwoman, so they are unlucky. God Amun had just sat on the throne of the God King and had just tasted a little of the sweetness of being the God King, and he immediately became a dead soul under the spear of Longinus.

In the process of unifying the world, Ye Ting has to face more than just enemies.

As the Qin Dynasty conquered foreign countries, these subverted countries and civilizations naturally turned to their gods, and the gods happened to be Ye Ting's goal.

So the divine war began again.

Different from the previous battles between gods, Ye Ting, who has mastered the Inner Sea of ​​Stars, can summon the opposite side of the Inner Sea of ​​Stars at any time, create an alien world on the earth, and create an environment that seals the true ether, thus preventing the gods from exerting their true power.

Such a "foreign world" can not only limit the power of gods, but also prevent war from destroying the earth, so that "fights between gods" are limited to gods.

Ye Ting, who has mastered the "God-killing Spear", is naturally the nemesis of the gods. The God-killing Spear of Longinus is accurate with every shot, especially since Ye Ting made a special trip to Northern Europe before starting the war. From the battlefield of Ragnarök The weapon of the great god Odin, a meteor gun named "Gangnir", was recovered from the ruins.

This artifact called the "Great God's Declaration" was made by the dwarfs from the branches of the World Tree. It has a sacred and powerful power - the oath sworn on the tip of the spear will never be regretted and will be fulfilled.

This ability is also very simple when used in combat. It means "it will definitely hit the target as soon as it is thrown". It is a magic gun that can hit anything with perfect accuracy.

As a result, Ye Ting integrated Gangnir's power into Longinus, making this weapon against the gods even more invincible.

At the same time, Ye Ting also has many helpers who can fight against the gods - at least in the environment of cutting off the true ether, these helpers are enough to fight against the gods.

As a result, the gods on the earth were in great misfortune. Their vitality was severely damaged due to the battle between gods. They were defeated one after another by the strength of Ye Ting and his party, and fell one after another.

As a being who once fought against the primitive gods as a white giant Sefalu, Altira is undoubtedly the number one killer against the gods besides Ye Ting. Even if she loses the terrifying ability to devour civilization and contain spirit children to construct her own body, she can still be called a terrifying god killer with the rainbow sword in her hand.

Under the guidance of her "Star of Tears, Sword of the God of War", the orbital bombardment from the sky will become a rainbow-colored beam of destruction capable of exterminating civilization and killing the Death God. In the Indian pantheon, Indra, the god of war, and his The army was completely wiped out as a result.

Goddess such as Aphrodite, Artemis, Athena, and BB, and Mephistas such as Bastet and Danterion, are regarded as natural spirits and Yu Ji with a high nature of the sea within the star, as well as her boudoir. Close friends, including the Sun God Tamamo Mae who came to help and collect the Sun God's incarnation during the chaos, are all Ye Ting's good helpers when annihilating the gods. However, the one who helps Ye Ting the most is Awakening's true power. Angels.

Because it is a 0.9 man-made weapon created after the gods, Angel is not only powerful, but also has various powers.

Angels are like super powers. The power of degraded "power" cannot be compared with that of real gods. However, in an environment where the true ether is cut off, Angels can indeed fight head-on with gods.

Moreover, the advantage of Angel is never to fight alone - this can be seen from the names of Angels.

The group of Angels is called the "Heavenly Army".

From the beginning of the design, Ye Ting consciously gave them the ability to connect with each other and fight as a team.

Even Veleslana, the military god of the Zoroastrian pantheon who had mastered the ten incarnations, quickly fell into defeat when faced with the siege of ten angels, chief angels and fallen angels.

The sword of wisdom that cuts off the godhead is ultimately no match for the siege net of the heavenly army. .

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