The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 977 Golden-Haired And White-Faced Tamamozamae [Second Update]

As the steel torrent of Great Qin pushed forward, the War of Gods finally reached all the way from India to Greece.

Zeus, who was once Ye Ting's great enemy, finally died, killed by the spear of Longinus that penetrated his core. The battle with the Titans consumed too much of his strength, leaving him unable to defend himself against the God-killing Spear, and everything ended.

Gods such as Ares and Hephaestus also share the same fate with him, including Poseidon who rules the ocean, Hades who rules the underworld, etc...

Except for Athena and other goddesses who stood on Ye Ting's side, as well as some gods who were neutral and ignored worldly affairs, the Olympus God System, the old enemy that had been entangled with Ye Ting for thousands of years, declared its defeat.

The battle of conquest to unify the world lasted less than a week, and the final battle of Great Qin ended in America.

After driving away the old rival Quetzalcoatl, the Quetzalcoatl, the great god Tezcatlipoca, known as the "Smoke Mirror", was not able to start the new Jiyu rule as he thought.

The one who defeated this "impermanent" lord was Tamamo Mae, who followed Ye Ting and absorbed most of the 11 sun gods on the earth.

Although this beautiful demon fox has the potential to be a beauty incarnated as a monster—Mrs. Huayang of India, Meixi of the Xia Dynasty, Daji of the Shang Dynasty, Bao Si of the Western Zhou Dynasty, and the Jade Arrow of Japan in the future—a monster that brings trouble to all countries. On one side, there is also the side of the sun god who is the incarnation of the rule.

Perhaps it is precisely because of his "demon" side that Tamamo Mae is not as paranoid as a real god, but his thinking is as flexible and changeable as a human being. Because of this, she took the initiative to jump out of Xuanyuan Tomb and stand on Ye Ting's side when Ye Ting launched the God-killing War, instead of stubbornly standing on Ye Ting's side like those gods from the old era who were unwilling to change. The opposite will eventually lead to defeat.

Dumbledore once said it right - it is not his strength that determines a person, but his choice.

Sometimes, taking sides is really important.

For example, Tamamo Mae was originally just a great demon who caused trouble in the world, but was chased everywhere by Jiang Ziya. On the other hand, as the sun god, her strength can only be said to be high or low among the sun gods of the gods. She cannot compare to the top of the sun god, sitting next to La, the god king of the Heliopolis god system. But it is much better than the shameful sun god with no reputation like Sur in Northern Europe.

But now, having stood on the right team, her current strength has been drastically reduced compared to the past. Along the way, she has devoured Surya from India, Mithras from Persia, Amun-Ra from Egypt, etc., and also from Northern Europe. Sur's Sun Godhead was devoured in the ruins and she received Apollo's legacy from Artemis. Now her Sun Godhead has expanded to an unprecedented level. It can be said that her spiritual base has reached Fixed Star scale.

Nowadays, she can be regarded as the sun god among sun gods, a pseudo-deity of the sun.

If we look at the hierarchy of gods, then Tamamo no doubt is infinitely close to the God of God.

And in the hands of "Smoke Mirror", he also holds a quite powerful sun godhead.

This is the legacy of Tonadiu, the sun god from the period of Quetzalcoatl and Quetzalcoatl. In order to complete the final piece of the puzzle, Tamamo Mae naturally showed great initiative.

In front of Tamamo Mae, who was infinitely close to the God of God, "Smoke Mirror" Tezcatlipoca didn't have much ability to resist. He was easily subdued and took away the Sun Godhead, and was then used by Ye Ting with the power of Longinus. Guns take lives.

With the death of Tezcatlipoca as the starting point, Great Qin's unification of the earth finally came to an end.

Today, Da Qin has become the only country left on this planet. Except for a few island countries, all humans on the earth are the subjects of Da Qin. Da Qin has truly unified the world.

And Ye Ting, the Emperor of Qin, has officially become the Lord of the World, or one ball long.

When the news reached the Qin army, whether it was the infantry in power armor or the technicians operating the railgun from far away in the sky, they all cheered spontaneously.

Even though Great Qin's journey has now entered the sea of ​​stars, they still believe that unifying the world is an amazing achievement. The entire Great Qin, both the military and the people, have to admit that Ye Ting, the name of the first emperor of Qin, Zhao, has achieved this. Politics——can indeed be said to have the virtues of the Three Emperors and the merits of the Five Emperors.

Definitely, apart from these mortals, even the gods must agree with this point of view.

For example, Tamamo-mae.

On the Sun Pyramids in the city of Teotihuacan, the golden-haired white-faced fox who had just completed the ritual of devouring the sun godhead walked towards the man in front of him with charming steps, "with obsession in his eyes.

Yes, he is obviously a great god with Fixed Star scale and can even challenge You Xing, but now he is looking at Ye Ting's back with a slut-like expression.

In fact, Ye Ting, who was standing on the top of the Sun Pyramids, looking out into the distance boredly, had already noticed Tamamo Mae as soon as she appeared.

In fact, it was not just once or twice that he was stared at by Tamamo Mae. Ever since his relationship with Yu Ji took a step forward and he was introduced to his best friend Tamamo Mae by Yu Ji, Ye Ting had noticed the fact that he was already being targeted by this enchantress who was causing trouble in the world.

Although Tamamo Mae, as the sun god and great demon, had many tricks, Ye Ting still discovered this matter several times when she stared at it like this.

If Ye Ting hadn't been able to confirm that Tamamae didn't intend to treat him like he did to Xia Jie, Shang Zhou, and King Zhou You, he might have been the first to kill Tamamae.

After all, she was a troublesome demon concubine who overturned two countries and four dynasties. Even Ye Ting had to be wary.

Since the power of Tamamozen 473 is still needed, in order to avoid any conflicts, Ye Ting has no intention of revealing this before completing the great cause of unifying the earth and killing the gods.

But now, the biggest task has been completed, and he finally couldn't hold back the doubts in his heart.

So, just when Tamamo was hiding in the corner and staring at him like a slut as usual, Ye Ting finally turned around.

Sensing the man's movements, Tamamo Mae hurriedly hid behind the scenes.

However, the man's voice still sounded.

"Stop hiding, Xiaoyu, I've already seen you."

"Hey, hey, he was discovered."

As the cute voice sounded, the demon concubine who brought disaster to the country walked out of her hiding place.

The girl's figure caught Ye Ting's eyes. Although the two were already very familiar with each other, every time he saw her, Ye Ting couldn't help but feel a surge in his heart.

The girl's golden hair is as gorgeous and bright as the sun, and her skin is as white as snow, with a faint luster. Exquisite and pretty facial features can only be reflected in words like national beauty and heavenly fragrance. Her enchanting temperament is not limited to men, even women will blush and their hearts beat when they see her.

Especially those charming eyes with amber beast pupils are full of countless tenderness and enchantment.

This is the legendary beauty, the pseudo-deity of the sun, the rare great demon, the nine-tailed demon fox Tamamo Mae. .

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