The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 979: The Irritable Old Yu [Second Update]

The fox is the opposite of the dragon, and this is indeed said in occult science.

In myths and legends, the fox is the spirit that guards the tombs on the hill - Tamamo no Sae, or Daji has been responsible for guarding the Xuanyuan tomb before she came out to help Ye Ting.

And its true face is exactly the feminine form of the earth vein (dragon).

Although only the Yang dragon (the energy that exists for living people) is mentioned in Feng Shui, the fox is the Yin dragon (the Feng Shui energy that exists for decedent) that is more valued than the Yang dragon in the original Feng Shui.

And Xiaoyu's behavior of transforming into a beautiful woman and subverting various countries was also related to dragon veins and dragon energy. The destruction of the Xia, Shang and Zhou dynasties in China and the Indian Kingdom of Magadha was largely due to the depletion of dragon vein power caused by Xiaoyu.

In addition to being absorbed by Xiaoyu, the power of these dragon veins formed one of the artifacts in Xiaoyu's hand - the killing stone.

From the perspective of the harmony of yin and yang in the earth, Xiaoyu's existence is indeed of great help to Ye Ting's rule.

Just as Ye Ting was thinking about this issue carefully, Xiaoyu, who was holding his sleeve to act coquettishly, suddenly froze.

Then, a familiar voice came from behind her.

"Stinky! Fox! Fox! Your Majesty who seduced me, do you want to die?"

With such an irritable tone, the visitor must be Yu Ji.

You can imagine Tamamo Mae's embarrassment when she was caught on the spot after prying her best friend's corner.

Especially before she met Ye Ting, Tamamae once swore in front of Yu Ji that she believed in monogamy and hoped that her future husband would be a dedicated man and would never take advantage of her best friend.

Being caught now is naturally doubly embarrassing.

"Um...Yu Nu, please listen to 723 and let me explain..."

Turning back stiffly, Tamamo Mae tried to say something.

Then, the wind sounded.

Tamamo-mae, who was originally wearing a complicated and gorgeous robe that hindered movement, suddenly became agile at this moment, stepped on the ground suddenly, and flew up.

The next moment, a slim female body fell from the sky, and a slender hand slammed onto the floor tiles on top of the Sun Pyramids.

It's Yu Ji.


In an instant, the floor tiles were smashed to pieces, and a large crater suddenly appeared under the huge force of the originally flat Pyramids.

"don't want.....……

Ye Ting stretched out his hand, wanting to say something and stop Yu Ji's behavior.

But soon, he noticed something, so the human Magician shook his head, left the place in a flash, and appeared on the ground not far away.


Amidst huge amounts of noise and dust, the Sun Pyramids, one of the two most magnificent Aztec temples, collapsed under Yu Ji's punch and turned into a pile of ruins.

Although as a natural elf, Yu Ji's physical fitness is indeed exaggerated, but she is the only elf who can directly fight with others based on her physical fitness.

She was obviously praised as a "mountain ghost" by Qu Yuan and regarded as the goddess of Wushan by Song Yu, the king of Xiang. She has a fairy-like temperament, but she is actually such a violent person.

The irritable old Yu lives up to his reputation.

It's a pity that when she was furious (bbfa), Yu Ji was a little out of her mind [it was the same this time - she was caught off guard and buried everything.

"This is... too exaggerated. Yu Nu is really angry."

Xiaoyu, who escaped the disaster, fell from the sky next to Ye Ting and stuck out her tongue in embarrassment.

After a while, Yu Ji crawled out from the ruins.

Unfortunately, this severe blow did not completely calm her down. When she saw that her best friend was still unrepentant and standing next to her man with a look of "seduce men (in her opinion)", Yu Ji burst into anger again.

Her anger can be seen at a glance even by people who don't understand the style - because she is really angry and bursting into flames.

With a strong vitality, blood-red arrogance came out from her body.

"Don't, don't do this..."

As if he understood what Yu Ji was going to do, Tamamo Mae exclaimed and wanted to stop him.

Unfortunately, it's too late.

"My eternal lamentation, even abandoned by the fate of destruction. O sky! O clouds! Curse life with your tears of sorrow!"

As Yu Ji shouted angrily, her perfect female body turned into a complete bloody flame, then expanded infinitely, turning into a sea of ​​blood, and even the clouds in the sky turned into blood.

Looking at the woman in front of him, Ye Ting seemed to feel a cry that spanned time and space ringing in his ears.

“Allahhu Akbar!”

The next moment, the sea of ​​​​blood rushed straight towards Tamamo Mae, and blood rain began to fall in the blood-colored clouds.

No, it was not just a rain of blood, but like a bloody bomb falling from the sky, it would cause huge amounts of destruction when it fell to the ground.

The blood-colored ocean is like a monster that devours everything. Although it exudes a fishy and sweet smell, it is extremely terrifying inside. Anything swallowed by it will instantly melt and become part of the blood sea.

This is exactly Yu Ji's unique trick - to curse the blood corpse and release the sigh song.

A crude skill that gives up one's own body, causes the magic power to exceed its limits and goes out of control, and uses a curse to cause abnormal weather, and then rebuilds the body's crude skill. It can be said that it is a self-destruction attack that can only be used by elves who share their spiritual core with the environment.

As expected of the irritable old Yu, even his ultimate move is so simple and crude.

"Hey, hey, hey, Zunnu, are you serious!? Don't do this!!"

In this blood-colored rainstorm and ocean, Tamamo-mae was floating like a small boat, avoiding the terrible attack in embarrassment.

"No, help, kill the fox! Your Majesty, please take care of your concubine, Migu————

Looking at the unlucky Tamamo, Ye Ting, who had already run away, just twitched his lips.

"Well... let's forget it. It's not good for me as a man to interfere in the affairs between your besties."

"Your Majesty is evil--"

With a cry, Tamamo Mae had no choice but to abandon her reserve and image, and hid even harder.

After a long while, the blood rain stopped, and the blood sea began to shrink, and finally condensed into a female body - it was Yu Ji.

The two girls were panting and sitting together in embarrassment.

For Yu Ji, the experience of meeting Ye Ting was completely a bad fate.

She had lived alone in Wushan for a long time and was ignorant of worldly affairs. She met Ye Ting in the Qin Palace due to a misunderstanding.

For her, her acquaintance with Ye Ting should have been no more than a casual acquaintance. Ye Ting, like King Chu Xiang and Song Yu, should have become a passer-by in her long life as an elf.

Unexpectedly, this human magician was different from other humans who had met Yu Ji. He clearly held a high position, but had no dignity or self-consciousness as a superior. He used various "rogue" methods against Yu Ji. In addition, The existence of those "similar" Yu Ji who accompanied Ye Ting prompted this spirit of heaven and earth to stay with Ye Ting as a princess.

Maybe it's because of the good looks and long-lasting love; or maybe it's because Yu Ji, as an inexperienced newcomer, was "cheated" by Ye Ting, an old driver. In short, the innocent girl (Dawu) fell into the trap of the old hunter like a little white rabbit and boarded Ye Ting's pirate ship.

Then she discovered that she seemed to have been cheated.

Not to mention the white-clothed, brown-skinned, mouthless girl berserker who has been following Ye Ting, and even she is afraid of it, nor Ye Ting’s Goth Loli secretary, not to mention the three levels from assassin to prisoner to assistant officer. The jumping swordsman girl - after spending time with them, the calm-minded Yu Ji accepted their existence - - However, after conquering the world and killing Xiang's plan, Yu Ji discovered that it turned out that The number of women around Ye Ting is not just one or two, nor three or four, but more than double digits.

Moreover, none of these women are ordinary: there are several goddesses who are both beautiful and powerful, such as Hecate, Aphrodite, Artemis, BB, etc., who stand at the pinnacle of the gods, and The others who are slightly weaker also have powers beyond mortals...

This fact made Yu Ji's mind fall into a considerable degree of entanglement.

It's like a wife who lets her husband find a mistress suddenly discovers that there are many times more women around her husband than she imagined. What's even more exciting is that most of them came before her, but she herself He is the "mistress".

When encountering Aquaman like this, what else can Yu Ji do besides feel bitter inside?

Definitely forgive him.

When will the flower reviews be available? Do you know how much the monthly ticket is? There was an east wind in the small building last night, and the motherland cannot bear to look back at the bright moon!

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