The Dharma God Of All Realms Begins With Harry Potter

Chapter 980 The Beginning Of The Human King [First Update]

As an immortal and an elf of heaven and earth, Yu Ji's outlook on life is naturally very different from that of ordinary people, and her acceptance of such things is much more generous. However, no matter how generous or open-minded she is, she cannot escape the fact that she is a woman. Such fact.

Naturally, Yu Ji also had deep resentment in her heart.

However, with Yu Ji's character, she naturally cannot say, "Why did it become like this? It was me first, it was obviously me first..." With such a defeated statement, her resentment will usually be deeply hidden. In the heart. But the resentment will not disappear out of thin air. The hidden resentment will burst out sooner or later.

Such as now.

Yu Ji's anger is not just directed at Tamamo Mae, but also an outburst of resentment against Ye Ting's Aquaman behavior over the years.

As for Tamamo Mae, she just happened to be the target of her venting.

Perhaps it was because of knowing this that Tamamo Mae clearly had a powerful power that far surpassed that of Yu Ji, but he did not resist her attack at all, and did not even defend himself. He just used his body to dodge in embarrassment.

Just to vent his anger on his irritable best friend.

Now, Yu Ji blew herself up like this. Although she didn't really hurt Tamamo Mae, it still made this witch who always loved beauty quite embarrassed. It can be said that she breathed a sigh of relief. Therefore, the resentment in Yu Ji's heart can be regarded as A lot less.

"Huh~huh~ Have you finally stopped?" Sitting next to Yu Ji in the deep pit, Tamamo Mae was breathing heavily, while leaning towards the elf next to her in a flattering manner, and complained loudly: "Obviously Yu Ji Nu and Xiaoyu have known each other for thousands of years, and now they are fighting Xiaoyu because of a man. Yunu is really heartless."

"It would not be a pity for a stinky woman who wants to seduce His Majesty to die ten thousand times. 11

Yuji snorted coldly, and her tough response seemed to be unkind to Tamamo Mae. After a while, she added in a low voice:

"Anyway, this level of attack can't hurt you, can it?"

"I knew that Yu Nu would not hate Xiaoyu."

After hearing her friend's duplicitous explanation, instead of being angry because of her previous toughness, Tamamo Mae cheered, then boldly approached Yu Ji and hugged her tightly regardless of her resistance.

This best friend looked as if the big fight just now had never happened.

However, the remains of the Sun Pyramids behind him and the rugged ground all around showed the intensity of the "battle situation" just now.

Being shown such a shameless favor by Tamamo no Mae, even the usually indifferent Yu Ji had no choice but to accept it, so the conflict between the two about Ye Ting was resolved invisible by Tamamo Mae.

What remains is a pair of stunning beauty lilies in full bloom. Even among the ruins, it is still pleasing to the eye.

At least Ye Ting was attracted.

After a while, Tamamo-mae pulled Yu Ji and came to Ye Ting with lively steps, presenting the treasure to him as if he had won a battle.

"Da la~, Xiaoyu's victory! Lord Ye Ting, Xiaoyu has successfully persuaded Yu Nu to accept my existence. How about it? Is Xiaoyu very capable? Next, please prepare yourself and accept it, Lord Ye Ting. Xiaoyu, pursue it passionately in all aspects~"

She was obviously a demon concubine and the goddess of the sun who brought disaster to the country, but this time she seemed like a young girl in love. Tamamo Mae's character really changed a lot.

However, before she could feel proud, her best friend next to her gave her a heavy blow.

"What does it mean to accept your existence? That kind of thing...I never said that. Don't be complacent, Your Majesty!"

"Hey, eh, how's it going?"

Being stabbed in the back by her best friend, the female fox shouted in disappointment, and even a pair of furry ears pulled down, just like a disappointed puppy:

"Obviously the most handsome guy in the world who is most suitable for Xiaoyu is right in front of her, but Yu Nu wants to prevent Xiaoyu from pursuing her. If this happens, Xiaoyu will become dull because of lovesickness, and even if he dies, it is not impossible? So virginity Don’t wait until death to save me, Migu~”

Seeing that Yu Ji couldn't bear to change her words, Tamamo Mae immediately started to coquettishly coquettishly treat her.

He is obviously such a powerful god and controls a planet-level spiritual base, but now he is making such concessions around an elf born on a planet, and he seems to be enjoying it.

Tamamo Mae is really cute.

Regardless of how Yu Ji handles her relationship with Tamamo no Mae, in short, after the Aztec Empire also surrendered to the iron heel of the Great Qin, 99.9% of the human beings in this world have been regarded as the subjects of the Great Qin. , Ye Ting’s people.

At this time, it is not an exaggeration to call Ye Ting the co-owner of mankind.

If those who rule a country or a nation are called "human kings", then Ye Ting at the moment is the king of kings, standing at the apex of human kings.

Such achievements are enough to make all rulers at home and abroad feel ashamed. No matter any so-called "sage" or "emperor" in history, their achievements will pale in comparison to Ye Ting.

Asking for flowers…

In fact, whether it was Qin Shihuang in history or Alexander the Great in the past, all attempts to complete this great cause, unify human beings who were originally scattered in all corners of the earth, and recreate the miracle of the Tower of Babel, ultimately failed.

Unifying mankind is originally a miracle among miracles.

Perhaps only a time traveler like Ye Ting can complete it.

However, this great achievement, which is unattainable for anyone, has no real meaning for Ye Ting.

For him, simple conquest is of no use.

Ye Ting's goal is to master Alaya, that is, to control the collective unconscious of mankind.

To achieve this goal, physical conquest is only the beginning, and spiritual conquest is the most important.

Ye Ting still has a way to go if he wants to achieve this goal before human reason fully arises and Alaya is fully formed.

You must know that Ye Ting is originally also a "person", because Qin also represents part of the "human principle".

With Ye Ting's slaughter of the gods, his conquest of mankind, and with the continuous expansion of the Qin Dynasty, the rise of human principles has accelerated much faster than in real history.

What Ye Ting has to do now is to start a race with the rising human theory.

It will take some time before Alaya truly takes shape.

Before that, Ye Ting must become the true ruler of all mankind and engrave his authority deeply in everyone's heart.

However, right now, Ye Miao's top priority is not this.

For humans, the death of gods only cuts off half of the shackles.

The Age of Gods is not really the end.

As long as there is true ether on the earth, divine creatures will continue to be born. Whether they are spirits or real gods, although they are all extinct now under Ye Ting's butcher knife, there will always be new ones under the nourishment of true ether. A divine creature is born.

Therefore, his most important priority is to completely subvert the land full of true ether and create a world without true ether.

Only then will the group truly end the Age of Gods.

Monthly tickets will produce Feilu, and a few branches will be issued at the beginning of the month.

I hope you will pick more of them, this is the most loved thing. .

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