The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1741: Flying field Ji's sister?


It seems that the flight field Ji also has no meaning in understanding her own words. This suddenly made her bow her head and said a sorry.

Can you apologize to the deep sea ghost Ji, Li Yalin can also be regarded as the world's first person?

"The key to evolution can make the deep sea evolve. I know now, why can Neroy also compete for this stuff? Can they also evolve through the evolutionary key?"

For the apology of the flight field Ji, Li Yalin did not mind at all, and he now has more questions to figure out.

For example, the role of the evolutionary key on Niloy.

"In this regard, there is no information in the core of my memory, but since Nero is in need, I am afraid they can also evolve through the evolutionary key."

Li Yalin shook his head. For this problem, the flight field Ji did not understand very well. After all, there was no intersection between the deep sea and Niloy.

"Deep sea and Niloy can be used, but the ship's mother can't use it. What is the principle?"

The saying of the flight field Ji, Li Yalin's brow is deeply wrinkled. It is reasonable to say that the deep sea-occupied ship and Neroy belong to two different species. Why can it be evolved with the same evolutionary key, which really makes him very puzzled.

This is totally unreasonable!

However, when he was thinking hard and could not come up with an answer, the words of the flight field Ji directly shocked him on the spot.

"The deep sea and the Neroyi are all from the same space, and the evolutionary key can be used. It is also established."

"What? What are you talking about?"

Both the deep sea and Niloy are from the same space?

Are you sure you are not wrong?

To be honest, the words of the flight field Ji really scared Li Yalin.

According to his understanding, Neroy and deep-sea vessels should be divided into two different worlds. After all, there is nothing in common between the two.

One has a core, it will become a fragment after it is destroyed, and the other is a shipwreck after being killed. It is impossible to connect with it.

But the result is good, the flight field Ji actually told him that the two actually came from the same space, this is not funny!

"Are you sure? Deep sea turtles and Niloyy... are you all products of the same space?"

After the shock, Li Yalin also gathered his mind, although the flight scene Ji did give him a great shock, but he still has to figure out.

"Although I am not particularly clear, it should be true."

Compared with the expulsion of Ji Ji, who was just born soon, as the old-fashioned deep sea ghost Ji’s flight field Ji, obviously know more.

Unfortunately, she does not know the meaning of her appearance in this world. Like the expulsion of Qi Ji, she is also relying on this instinct to carry out activities.

For example... occupying this ocean.

According to the flight field Ji, the instinct of the deep sea ghost Ji is the same as other creatures, and it is completely survival.

So how do you survive?

It's very simple, looking for enough resources, gathering a huge fleet, standing on top of the ocean, and then surviving.

Niloy should be similar to the deep sea, but the deep sea needs marine resources, and Niloy is cold and cold, but if they need it, they will be dispatched and plundered.

More critically, compared to the deep sea, Niloy's approach is more simple and rude. They will only obey the command of the lair, act according to the order of the lair, devour and survive, and nothing more.

It is like the wave ss of the deep sea is like the ghost Ji, the wave ss of Niloy, is the nest.

As for both of them coming from the same space, it is only the conclusion of the flight field Ji himself. It should be said that... it is a memory belonging to her, let her know about this situation.

However, more things are not something she can know.

The result... Is the clue broken again?

Originally, I learned that both the deep sea and the Niloyi came from the same space. Li Yalin thought that he could know some bigger materials. The result could be better. After the explanation of the flight field Ji, he understood it and he would stop here.

This kind of feeling of not getting up, it is really enough to make people hurt!

"So, you need to evolve the key, just want to be stronger, and then continue to survive?"

Listening to the flight scene, Ji said so much, Li Yalin has almost understood that since the deep sea and Niloy are relying on the instinct of survival to plunder, then that is, the key to evolution is the key to survival.

However, when I watched the flight scene again, she unexpectedly shook her head.

"No, I don't want to use the evolutionary key to become stronger, but need it... save my sister..."

younger sister?

Originally listening to the flight field Ji did not need to evolve the key to become stronger, Li Yalin was already very surprised, but the result was good, she actually had another sister.

What is the situation?

"You deep sea ghost Ji...and sister relationship?"

Before listening to the expulsion, Ji Ji said that their deep sea ghost Ji is not born of consciousness? How come the sisters have this setting?

Question, if the deep sea ghost Ji has sisters, who are they born?

And what Li Yalin wants to know most is, who is their father?

“Why can't deep sea ghost Ji have a sister relationship?”

Seeing Li Yalin’s doubts, the flight field Ji’s side also came up with a question and asked Li Yalin to be speechless.

How does he know if deep sea ghost Ji can have sisters!

He is just spit out!

Make complaints!

"Well, I understand, then... you mean, can you save your sister with an evolutionary key? What happened to your sister?"

Regarding the setting of the sisters, Li Yalin has no longer wanted to vomit anything. He has only one question now, that is, the sister of the flight field Ji, how to save.

Didn't it mean that the evolutionary key was used for evolution?

How can it be used to save people now?

Is it a versatile prop?

"My sister... was seriously injured and is now in a state of great protection. If there is no evolutionary key, she is afraid... will sink..."

Speaking of my sister, the voice of the flight field Ji came even more low, and even the light in the red eyes was dimmed.

Is it sad because my sister is injured?

Whether it is the ship Niang or the deep sea, the meaning of sinking is death.

Although I don’t know what the deep-sea protection status of the deep sea ghost Ji means, Li Yalin can also find out the truth from the words of the flight field Ji.

That is to say, now the evolutionary key can save the life of the flightfield Ji’s sister, so she urgently needs the key to evolution, and the key to saving her sister is now in the hands of Li Yalin, whether or not to save the flightfield’s sister, Just between Li Yalin’s thoughts.

Saving the deep sea ghost Ji?

If you change to another person, it is estimated that the head will be clipped by the door panel, and this decision will be made, but Li Yalin has made a decision that is absolutely impossible for normal people!

"If that's the case, I can give you the key to evolution."

Did not consider too long, Li Yalin made a positive answer.

"What? Are you really willing to give me the evolution key?"

Li Yalin’s words surprised the flight field, although she had to get the key to evolution anyway, but the other party would not give it, she did not have a score in her heart.

After all, in the end, deep-sea vessels are human enemies, even if they are only for survival, but after all, they still cannot escape each other's hostile identity.

"But I have a condition!"

The surprise of the flight field Ji did not last too long. Li Yalin’s next sentence directly left her in the same place.


That human...the admiral...

Doesn't he be able to hand over the evolutionary key to himself unconditionally?

What conditions will he propose?

Let yourself be his men? For him to annihilate the deep sea?

Will he use himself?

Will he regard himself as his pawn?

At this moment, the flight field Ji’s heart flashed a lot of thoughts.

But no matter what I think, she has no reason to refuse!

Because her sister is still waiting for her to save!

"No matter what conditions you offer, I can promise you!"

At this moment, the flight field Ji has already made preparations for becoming a human being, but in order to save her sister, she feels that all this sacrifice is worth it!

Even if it is to pay for your own life!

"Don't be so heroic and righteous. In the end, for us humans, your deep sea is the evil side."

Seeing that the flight field Ji showed a look of death, Li Yalin felt a little speechless, how did he seem to have become a villain?

I am obviously a decent devil!

But then again, this flight field Ji, it is quite conscious, it is very interesting, can actually do this for her sister, is it difficult for her to be a sister?

If this is the case, then look for time, but you can exchange your sister's control experience.

"If you just said to me, I still can't identify the authenticity, so my condition is, let me go to see your sister too. If your sister is really seriously injured, you need to evolve the key to cure. I am completely here. No problem, but if you deceive me... I think you should have seen my strength."

Although because of the attitude of the flight field, Li Yalin found a sister-in-coming resonance in her, but some of them should be said.

He didn't have much contact with the deep sea ghost Ji. The only thing he had seen before was the expulsion of Qi Ji, the new soldier's egg. He didn't have any defense against him.

The old-fashioned deep-sea ghost Ji, who can fly in the field, will not be able to play with him, will he play with him, these are not what he can expect.

Therefore, it is still a false impression of your ears. Don’t you say that your sister is seriously injured?

Very good, let me see no problem at all?

If you are telling the truth, how can I help you with no problem, but if you say a lie, I am sorry to deceive the Admiral, but you have to pay the price! (To be continued.)

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