The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1742: My daughter is a northern habitat.

"This is no problem."

The flight field Ji did not think of it anyway. Li Yalin actually only mentioned such a simple condition, no... This is for her, maybe even the conditions are not.

See my sister?

of course can!

In this way, under the leadership of the flight field Ji, Li Yalin, along with the deep sea fleet, came to the deep sea habitat belonging to the flight field Ji.

Of course, he did not forget his two shipyards and Akashi.

For Shimiya and Akashi, today is an unforgettable experience. It is clearly the enemy of the deep sea.

But the results are good, they can stand on the deck of the deep sea carrier.

It is estimated that they are not only the first ship to fly into the sky, but also the first ship-necker to board the deep-sea battleship. The two firsts were taken away by them.

"It’s okay, it’s okay."

Standing on the deck of the deep-sea carrier as the ship's mother, it is definitely a lie to say that it is not nervous. At least at this moment, both the palace and the Akashi are somewhat overwhelmed.

I can see Li Yalin again, but he is quite indifferent. If he doesn't know, he will think that he is standing on his own aircraft carrier.


To be honest, both the Palace and Akashi want to be calm, but they are really calm now!

But look at the flight scene Ji, she seems to be very calm on the other side, in addition to the anxiety flashed in the eyes, there is no other idea.

Estimated that she is worried about her sister, this point Li Yalin can understand.

But when I arrived at the deep-sea habitat in the flight field, I saw the younger sister in the flight field, and the expression of Li Yalin was changed.

"This is your sister?"

Subconsciously frowned, Li Yalin looked at the eyes of the flight field, and it has changed somewhat.

No way, at this moment in front of him, it is clearly an egg about one meter in height!

You said this egg is your sister?

Don't tell me that your deep sea ghosts are all born with eggs. Will I believe this kind of potholes?

"Yes, this is my sister, North Qi Ji. She is injured now. She can only maintain her existence in this way. Otherwise, she will never hold on."

Although Li Yalin’s eyes are very weird, she can look at the flight scene again. She is very calm, and looking at the white big egg, she still has a concern in her eyes.

Northern habitat?

It’s hard to be this egg. Is it really the sister of the flight field?

Ok, Li Yalin is a little messy.

But in any case, since he has already seen it, he can't break his promise and come up with an evolutionary key. Li Yalin handed it to the flight field.

He wants to see, what will the other party do next!

Li Yalin is not afraid of the flying field to play ghosts. After all, with the strength of the deep sea ghost Ji, he is still not threatened for the time being.

Before being the admiral, he was a demon king!

Ghost Ji vs Devil?

Who wins and who is not so difficult to predict is not it?

"Thank you... really thank you very much!"

Holding the evolution key in his hand, the flight field Ji has repeatedly expressed his gratitude to Li Yalin. Although he does not know whether Shenhai Ghost Ji has such a feeling of gratitude, at least at this moment, the gratitude of the flight field to Li Yalin is the most authentic. mood.

She is really grateful to Li Yalin for thanking him for saving her sister.

"Don't thank, let me see how you can save your sister... that northern habitat."

Thanks to the flight field Ji, Li Yalin does not care. What he really wants to see is this evolutionary key. How to save the so-called northern habitat.

This is what he is most interested in.

And through the demonstration of the flight field Ji, perhaps he can also find inspiration, using another evolutionary key to evolve his own expulsion.

Is this not a good result?

"it is good!"

Listening to Li Yalin’s saying that the attention of the flight field Ji has been transferred to the white egg, carefully close the evolution key to the egg, and then, it is the moment to witness the miracle!

Just as the evolution key was close to the white egg, suddenly the black square crystal changed, and there were many bumpy small cubes protruding from the crystal.

Then, those small cubes began to erode the white eggs and quickly covered the surface of the white egg into a black egg.

It didn't last long, and the black egg had changed again. The black egg that was still standing still suddenly shook twice, then shook it twice, and when it was third, it was finally again. Return to calm.

“How long does it take?”

Seeing that the black egg had no movement, Li Yalin looked at the flight field Ji, and he still did not know how long this so-called treatment would last.

However, before the flight field Ji answered his question, the black egg was slamming and then looked at the egg. The original smooth surface had a crack.

this is……

The black egg cracked, which made Li Yalin instinctively stunned, but soon, he found that the crack on the black egg was getting bigger and bigger. When the critical point was reached, the whole egg instantly became The debris.


Accompanied by a tender and full of cold voices, an equally white snow, double-eyed scarlet, almost a young version of the flying field Ji's deep sea ghost Ji Loli, raised his hands high, appeared in the original should It is the location of the egg.

This is... Northern Qi Ji?

From the outside, she is very similar to the flight scene, are they really sister relationships?


Seeing the perfect resurrection of the northern habitat, the flight field Ji couldn’t help but screamed, and immediately attracted the attention of the northern loli.

"Second sister!"

Hearing the voice of the flight field, the northern Qiji also responded, but from her second sister, Li Yalin also noticed something.

Second sister?

In other words, there should be a big sister above the flight field Ji and the northern habitat.

Isn't it just a pair of deep sea ghost Ji sisters, but a deep sea ghost Ji three sisters?

Lying in the trough!

Is this OK?

I was surprised that the flight field Ji not only had a sister, but even a sister, Li Yalin did not speak for a while.

However, at this time, I looked at the northern habitat, but her eyes turned quickly and locked into Li Yalin's body.

Just in the moment when the eyes of the northern Qi Ji and Li Yalin looked at each other, the northern habitat Ji suddenly moved and stepped forward toward Li Yalin.

This is a shock to both the palace and Akashi!

Northern Qi Ji wants to attack the Admiral!

This is the idea that arises between the electro-optic flint, the palace and the heart of Akashi.

Then as a ship mother, they have an obligation to protect the admiral adults!


A grain ship, a work ship, with their power, may be able to hold a deep sea ghost Ji?

Do not make jokes!

"Don't act rashly!"

In the north, Qi Ji rushed to his own situation. Li Yalin certainly saw it clearly. At the same time, he also understood the tension between the palace and Akashi.

Turning his hand at the two shipyards, he did not let the palace and Akashi have a heart.

Because he understands that if his two shipmen really start to move, it is not impossible to be the opponent of the northern habitat, but will suffer a big loss.

If they were injured, they would lose more than they could.

And the most important thing is that he didn't feel hostile from the body of the northern habitat, she rushed toward herself, maybe not to attack herself or maybe.

Even if the other party does not understand their identity.


Seeing the north rushing to Li Yalin, the flight field Ji was also exclaimed. She was the same as Miyako and Akashi, and she was equally afraid of her sister attacking Li Yalin.

Although the northern habitat has never been involved in fighting humans, at this time, no one can guarantee what she will do!

I don't know what will happen next. The flight field Ji closed her eyes subconsciously, but after waiting for a long time, the imaginary battle sound did not sound, which made her very strange.

what happened?

Didn't the north attack the admiral?

It was very strange to open my eyes, and then the scene in front of the flight scene, has made her speechless and completely speechless.

Because she saw her sister, as a northern sea habitat of the deep sea ghost Ji, she actually rushed into the arms of the admiral, tightly held him, and also sprinkled Jiao!

Even more terrifying is that she also heard a very amazing name from the mouth of the northern habitat of Qi Ji, "Dad!"

Yes, that's right!

Northern habitat Ji called Dad! She turned to be a human being, and the admiral who should have been a deadly enemy in the deep sea called Dad!

what is happening?

Why is the North called a human father?

At this moment, the flight field Ji said that he was completely messy.

In fact, the mess is not just the flight field Ji, Li Yalin is now completely unable to understand the situation, how inexplicable, the northern Qi Ji called himself a father?

When did I have more than one daughter?

However, looking at the northern Qiqi in his own arms, he did not stop to push her away.

Perhaps for ordinary people, the northern habitat is a terrible deep sea ghost Ji, but in Li Yalin's view, the other party is a very cute and lovely Luo Li!

The most important thing is, please don't forget that Li Yalin, as a senior sister, is still a hidden daughter!

Such a lovely Loli is calling him Dad. He is too happy to be there. How can he push it away?

That is absolutely impossible!

So that is to say, my daughter is a northern habitat, thinking about this setting, it seems like a surprise.

Because of the hug and spoiledness of the northern habitat, Li Yalin is subconsciously touching her hair, this feeling... the accident is very smooth!

And I don't know if it is Li Yalin's illusion. He always thinks that the northern habitat is different from other deep sea ghosts. From her body, she can find a feeling of belonging to human beings!

What is the situation? (To be continued.)

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