The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1780: Unexpected visitor from the town

Due to the dispute within Karlsland, Li Yalin did not have the intention to stay here. Anyway, he did not do anything. It is better to return to the guard house and take a rest.

He has been commanding the battle for a while, and it really hurts him.

As for the Karslan side, he left the second aviation squadron's witch and three witch squadrons equipped with liberators. I believe that under the leadership of Victoria, it is no problem to guard the country and maintain reconstruction work.

On the guardianship of the government, because of the recent alliance with the deep sea, there was no big war at all. It should be said that the shipmen who stayed in the guard house were too busy to panic.

Deep sea warships under the hands of the deep sea ghost Ji can not fight, then they can only find wild deep sea, casually playing wild food.

It’s just a little bit of experience, but it doesn’t satisfy their appetite.

If they can, they want to have a hard time fighting!

Unfortunately, they have no chance at the moment.

In the case of the deep sea ghost Ji, the southern habitat, the berthing ghosts and the armored empty ghosts of the three are actively communicating with her deep sea ghost Ji to face the common enemy.

Overall, their efforts are still somewhat effective.

In contrast, Hong Kong Bay Qi Ji came too leisurely, she has completed the evolution of her, it seems that I did not put this kind of thing at heart, even the search transmission channel does not care, all handed over to the flight field Ji to do .

As for her, she was tired of being around the North for a whole day and was reluctant to leave.

If it weren't for this, Li Yalin had already left with Xiaobei!

"You are really welcome, think of this as your own home, right?"

After returning to the guardian residence, I saw Li Yalin, who was holding Xiaobei’s sweet snacks in the cafeteria, and Li Yalin felt that she did not fight.

Obviously you are a deep sea ghost Ji? What is it all about in my town?

In addition, you quickly let me loose the little north!

"Hey! Where is Little North, where am I!"

Seeing that Li Yalin appeared, the original mood of Hong Kong Bay Qi Ji was suddenly sinking. She and Li Yalin, who were the enemies of their lives, were absolutely unwilling to give in to the small North.

Originally, this time was simply her happiest moment. No one competed with her for the small north, nor even quarreled with her.

But now, the days of happiness have not passed a few days, and the nasty human admiral has appeared again!


Harbor Bay Ji is seeing Li Yalin on the roots of the teeth, but the small north in her arms doesn't think so. She didn't see her father in the recent period, but she missed her very much. Now she finally saw her father, how could she possibly Can you stand it?

Directly breaking away from the harbor of Qi Ji's arms, Xiaobei rushed into Li Yalin's arms in a few steps.

"My daughter is jealous."

A small North picked up, Li Yalin is now happy, and for the small North, this father is the most important, my sister, all need to stand by!

It is because of this idea that he involuntarily voted for the winner's eyes to the harbor.

Do you still want to compete with me for the North?

Go back to your habitat!

It can be imagined that Li Yalin’s eyes directly let the harbor swelled in the harbor, and then the inevitable is the new round of the fight between the people and the ghosts.

Compared with Li Yalin, who has rich experience in Tucao, Hong Kong Bay Ji is very unfortunate tragedy. Although her spirit of never losing and never giving up is commendable, she is stalked and refuses to give up the small North. Let Li Yalin be very helpless.

In this case, the ‘war’ between him and the harbor, and it’s hard to see the end of the day...

Ok, let's talk about business.

Although the deep sea ghosts are sparing no effort to find the transmission channel, but as mentioned before, the needle in the sea is really not so simple to succeed.

I really want to find the transmission channel, and I don’t know what year and month to reach.

Regarding this issue, Li Yalin has no way.

If the transmission channel is so easy to find, he has already gone to find it himself, why bother to get this kind of means?

Even if it is hard to find, the job of searching for the transmission channel can't be abandoned. Otherwise, the world may really face a picture of destruction.

This time, returning to the town government, in addition to rest, some of the official treatments are also required to be resolved by the Li Yalin admiral. This is also the requirement of the long door.

After all, the admiral often does not know when to return when he walks. If he does not take advantage of him when he is in the town, let him work, can he do it?

It is a pity that the idea of ​​Changmen is good, but Li Yalin’s work has not been able to last for a long time.

Because of the guardianship of the government, unexpectedly two guests came.

Yes, these two very unexpected guests, even Li Yalin did not expect.

"Perrily? Emily? You two, this is..."

The coordinate position of the guardian government is top secret, but Li Yalin has no reservations about the person he trusts.

It was only the arrival of Pernie and Emily, but it really surprised him. In theory, they are the two people who should not appear here.

Among the two witch teams of the 501 Integrated Combat Air Corps and the Isle of Wight detachment, Li Yalin did recognize a lot of younger sisters. The rest of the sisters did not have to be his sister, and they had a good relationship with him.

The two girls, Peri and Emily, are not very familiar with them. Emily’s words are because her temperament is lacking in enthusiasm. She has not seen Li Yalin several times. There is an intersection.

And Perini’s words, although she has seen it many times with Li Yalin, and is still his nominal student, but this relationship has only been maintained.

In addition, Perini is a proud temper, and she always has a shelf on weekdays. Naturally, Li Yalin did not have any deeper contact with her.

But now, they both ran to the town government, it is obviously private, or Li Yalin has already received news.

For the sake of these two, he could not understand his mind for a while.


Looking at Li Yalin in front of him, Emily couldn't speak at all, and then look at Perini. It was also a teacher's exit. His face was red and he couldn't finish his words for a long time.

Clearly, the two of them are rhythms that are demanding but embarrassing.

Also, as for Emily's character, if she has something to say, it is a strange thing, and Perri is still a proud person. These two people come together, but some people are guilty.

How long do they have to wait to express their intentions?

At least for this trend, I have to wait for a while.

Forget it, since they can't say it, let Li Yalin help them.

"You came for the help of Gaul?"

Even if Pernie and Emily couldn't speak for a long time, Li Yalin could still guess their thoughts. After all, they could be perceived from their identity.

The recent liberation of Karlsland shocked the whole world. As a 501 integrated combat air regiment and the Isle of Wight detachment defending Nero's final defense, there is no reason not to know the news.

Naturally, the request for assistance from Gaul is rejected and should be known to them.

They came here this time, estimated to be to convince Li Yalin that he would be able to send troops to Gaul and liberate their homes like the liberation of Karslan.

This little thing, Li Yalin can see it at a glance.


It was poked by Li Yalin in one sentence, and the expression on Perri's face was even redder. The shyness was half, and the other half was scorned by his own nervousness.

It is estimated that if she continues to do so, she will not be able to breathe.

"Well, since you are here, take a rest and rest. You really can find it."

In order to prevent Pernie from being killed, Li Yalin quickly shook hands and motioned her to stop talking.

As for the next step, he did not continue the meaning of the topic, but instead waved to the two girls, let them keep up with themselves.

"Lexington, you can help me make two cups of tea."

Li Yalin is very clear that Perini and Emily dare to run privately. It is only because of the flying feet that cross the ocean. It is bound to be a great determination.

Even if the relationship is not familiar, he can't really drive away the girls.

The visitor is a guest, how can he entertain him?

The work of brewing tea should be done by the secretary ship. Unfortunately, Changmen now contracts most of the affairs in the government, and there is no time to manage these small things.

Fortunately, Li Yalin also has Lexington. She has this gentle and good wife, and he does not need to be hands-on.

Yes, in order to let Saratoa get the heart, Lexington now has a feeling of acting addictive, just like it is really in love with Li Yalin, both inside and outside. A gentle and good wife's image.

Although her trick is really useful, Saratoga mistakenly thought that her sister was really with the Admiral, and her energy was concentrated on Li Yalin, obviously considering the future of her sister.

But Li Yalin did not find a sin. After all, there is such a mischievous nephew of Saratoga. No one can be idle.

That is, the gentleness of Lexington has made up for a lot of his traumatic wounds. It is a disadvantage if you have a profit. Is it painful and happy?

It’s just that what Li Yalin doesn’t understand is why Lexington is very friendly with the sisters of the guardian house in front of everyone’s face.

Whether this is the personality of Lexington, or what other reasons, it is not what he knows.

At least for now, he still can't figure it out. (To be continued.)

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