The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1781: It’s time to change base.

"Okay, let it go, can you talk about it now?"

There was Lexington in the house, and he did not need to worry about Li Yalin. When the two girls finally stabilized, he also opened his mouth.

Although they have already guessed their intentions, there are some words that they need to explain personally.


For Perini, even if she and Li Yalin have seen many times, and it is still a nominal teacher-student relationship, but this time came to the cause, her mood is really very nervous.

Can look at the side of Emily, her state is coming even worse, originally with her character, can come to the guard house with Li Ruilin along with Perini, it has already whetted all the courage, this When she asked her to make a statement, it was indeed difficult for some strong people.

Taking a deep breath, Pereni knows that it is not good to not speak.

"Teacher! Please send troops to save Gaul!"

Yes, as Li Yalin guessed, Pernie and Emily came here for the purpose of asking for help from Gaul.

The whole situation of the liberation of Karslan, the news spread throughout the continent of Europe, 501 integrated combat air group, there is no reason not to know.

However, Perrin, who was born in Gaul, can understand more. For example, when Gao Lu asked for help, she got the news through her own channel.

Well, in fact, this is not her own channel, but the people who are willing to deliberately disclose this to her.

Nowadays, the world knows that the 501 Integrated Combat Aviation Corps has a close relationship with the Admiral. If not, the Admiral will not be able to provide as many advanced jets as the 501.

In this regard, if it can be used reasonably, it will be a good card.

I believe many people can think of it.

No, Pereni is used by people, even she is very clear, just... she has no choice.

As a member of the 501, although Perini is struggling to save the world, her heart is always concerned about her country.

As a Gauls, she certainly hopes that her country will be liberated like Karlsland.

It is precisely because of this, she knows that she is being used, but also to sneak away from the 501 integrated combat aviation group, with Ai Mi Li, to her teacher, to Li Yalin.

Although she did not know whether she came here this time, whether she could convince Li Yalin, but she must try.

Otherwise, she really can't feel at ease!

"Perri, you should know that the situation inside Karlsland is very chaotic. The vast majority of the strength in my hands is left in Carlsland to prevent accidents. In this case, how do you let me send troops to liberate? Gaul?"

Looking at the arrogant glasses girl in front of her, Li Yalin sighed softly. In theory, Perryini came here this time, he should have no reason to refuse.

It allows him to directly agree, but some strong people are difficult. After all, according to his original plan, he was not prepared to solve the problem of Gaul so quickly.

The lack of sufficient strength is the biggest problem at present. He does not deceive Perini, but tells the truth.


Li Yalin’s attitude has been very sincere, and Perini’s side has also seen it.

Indeed, in the 501 Integrated Combat Air Corps, Mina, Buck Holon and Hartman, both of whom are witches from Karsland, have also talked about some of the problems in Karsland.

To be honest, Perini has never seen a captain like Mina, whether in Mina, Buck Holon or Hartman, Li Yalin... Their teachers and brothers are saved. The hero of Karsland!

The liberation of Karlslan does not mean the end of everything. The rotten aristocrats are still stubbornly resisting. The situation in Karlsland is really not optimistic.

For this reason, Perini could not find a suitable reason. She really did not know how to continue to ask Li Yalin and asked him to send troops to Gaul.

"Well, Perry, don't be so dejected, and Emily, you also collect your tears. It's really difficult for me to send troops here, but I didn't really stand by and watch?"

Li Yalin is a man who is most afraid of the tears of a girl. Because of his words, not only is Perini's face dim, but Emily and her eyes are red. What should he do?

No way, can only help these two girls to make an idea.

The proximity of Gaul and Karsland is a slogan. The liberation of Gaul is only a matter of morning and evening. Even if it is done now, there is nothing.

Not to mention that there are not as many problems as Karlslan on the other side of the Gallo. If you can really liberate it, it will alleviate the pressure on Karlsland.

It is only the only trouble at the moment, that is, the shortage of troops. Although the first aviation squadron can be sent to perform the liberation mission, it can only rely on the witch of a squadron. How long does it take to completely liberate Gaul?

Even the witches who are equipped with the conquerors are indeed no different from those who have become superhumans. But in the enemy-occupied area, is there a liberation?

And after liberating the enemy-occupied area? Who will take over the follow-up work? Is there really so many witches in Gaul to stick to the liberated areas?

No, Gaul is not Carlsland, and there are so many good witches.

This matter has to be considered again.


Li Yalin really needs to seriously consider this, but his words have undoubtedly brought surprises to Perini and Emily.

Originally listening to him, they thought that this time, I ran a slap, but the result turned out to be a good turn, can not let them happy?

Very happy to see Li Yalin in front of him, Perini is waiting, waiting for his next words.

Teacher, he... are you willing to help Gaolu?

"Well... After the liberation of Karlslan, the pressure on the 501 and the Isle of Wight detachment has been reduced a lot?"

Looking at the look of Periini and Emily, Li Yalin knew that he would not be able to come up with a plan as soon as possible. After sinking for a while, he finally asked the two girls questions.

"This...the teacher said yes, since the liberation of Karslan, we have not encountered Niloy for some time."

Perini did not know why Li Yalin had to ask this question, but she still answered the truth, as Li Yalin said, they did not encounter the Niloy invasion recently.

This did not surprise Li Yalin.

In general, the emergence of Nyloy is basically attacked from the ocean. The number of Nyloys on the land is very small. After all, they have found the right ‘food’ and there is no reason to continue crossing the ocean.

Recently, Neroy, who is in the ocean, has been basically rounded up by the Blood League fleet. The deep sea has not played, and the maidens who are doing nothing can only play Niloi, even if there is no experience, at least to the Admiral. Adults harvest the merits, right?

On the land side, the liberation of Karlsland also eliminated a lot of Nyroy, and even the Gallo, the Roman Principality and the Ostermark all eased a lot of pressure.

As a 501 integrated combat air regiment across the sea, it is naturally easier, and even the shadow of a recent Neroy can not be seen.

This is also the focus of Li Yalin's attention.

"Sure enough, in this case, the 501 and the Isle of Wight detachment are also time to change bases."

Perini’s answer made Li Yalin wink. The 501 and the Isle of Wight detachment were the last barrier to defend Europe, but now the barrier is useless.

Keeping the witches guarding the Dover Channel and the Isle of Wight is just a waste.

In this case, it is better to take this opportunity to turn to attack, let the 501 Integrated Combat Aviation Corps and the Isle of Wight detachment formally become the vanguard of counterattacking the European continent!

"The teacher means..."

Li Yalin’s statement made Perrin think of an answer very quickly, but she was unbelievable. She didn’t know if the guess in her heart was true.

"Do not worry, Perri, I will get in touch with the United Army as soon as possible, and you will wait for the good news!"

After getting up a few steps and went to Periini, Li Yalin smiled and patted the shoulder of this proud Jiaoyan girl.

Well, although she is called the arrogant spectacles, Perrie can never be proud of Li Yalin. This time, she even throws away the aristocratic restraint and directly rushes into Li Yalin’s arms.

After all, she is so excited!

Perini is very clear that Li Yalin’s thoughts will save Gaolu, and by this way, she may also personally join in the rescue of Gaolu.

In fact, she did not guess wrong. After Li Yalin left her and Ai Mi Li left, she contacted the United Army headquarters in the first time and expressed her will to the other party.

Of course, he is not really stupid enough to say that it is for Perri and Emily to save Gaolu Yunyun, but it is very formulaic to show that saving Gaolu is part of his plan and has a considerable degree. Strategic significance.

To this end, he is willing to provide the most advanced individual exoskeleton armor for the 501 Integrated Combat Aviation Corps and the Isle of Wight detachment, allowing them to liberate with the Republic of Gaul forces along with the First Air Squadron of the Blood League Fleet. Gaul!

When the admiral speaks, the coalition forces cannot ignore it. Although he does not know why he is doing this, the majority of the coalition forces voted in favor of this decision.

You know, once they have agreed to Li Yalin, they will represent their witches and they will have the powerful equipment that is beyond imagination. Wait until Gaul is liberated, and then wait until the 501 Integrated Combat Air Corps and the Isle of Wight detachment are disbanded. Did you fall into their hands?

Therefore, the adversary's operational plan, they must agree in any case!

Not only must we agree, they must also actively cooperate! Let the admiral see their greatest sincerity! (To be continued.)

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