The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1972: Cao Jun’s congenital deficiency

"I said Yalin, you just said to Chunlan that you want to go out and visit Xuzhou City?"

Back to Hualin House, when Li Yalin once again saw Cao’s arrogant double-tailed sister, she found that the expression on the face of this girl was really ugly. Please search for the most complete! Novel

As for why it would become like this, he knew it well, because from the beginning, Hualin’s eyes were fixed on the peaches behind him and Lei Lei and the electric power. It was obviously dissatisfied with this.

“Why are you going out for a trip around Xuzhou City and will bring back three girls? Can you explain it to me a little?”

Yes, Hualin is indeed expressing dissatisfaction. She has been in contact with Xuelian for so long. It can be said that she has spent a lot of energy on her, and until the end, the two girls failed to win.

No way, whoever makes them all the gods of the sky, it is really difficult to fight for a win or loss in a short time.

For this reason, Hualin's mood is very unpleasant, but she has not encountered such a difficult opponent for a long time, which makes her a little excited, and naturally also complained to Li Yalin with some resentment.

After all, all this is what he brought out.

But now?

She and Sun Jiashao contend for men, but the man sneaked out and brought three other women back. Where did Hua Lin’s face go? What makes her feel good?

What made her most uncomfortable was that the three women brought back by Li Yalin were still very beautiful. They were not inferior to the sisters in her army. Even compared to her, they would never be too inferior.

Is this man's woman's edge so good? If you go out for a walk, you can find such a stunning color?

"Right, I haven't introduced you yet. This girl was met when I was visiting Xuzhou City. I was surnamed Liu Mingbei, but after Jingjing Wang, because I promised to help her find the heirloom, I will follow me in the near future. ""

"As for the two, Yan and Yan Fang, they will be the military divisions and generals of our army in the future, and I also know in Xuzhou City."

Why is Hualin's mood bad, Li Yalin knows well, but Tao Xiang, these girls, is not a casual woman he has found, and he will become a part of his army in the future.

He can't label himself as a disciple at this time. Even if he wants to post it, it should be a Mingxian sage.

"Oh? It turned out to be Jingshan Jingzhong? And your future military division and general? I didn't expect Yalin's vision to be really good. I can find talents under my eyes."

After hearing the words of Li Yalin, Hualin was obviously a glimpse. She did not think that the girl with a face that was so cute was actually a descendant of the royal family.

In addition, the twins are actually the future divisions and generals of Li Yalin? That is to say, they are also very capable talents?

Why have you taken Xuzhou for so long and have not heard of the names of these sisters?

"It's just luck."

Looking at Hua Lin like this, Li Yalin knows that her anger has not disappeared. Like this situation, he feels that he still has to say something less. It is best to let this page hurry up.

Otherwise, it always feels very troublesome.

"So, should I say a congratulation to you?"

With a pair of eyes, Hualin's gaze has turned from Tao Xiang and their bodies back to Li Yalin's face, looking at his eyes, as if to see through his heart.

"It is indeed a happy event to be able to discover talents. In other words, Hualin, you have won this Xuzhou City, you should have found a lot of talents. If you congratulate, I should say yes to you."

Listening to the voice of Hua Lin, quite gives people a feeling of yin and yang, which makes Li Yalin both speechless and funny, is this arrogant double ponytail not intended to let him go?

Hey, it’s almost ok, is it really interesting to be in front of so many people?

"Talent? I can't compare you to this. I don't even know what talents are in Xuzhou. It's really shameful to say it."

Just as Li Yalin said, it is not untargeted. There are also a lot of Yingjie in Xuzhou. This time, Hualin won Xuzhou, and she will definitely benefit her.

I just didn't expect that when he said this, Hualin's side was self-deprecating and shook his head. This Xuzhou, she really got the hand, but she could say talent, she really didn't see a few.

This is also a no-brainer. Although Hua Lin’s Cao Jun is strong, she also has congenital insufficiency. Hua Lin, who is a lily girl, can accept her and assist her. It must also be a sister with a slight lia inclination. If not, her It is impossible to open lilies everywhere in the account.

But the problem is that the girls in this world are not all lilies, and the normal sisters are coming more. For those sisters with normal sexual orientation, Cao Jun is not a place worth visiting.

Coupled with Hualin, I can't see a man. Even if a man has the ability, joining Cao Jun can only be a small soldier, and he can never be promoted to a general.

When all kinds of reasons are added together, it is reasonable for Hualin to laugh at herself.

She has always got some talented officers, but more, she is still helping her sisters, such as Xiahou sisters, such as Cao Ren, Cao Chun and Cao Hong.

In this Xuzhou, there will be few talents who will come to invest in her.

"I remember... there are some talents in Xuzhou City, such as Chen Hao Chen Deng, who should be the famous scribe in Xuzhou?"

What is the situation in the Hualin Army, Li Yalin is of course very clear, but he did not react at first, did not understand the self-deprecation in Hualin's discourse.

I heard that Hualin didn't know what talents were in Xuzhou. He turned around and immediately came up with two names.

He did not see much in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms. Chen and Chen Deng were quite impressed by the father and son. They did not know how to change to the world. Will the identity of the father and son become mothers or sisters?

This is very likely, after all, Rayleigh Electric is an example, isn't it?

"Do you know Chen Hao and Chen Deng?"

Li Yalin casually mentioned this, and then looked at Hualin. She was wide open in the next moment. She asked her why she was so surprised. The reason is that Chen Hao and Chen Deng, after she won Xuzhou City, only A little bit of harvest.

Yes, Chen Hao and Chen Deng have become subordinates of Hualin, and ... is the key to her winning Xuzhou City!

"Do you know?"

Looking at the reaction of Hua Lin, Li Yalin is also a glimpse. He mentioned that Chen Hao and Chen Deng were just talking about it, but they did not think about it. Hua Lin’s reaction was so big.

"When I know... you know, Han Xiandi wakes up, this is Chen Hao who is looking for someone to inform me, but also her... with Xuzhou I got!"

Looking forward to Li Yalin, Hualin gently shook her head. She said that she had won Xuzhou so smoothly. She never said anything to outsiders, but now Li Yalin has already mentioned Chen Hao and Chen Deng. Then she doesn't have to hide anything.

As Hualin said, when she came to Xuzhou, she only wanted to save her mother. By the way, she cleared the demons in Xuzhou and did not intend to win the site in Xuzhou.

However, she did not think about it. She suddenly received a secret letter from Chen Hao on one day, which stated that Han Xiandi’s awakening, and also was willing to cooperate with Hualin to win Xuzhou.

After Chen Yu’s reminder, Hualin raised the heart of Xuzhou. After confirming that Chen Hao had no problem, she personally took the troops to win Xuzhou City, and then took Xuzhou City as the center and took the whole Xuzhou one after another. .

It can be said that Hualin can own Xuzhou, and that Chen Hao has at least four successful jobs!

Prior to this, Chen’s family in Xuzhou could only be regarded as a wealthy businessman. The money in his family was not fake, but his reputation was not obvious, and he was not very concerned.

If Chen Hao did not contact, Hualin could not think of it, and the other party was still a big talent.

She now knows Chen Hao’s talent because of a series of experiences that happened before, but Li Yalin... Why did he know Chen Hao’s name?

This point, but Hualin’s biggest question in her heart, but unfortunately, she also knows that she is not too eager to ask, and she can easily rush at Li Yalin, but sometimes she can’t make mistakes.

"I didn't expect Hualin, you actually have this fortune."

After hearing about Hualin’s remarks, Li Yalin’s time came quite a bit of emotion. It seems that in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Cao Cao also had Chen Hao’s father and son in the same match, and finally won the Lu Bu, now he changed to the world, and because of Chen Yuchen Got down and took Xuzhou.

Sure enough, is it a destined relationship?

Of course, the sigh sighs, and now Xuzhou has returned to Hualin. Li Yalin has no guilty conscience here. What he really cares about is to get Han Xiandi to his hand.

Speaking of it, he has been returning to the world for some time. The objects that have been drawn are almost finished. Only Yizhou has not fought, just because the martyrdom is difficult, and the demon does not have much action there.

For example, today's biggest force, Cao's family, Sun family, and then reluctantly add a Yuan family, have a good relationship with him, then then, it is estimated that this demon will come to an end.

After all, the purpose of his coming to the world is to gather the Meng, and then kill Lu Zhizhi by the way.

The first goal has almost begun to enter the topic, so it is time to let the real appearance, and let the world ushered in by the way, which is better than anything else.

So how do you start?

Simply thinking about it, in fact, it is really very simple, as long as you contact the jade algae, it is estimated that it is not far from the distant Luzhi.

It’s just how to increase Meng’s will. This issue still needs further communication. The Wujun generals and sisters of their own families are sure that the problem is not big. They just don’t know whether Cao’s and Sun’s sisters are willing to contract with themselves.

what? You said Yuan Jia?

Forget it, although it is not impossible to give Yuan Jiamei a few places, but their strength, even if the contract becomes a Meng, it is just sent to the battlefield to sell Meng.

In order to protect everyone's safety, it is better to let them stay in the back. )


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