The Different World of Demon Lord

Chapter 1973: My fiancé is a god?

Regarding Han Xiandi, Hualin did not ask Li Yalin any request. Since he needs this emperor, she can send it unconditionally. Anyway, this emperor is indeed a chicken rib for her.

If you can sell Li Yalin a favor, and then take a look at the prestige in front of Xuelian, Hualin is certainly happy.

Speaking of this Han Xiandi, from the appearance, she is very similar to her sister Kong Dan, but it is more innocent, and there is also that the chest is really flat, completely incomparable with her sister.

From the first sight of this Han Xiandi, Li Yalin knew that this is definitely a mascot role, but there are so many mascots in his family, not many of them, just smile.

Anyway, it’s a simple question to take it home.

As for the Han Xiandi, he also took it for granted that Chen Hao and Chen Deng were the mothers and daughters. It is true that in this world of love, Chen Chen Chen Dian must of course appear as a mother and daughter.

It’s just that the difference between the mother and the daughter is really very big. Seeing Chen Hao, Li Yalin’s first thought is a stunning mother, and the European faction can be compared with Yan Lian.

The most important thing is that although Chen Yiyi saw him laughing at the adult, but he actually found out that this is always a big smile on the face, is definitely an unfathomable belly black character!

In contrast, her daughter Chen Deng is completely different, she turned out to be a mouthless schoolmaster! Every day, the book does not leave, and it is difficult to see what expression on the face.

If the appearance of the mother and daughter are indeed very similar, killing Li Yalin will not think that they are mothers and daughters!

Of course, after seeing Chen Zhen Chen Deng, the mother and daughter, Li Yalin is at best sighing. Anyway, people have joined the Hualin camp. It is not very likely that they want to let them join the water.

No, it should be said that Li Yalin is embarrassed to dig Hualin's wall. After all, with his strength, it is really not a problem to dig Chen Chen and Chen Deng's mother and daughter. It is only that he is willing to take care of it.

"Hua Lin, Xue Lian, I said, are you not enough?"

Han Xiandi, Li Yalin is already at hand, and by the way, he has also received Taoxiang plus Leilei Electric. Xuzhou’s trip can be said that he earned enough.

You can look at Hualin and Xuelian again. The sisters are like a natural family. They have been arguing since the first moment of the meeting. Until now, they have not been able to distinguish themselves.

Prior to this, Li Yalin had not intervened in the meaning of it, so as not to ignite the fire, but this time, he had to speak out to dissuade, because some words, he felt it was time to make it clear.

"Not because of you!"

Originally, Hualin and Xuelian were in a hurry, and suddenly heard the voice of Li Yalin, but let the two sisters squat together.

After all, before Li Yalin was watching and changing, he never said anything. Now, suddenly speaking, it will definitely make them uncomfortable.

It wasn't until a moment later that Hualin stunned Li Yalin's eyes. The reason why she had been so angry with Xuelian was not because of his relationship. Who is the helpless expression you are now showing?

Compared to Hua Lin, who glared at Li Yalin, she did not say anything on this side of the snow lotus, but her expression was a little bit of resentment.

This is really awful, actually let the Jiangdong bully reveal this expression, should Li Yalin praise himself?

"I said that you don't look at what time it is now. What is the point of quarreling?"

Looking at the Hualin and Xuelian in front of him, Li Yalin suddenly sighed and shook his head gently, his face showing a little helpless expression.

His look, but Hualin and Xuelian have never seen it, and because of this, they will feel even more strange.

"Yalin, you...what happened?"

Xuelian has been following Li Yalin for some time. Perhaps she has seen Li Yalin's helpless expression, but the helplessness of the past is different from this one.

His helplessness seems to have brought something that is unclear, and it is precisely because of this that Xuelian will feel even worse.

Is it something that does not happen?

"What the **** is going on! You just hurry to say it!"

Unlike Xuelian, Hualin is an acute child. She can't stand the fact that half of her words are said to be very busy.

"Hua Lin... You should remember the battle that happened in Luoyang?"

Looking at the eyes of the two sisters again, Li Yalin sighed and turned his eyes to Hualin.

"Of course I remember!"

Speaking of Luoyang's first battle, it was definitely an unforgettable experience for Hualin. She was witnessed by Li Yalin's magical means. Afterwards, she was determined to be the heavenly man who sent the heavens to save the world.

If this is not the case, she will not be able to treat Li Yalin in such a different way, and it is impossible to have a good impression on him, let alone grab a man with Xuelian.

"In that battle, I did not destroy the real king of the demon. At that time, I only killed one of his avatars, and his avatar, at this time, was hiding in another world to recuperate. I believe that as soon as the time is ripe, he will lead more. The multi-devil captures the world and transforms everyone in the world into his demon army."

"What! What are you talking about?"

Li Yalin’s words can be described as earth-shattering. When the words are exported, Xuelian and Hualin stand up and are unbelievable.

Regarding the story of the king of Li Yalin’s demon, the folks have been compiled into eight hundred paragraphs. Every family has a different version, and it has become like a myth. It has become a laugh after everyone’s meal.

It is also because of those exaggerated versions that many people think that this is just a story. Except for the Luoyang people who witnessed all this in the evening, few people would believe those ‘story’.

However, as the future heir to the Soochow Sun family, Xuelian has expressed doubts but not denying the attitude of these stories, and after some sorting, gradually inferred the truth.

Although it is impossible to exaggerate as rumored, it is true that the king of the demon appeared in Luoyang, and Li Yalin personally defeated it. This should be true.

After staying with Li Yalin for so long, Xuelian never mentioned this incident. It was not her forgetting, but she hoped that one day, Li Yalin could tell her the truth.

Now, she seems to have waited for this opportunity, but undoubtedly, the truth has made her very scared.

The king of the demon will lead more demons to capture the world?

That guy wants to turn all human beings into demons?

How can this be?

"Have you already killed the king of the demon before? And you told me at the time that you have completed the task, so you have to go back to heaven... Yes! You came back because the king of the demon In this world, you are ready to save the people again! Right?"

Because of Li Yalin's special identity, Hualin can look at him differently, but in the same way, Hualin is also subconsciously unwilling to mention his special.

This is a very complicated and tangled mind, but it can also be understood. After all, Li Yalin’s identity is more special. The more he represents, he will be far away from Hualin. If you really want to spread this identity, you may form two. A heaven that cannot be crossed by humans.

But now, Hualin has to face Li Yalin’s identity. She knows that his arrival is to save the people, not just to dominate the world.

It is precisely because of this that she can be more aware that this world, I am afraid that it is really necessary to face the disaster.

"Go back to heaven? Save the people? What are you talking about?"

Hualin’s mood is exciting now, but the snow lotus on the side is not quite understandable. She knows that Li Yalin’s strength is strong, and even the folks still rumor that he is descending from the sky.

Those rumors in her opinion are just the words of the market and cannot be believed at all.

But now, she finds that she can't understand Hualin's words.

"Don't you understand? This man...he doesn't belong to this world at all! He is a fairy who descends from the sky! It is to save the world and to descend to the mortal world!"

Xuelian’s stunned Hualin’s white eyes. To speak up, it is clearly that she knew Li Yalin first, and even gave him support in the crucial battle, and later made a deep affection.

What can be the result? However, Miss Jiangdong, who is not aware of this, has won the top spot. How can she be reconciled?

If not, why should she go to grab someone with someone else?

"Yalin... is it a fairy? My fiancé... is it a god?"

Li Yalin is the immortal saying. If you say it from someone else's mouth, Xuelian will certainly not believe it, but if you say it from Hualin's mouth, the effect can be completely different.

At least Hualin’s credibility has reached more than 80%. Xuelian does not think that she will lie to herself at this time without any reason.

Because there is no need at all!

"What kind of gods... In fact, I agree that I am a human being, but in a sense, I have more powerful power than ordinary people."

Seeing that Hua Lin put herself in a fairy identity, she attracted the snow lotus soul to keep her house. Li Yalin suddenly had some speechlessness, and she subconsciously scratched her cheek. He didn't think it was a god.

It is clear that the devil is right!

"You said that you are human? I ask you, will you move the mountains and fill the sea?"

Li Yalin denied this. Hualin immediately came to the end and came to Li Yalin with her hands on her hips. This is the question.

"This... if you work hard, you can probably do it."

Although I don’t know why Hualin asked this question, Li Yalin gently nodded to answer.

"Would you be born and grow old?"

See Li Yalin nod, Hualin continued to ask.

"It should be... also."

If this question is true, Li Yalin should be the right one, at least he is really right.

"Then you said that you are not a god?"

Ok, what you said is very reasonable, I am speechless. (To be continued.)

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