Yu Qingluo leaned back, his head almost hit the carriage door frame.

  Fortunately, the man hurriedly stopped, then hurriedly pulled her back, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I was too anxious for a while, so I rushed into your arms. Are you okay?"

  Yu Qingluo hadn't slept all night, her blood sugar was a little low, and her head was swollen. At this moment, she was hugged and bumped, and her brain became even more confused.

  It wasn't until the crisp voice reached her ears that she frowned and looked down at the little girl who was holding her.

"Who are you? She didn't know her, she looked strange.

  Fan Xiaoxiao grabbed her hand, still very anxious, "You are a ghost doctor, aren't you, are you?"

  Yu Qingluo was a little dazed, and nodded subconsciously.

  The next moment, I felt that the arm held by her was suddenly stretched, and the person leaned forward, staggered a few steps, and was directly pulled into the Palace of Xiu.

  All these changes happened too suddenly and too strangely, Nan Nan and Ye Lansheng had no time to react.

  When she came back to her senses, Yu Qingluo had been dragged into the Palace of Xiu by Fan Xiaoxiao, and only one back was left.

Nan Nan didn’t care much, so he hurried in and ran in, "Little sister, little sister, why are you pulling my mother? My mother is going to be pulled down by you, so let go and let go. , My mother's hand is about to be broken, you hurt my mother."

  Fan Xiaoxiao, who ran forward, stopped listening to Nan Nan’s exclamation.

  Yuqing almost hit her back, but finally stopped. Frowning her eyebrows, she threw her hand away, and asked her breathlessly, "What are you doing? Shit, who are you? Why haven't I seen you?"

  Why is this little girl so reckless? Seeing how she is dressed, she doesn't look like a servant in King Xiu's Mansion, so where did she come from?

Only then did Fan Xiaoxiao feel embarrassed and said hurriedly, "Wang Concubine, hurry up and save Shen Ying. He was seriously injured and hasn't woken up yet. It's so poor, Concubine, if you save him. , I'll kowtow to you without any problem."

  The princess and empress? Yu Qingluo pursed her lips, feeling inexplicably that this title...very useful.

As soon as Nan Nan ran up to her, she saw that her mother kissed her mouth if she had a smile that seemed unconscious, she twitched her mouth, and hurriedly pulled her sleeve, "Mother, have you listened to the little sister?" speak."

  The main point in Fan Xiao’s small words is...Shen Ying was injured, seriously injured, and still unconscious.

   Yu Qingluo suddenly aroused a spirit, and suddenly recovered.

  Shen Ying was seriously injured? Damn it.

  Now, without Fan Xiaoxiao holding her, she ran directly towards Shen Ying's house.

  Fan Xiaoxiao and Nan Nan looked at each other. The next moment, they jumped up abruptly and followed them anxiously.

  Mo Xian was guarding outside Shen Ying's room, and when she saw Yu Qing coming over, her eyes lit up and she immediately opened the door to let people in.

  Yu Qingluo asked as she walked, "How's the situation? What did the doctor say?"

"A palm in my chest, and a lot of blood was vomited. Originally, I asked the doctor to say that I couldn't live anymore. Later, Nan Nan took a brown medicine bottle from Miss Yu's room and gave Shen Ying the medicine. It's hanging. Fortunately, Doctor Jiang rushed back from Danyang Town in time and saved his life for the time being. It's just that the internal injury was too serious and he still hasn't woken up yet..."

  Speaking, the two have entered the inner room.

  Only one glance, Yu Qingluo saw Shen Ying who was lying on the bed with a pale face.

  She nodded slightly, and sat on the edge of the bed with her fingers on his wrists.

  Fan Xiaoxiao and Nan Nan who came in afterwards both stood nervously aside. After a while, Yu Qingluo withdrew his hands and said, "I need a brighter place, a bed."

  Mo Xian knows, "Subordinates go to prepare immediately."

  Fan Xiaoxiao wanted to ask about the situation, but Nan Nan stopped him. She endured forbearance, after all, she did not speak.

  Mo Xian quickly prepared things and moved Shen Ying onto the bed.

  Yu Qingluo took out her medical kits and laid them open one by one on the side table.

  "You go out first, Nannan stay."

"Yes." Mo Xian replied, and when he turned around, he pulled out Fan Xiaoxiao who wanted to stay. "You can't help you stay here. You will be surprised when Miss Kodama is diagnosed later. On the contrary, it will affect Miss Jade."

   "But Nan Nan can't help much either."

Mo Xian snorted, "Nan-nan has followed Miss Jade for many years. Miss Jade is treating people, and she often helps her. Nan-Nan knows Miss Jade best. Besides, the one that Miss Jade brought out. The medical kit, how many things do you recognize when you see it? Nan Nan Ke knows all of them, and he can pass it to Miss Yu as soon as she opens her mouth."

  Fan Xiaoxiao opened his mouth. After all, there was no way to refute what he said. He moved a stool and sat outside the door somewhat anxiously.

She didn't know what she was doing inside. Fan Xiaoxiao only vaguely heard Miss Yu talk about pills and silver needles, knives, and bruises. She was stunned. She didn't quite understand, so she could only look at the ground fixedly. I hope that Shen Ying will get better soon.

  From morning to noon, when Fan Xiaoxiao and others were stiff and wanted to knock on the door, the door of the room was finally opened with a creak.

  After that, Yu Qingluo's somewhat tired face was revealed.

  Fan Xiaoxiao opened his mouth, not knowing what to say.

   Mo Xian was clever, and she had already ordered Yuexin to come over. Now that she is so tired, let Yuexin help her a little.

  Now the four guards around the master, one of them rebelled, the other was still in the Mongols and did not come back, Shen Ying was so badly injured, he was the only one left.

  Mo Xian suddenly felt a little desolate, only thinking that Shen Ying would get better soon.

  Yu Qingluo held Yuexin’s hand and said to Mo Xian, “It’s okay anymore. Please be careful and move him to the bed.”

He said, as if thinking of something, he whispered, "Now you can only work harder. I also know that you feel uncomfortable, but anyway, knowing that he is a spy is better than him. It’s better to find out if all of them are harmed."

Nan Nan had already told her all about Peng Ying when Shen Ying was diagnosed and treated.

  Yu Qingluo was so embarrassed to hear that, she did not expect that the person hiding beside them would actually be Peng Ying.

   But don't know why, she was relieved to learn that the spy was not Shen Ying.

   After all, among the four guards, her favorite is Shen Ying. He was the first person to show her friendliness.

  Mo Xian gave a wry smile after hearing her words, but also took a deep breath and ordered people to carefully lift Shen Ying to the bed.

Yu Qingluo was able to walk towards her yard with a happy heart. However, halfway through, she saw Qin Jiaopiao running over with excitement, smiling and saying to her, "We can give you the one you want. Brought it."

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