Yuqing fell for a moment, and suddenly realized the next moment, her eyes lit up in an instant, she grabbed Qin Jiaopiao's hand directly, "Where is the person?"

   "I'm locked in a small house behind the back garden, waiting for you to deal with it." Qin twisted and smiled.

  Yu Qingluo immediately pushed away Yuexin's hand and hurriedly walked towards the small house in the back garden.

  Who knows just a few steps, a tall figure came over.

  Yu Qingluo saw him, and just waved to say hello, who knew he would bend down without saying a word, and hugged her up.

   Yu Qingluo was stunned, "Hey, Ye Xiu Duo, what are you doing?"

"Girl Xuan said that you didn't sleep all night, and she was healed by Shen Ying for a long time. Now you must go back to your room to rest." Ye Xiudu's face was dark and gloomy, especially when he saw the shadow and fatigue in the corner of Yu Qing's eyes. It speeds up even more.

When    walked to Qin Jiaopiao's side, he gave him a fierce look.

  The latter touched his nose, isn't he in a hurry to claim credit? I didn't notice Yu Qingluo's face for a while, no wonder he.

  Yu Qingluo was held in her arms by Ye Xiu alone, and when she heard what he said, her hair was exploded, "Xuanya that little hoof went to see you?"


  Yu Qingluo's face was pale, "That bastard, I'll pinch her to death."

  As she said she was about to struggle down, Ye Xiu duo hit her **** fiercely, and shouted, "What you need now is rest. You are not allowed to go anywhere."

   "...Hey, Ye Xiudu, do you dare to protect that little hoof." Yu Qingluo blushed a bit, and she actually spanked her **** in front of the public, and she had no face to see people.

   Ye Xiu duo let out a cold snort, already holding her stepped into the yard, went directly into the inner room, and put her on the bed.

  Yu Qingluo glared at him, Ye Xiu bends down to take off her shoes regardless of her, took off her coat, and lay down directly with her arms around her waist.

   "Night Xiu alone..."

"go to bed."

   "Huh..." Yu Qingluo turned around and turned her back to him.

  Ye Xiu raised her eyebrows alone, squeezed her into her arms for a few minutes, pressed her warm lips against the back of her neck, and sucked heavily.

  Yuqing shrank her neck, and then her voice went low, "Self-cultivation at night, in broad daylight, what rascal do you play?"

   "It's called Xiu Du." He was also called by his first name and last name. She had obviously been educated last time, and she didn't know how to repent.

  Ye Xiu thought for himself, and leaned forward to take a bite.

  Yu Qingluo turned around and put her hands on his chest, "What did Xuanya tell you?"

"I don’t know. I only heard her saying that you didn’t sleep all night, and then ran to Shen Ying’s room to treat her. I ran over to see you. The ghost knows what else she said, when did you treat that woman? Get it away, it's annoying to watch."

  Yu Qingluo laughed, um, she has a good vision, she likes such a man.

  Her fingers gently hooked his shirt, and said with a smile, "Xuan Ya is actually very beautiful, charming and supple, and good in body. Many men can't walk when she sees her."

"Huh huh? I don't know if her figure is good, but your figure...it suits my appetite." He said, and his hand slipped into her shirt, holding his appetite gently. Kneaded it.

  Compared to the gangster, she couldn't compare to him at all. Yu Qingluo's face flushed and hurriedly pulled out his hand.

   "I'm going to bed, don't disturb me."

   Ye Xiu Dudu laughed lowly, leaned over and kissed her, "Qing'er, when will you get those friends away?"

  Yu Qingluo was taken aback for a moment, and raised her head questioningly. She thought he was just looking at Xuanya alone. Why? Does he dislike other people?

  Ye Xiu Du will never admit that he thinks that these people have a very good relationship with Yu Qingluo. He surrounds her all day, and he feels uncomfortable when he sees it.

Yu Qingluo tilted his head, "Are you... irritated? I know that Peng Ying's betrayal is hard for you to accept. After all, he has been with you for so many years, but let's not say it? Which one of the four major guards is a traitor must be psychologically prepared. You can't become depressed because of this, and do what you should do..."

   "Go to sleep." Ye Xiu Duo's mouth twitched, and turned his back to her, speechless.

  He knew that Peng Ying was a spy yesterday. To say that he was stimulated, a whole day was enough for him to digest his firm will.

But Yu Qingluo threw on him, insisting on looking at his face, "Could it be... because of Concubine Meng? Eh, didn't you say that I was in charge of this matter? I brought people back, and you can't go back. And she did do too many bad things to tolerate the rape, I...ah...

  Yu Qingluo gave a scream, and was pressed by Ye Xiu alone, and her chattering mouth was immediately blocked.

  Until she was panting and a little breathless, he let go of her with a soft snort.

  "You don't want to sleep anymore? Then we can do something." Ye Xiudu still pressed on her, with her forehead against her, biting her lips from time to time, and the breath that he exhaled was very dangerous.

  Yu Qingluo trembled, and smiled dryly, "I'm still going to sleep."

  Ye Xiudu turned over, put her upstairs in her arms, pressed her head on her chest, and whispered, "Go to sleep."

  Yu Qingluo actually wanted to ask if Concubine Meng was arrested, did he take a look.

  Ke Ye Xiu alone didn't want to talk more, so she had to shut her mouth obediently, put his body on her back, and fell asleep deeply.

  In just a short while, Yu Qingluo's breathing eased steadily, and she fell asleep.

   Ye Xiu pulled her lips alone and laughed. What happened in the palace, those scenes in the Concubine Concubine Palace, immediately passed into his ear.

  He can imagine what Yu Qingluo has experienced after not sleeping all night. I am afraid that he has been exhausted physically and mentally. No wonder he fell asleep so easily.

  Both of them are busy these days, they are in a hurry, and there are few opportunities to talk, let alone sleeping together in such a close hug.

  He felt as if he hadn't seen her for a long time. He didn't know why, he missed her especially.

  That’s why I came to see her as soon as I returned home. I just wanted to hold her like this, without thinking about anything or worrying about anything.

  He is actually... also very tired. These days, he has uncovered many of the Seventh Prince’s gangsters, and they are drastically rectifying, what kind of charges should be given, what kind of treatment should be given, the removal of the removal, the exile, the entire emperor has been bloody, and the people are panicked. Up.

  Only next, but there are more things waiting for him to deal with.

   Ye Xiu Du secretly sighed, hugged her, and fell asleep deeply.

When Yu Qingluo woke up again, the sky was already dark. When she moved, she found that her body was suppressed and unable to move.

  Yu Qingluo was stunned, and looked at Ye Xiudu who was lying beside him in surprise.

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