The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1007: Rushed over with a grin

  Why is he sleeping here too? She thought he should have a lot of things to deal with.

  Yu Qingluo pursed her lips, put her finger between his frowning eyebrows, and sighed silently.

  Only the next moment, his hands were grasped by a pair of big hands, and the eyes of the person under his fingers suddenly opened.

   "I woke up and didn't let me sleep? Are you retaliating against me?" Ye Xiu chuckled softly, grabbed her finger on her lips, and took a bite.

  Yu Qingluo feels that he is a bit like an animal recently, as if he likes to bite her with his teeth.

  "Are you always here to sleep with me?" Yu Qingluo said, took the opportunity to pull out her hand, turned around and sat up, and put on the clothes not far away.

  Ye Xiu lay lazily on the bed, smiling while watching her dress, "I don’t seem to be happy to hear what you mean."

   "With the prince accompanied, I would not be happy." Yu Qingluo turned around immediately, and approached him flatteringly, "I'm worried that the prince is busy and delays the prince's business."

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, then sat up, got up and took the clothes. Immediately spread his hands and let Yu Qingluo change his clothes.

  Yu Qingluo snorted, seeing that he accompany him to rest together and let her sleep peacefully, he reluctantly helped him out.

  Waiting for the clothes to be put on, Ye Xiudu took her out and walked out, “There’s a business, let’s go, let’s go to the back garden together.”

  Yuqing fell for a moment, and his feet stopped involuntarily.

  Back garden...In the small house behind, the imperial concubine Meng is now closed.

   "You... she arrived at the Palace of Xiuwang, haven't you met her?"

  Ye Xiu turned her head alone, and looked at her with a smile, "Whoever you ‘please’ come back, of course I have to wait for you to see it."

   "Huh." Yu Qingluo glared at him and walked forward first.

  There is a small yard behind the back garden. It has not been occupied for a long time. It is said to have been abandoned for a long time, but it is also clean and tidy. It is always cleaned by people.

When Ye Xiu Du and Yu Qingluo walked over, only Master Tu was sitting in the courtyard. A chessboard was placed in front of him, playing against one person, which was very interesting.

When the footsteps sounded, Master Tu just raised his head slightly, nodded to them, pointed to the room and said, "When I woke up in the morning, there was a lot of noise. I heard it was not a problem, so I was knocked out. I haven't woken up yet."

  What he has done is kind. If Qin Jiao Piao, he might just tie it up and gag it up, regardless of your identity.

After   Master Tu finished speaking, he continued to lower his head to look at his chessboard.

  Ye Xiudu and Yu Qingluo looked at each other, and just about to walk inside, they heard a cheerful footstep, "Master Tu, let me tell you..."

The master of the voice stopped abruptly when he saw the two of Yu Qingluo, turned around and ran.

  Yu Qingluo sneered, "Xuanya, stop for me, and if you dare to run, I will break your leg."

  Xuanya twitched her mouth and turned her head away with a dry smile, "Then what, you guys are busy, I will leave if I have something to do."

   "What are you up to? You will come back to me."

  Xuanya grimaced, she glanced at Ye Xiu alone, and then she touched Yu Qingluo's side, "Is there anything you need me to tell you? I'll do it for you right away."

   "Huh, you really can't change the way a dog eats shit." Yu Qingluo grabbed her ears directly, "My warning, are you taking the wind in your ears?"

"Eh, eh, can’t I be wrong if I’m wrong? I’m just kindly helping you, your prince is a stone, and oil and salt don’t come in. I have already identified him. He is a man you can trust for life. It’s really true. , You let it go." Xuan Ya screamed, she just saw Ye Xiu Duhuifu's sudden whim in the morning, so she leaned in and said a few words.

  Ke, Master Xiu never even looked at her. She was very shocked at the time. I didn’t expect that Yu Qingluo would take him straight now. Why is she so life-stricken.

  Lord Tu raised his head again, looked left and right, and then decisively put away the chessboard, and began to retreat without a word, "I'm leaving now, Xuanya, and you will leave the care of the door."

  Xuanya was stunned, this desperate thing, "You stop me..."

  Master Tu seemed to be blowing wind on the soles of his feet, and after a while, the figure disappeared.

  Xuanya turned her head around with a dry smile, flattering and looking at Yu Qingluo, "Xiao Qingqing, Xiao Luoluo, don't care about me, can't I be wrong?"

  As she said, she went to hold Yu Qingluo's arm.

   Ye Xiu looked at her eyes alone and jumped straight, and directly pulled Yu Qingluo into her arms, not allowing her to touch Xuanya, lest the future lady he was thinking of was damaged by this woman.

  He directly asked, "When will you leave the palace?"

   "..." So straightforward, Ye Xiudu how much you hate Xuanya.

   "..." This incomprehensible guy deserves to be eaten by Yu Qingluo, she will not leave, and if she wants to leave, she will have to abduct her family.

   "Tomorrow, if you don't leave tomorrow, I will let Fan Xiuyun faint you and throw yourself into the suburbs." Ye Xiudu said coldly.

   "..." Yu Qingluo was stunned, Ye Xiudu's movement was too fast.

  Xuanya is about to jump her feet, "Xiao Luoluo, your man has a problem with his brain, and he drove me away directly. I am also... hey, hey, I haven't finished yet."

  Ye Xiudu didn't bother to pay attention to her, and turned around directly into the house with Yu Qingluo's waist.

Xuanya clamored outside for a while, grinding her teeth for a long time, and finally sat down on the steps outside the house reluctantly.

   Although she hated Ye Xiu, she still kept guarding in the yard. She felt that she was guilty and tended to abuse herself.

  Xuanya made a heavy ‘bah’ in the direction of the house, and hummed straight on her head.

  Ye Xiu Du and Yu Qingluo, but after entering the house, their movements became much slower unconsciously.

  The imperial concubine Meng was lying on the bed with her hands and feet tied, and she slept ignorantly.

  Yu Qingluo turned her head and glanced at Ye Xiu alone, "Should I untie her?"


  Yu Qingluo just stepped forward, untying the rope while slandering, these few people were too cruel, this concubine was so delicate and expensive, and they had many bruises on their body.

  Especially on the wrists and ankles, the traces of being strangled by the rope are very conspicuous. The red marks show the evil deeds of the master Tu and the others.

  Yu Qingluo shook his head, and threw the untied rope directly on the ground.

  Who knew that the next moment she looked up, she saw Concubine Meng’s eyes suddenly widened.

  She was taken aback, but Meng Guifei suddenly smiled and rushed towards her...

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