Yuqing was taken aback, with a "drink", and hurriedly backed away.

  She stretched out her hand flexibly, and Concubine Meng got up too fiercely, and even fell directly from the bed. She was anxious, her palms subconsciously supported on the ground, who knows that too much force, severe pain suddenly came from her wrist, she groaned and groaned.

  Yu Qingluo stood two steps away from her, and a warm body rushed up behind her, and took her into her arms, "How are you?"

  Yu Qingluo shook her head, "It's okay." Then she looked at Concubine Meng who was sitting up from the ground coldly.

  What is this called? Do not harm others and end harm yourself?

  She kindly untied her the rope, and she was so good that she would come forward and scratch her face when she woke up.

   Poor her for her beautiful appearance, is it so easy to be disfigured by her?

Concubine Meng has raised her head and sneered at Yu Qingluo and Ye Xiudu, with a sharp voice, "Hahaha, okay, okay, very good, you are so bold, you dare to send someone to kidnap this palace secretly, so big courage."

  Furthermore, she also put her in a sack, throw it away at will, or carry it as you like. The noble concubine of her dignified country, when she received such treatment, she almost treated her as an animal.

  Especially after being caught back, it was a day and night as soon as she forgave her. She woke up without even drinking her saliva.

  Ha, this is his good son.

  Meng Guifei's gaze fell on Ye Xiudu's body like an ice knife.

Ye Xiudu glanced at her faintly, and smiled, "This king just received news that his mother and concubine were taken abducted from the palace, and their lives are worrying. These days, this king and Qing'er are even more anxious and have sent out more. The talent finally got the news of the mother and concubine, and then brought the mother and concubine back. Does the mother and concubine say that this king kidnapped you?"

  "You..." Concubine Meng was speechless for a while, and she left the palace without the emperor's will. She was originally unreasonable. Now Ye Xiudu's words are so high-sounding, but she can't find words to refute.

  I would never say that I was in collusion with the Seventh Prince. I originally planned to live in Xidaying.

She took a deep breath, her eyes still looking fiercely at Ye Xiu Du, "In that case, why do people use a sack to fill the palace, so there is no respect and humbleness, you should all be cut off. ."

Ye Xiudu laughed again, "Mother concubine's words are wrong. What they do is what the king has ordered. The mother concubine has a precious status, and if taken away, she will be strictly guarded. So this king sent Those who go out can only use some extraordinary means to rescue the mother and concubine. After all, the more inconspicuous, the mother and concubine will not be targeted. Is this king right?"

   "Shut up." Concubine Meng finally became angry, and suddenly stood up.

She couldn't even care about the dust and wrinkles on her body, and stared at Ye Xiudu viciously, "Offending my palace is offending my palace. Now I want you to bring those dog minions to this palace. Dispose of them personally."

  Her voice is very high and firm. Xuanya, who was guarding outside, cooled her eyes when she heard the words.

  This Menggui concubine really thinks that she can be proud of her status? Actually dare to say that they are dog minions. Humph, if it wasn't for Xiao Luoluo who wanted to live, Master Tu and the others would have killed her long ago, and it was her turn to speak loudly here?

  Yu Qingluo's face also sank. Qin Dumplings are all her friends. This Menggui concubine can't recognize the situation at this juncture, and thinks she is superior.

  Ye Xiu squinted her eyes and sneered, "This king said, this king told them to do this. Since it is this king's order, does the mother concubine think this king is the one who waits for the wrongdoing?"

"Yeah, empress, don't you know where you are now? Do you want me to remind you?" Yu Qingluo gave her a cool look, his face was full of sarcasm, "This is Lord Xiu's. On the site, your precious son, the Seventh Prince, doesn’t know where, all around us are our people. If you don’t speak well, anyone can pinch you to death."

   "You bitch, you dare to threaten this palace." Concubine Meng was not pleasing to Yu Qing's Luoben. If it weren't for this woman, why would she fail to deal with Ye Xiu Duo again and again?

  Now she actually dared to say this in front of her.

  The imperial concubine Meng couldn't bear it, and rushed towards Yu Qingluo, "You bitch, my palace will kill you now."

  Yixiu's single eyebrow twisted, and before Yu Qing fell aside, she waved her hand sharply and lifted Concubine Meng aside.

   "Enough, you should wash your mouth." A bitch, is he really not there?

  The imperial concubine Meng was thrown by him like this, and the whole person fell to the side and knocked over the stool beside her. She knocked her body on it, and her tears came out in pain.

   "If you cultivate your independence at night, you are so rebellious."

   She turned her head angrily, gritted her teeth, and really wished to kill him now.

   Outside Xuanya, her head shrank when she heard the movement, she said, this Menggui concubine is clearly seeking her own death.

  She shook her head, and sat on the steps with her body swayed, with a grass in her mouth, very pleasant.

Ye Xiu Duo inside the room got a cold face, "I'm not a man? How can I compare to you? Father and husband and son, there is nothing you dare to do in this world. If you recognize the first, no one dares to recognize the second."

Concubine Meng's breathing suddenly stagnated, her face changed, but she quickly returned to normal, "You spit people, when did I kill my father and my husband? Ye Xiu Duo, do you know what you are talking about? So, where do you want me to be?"

  Ye Xiu raised his eyebrows alone, and chuckled, "That's right, I said something wrong."

Concubine Meng was taken aback and heard him continue to say, "You are just killing your father and your husband. Killing your child is not a big deal. Ye Haoting's precious son, you are very dear."

"Shut up, I didn't kill my father and husband. I respect and love my father and your royal father. Don't talk nonsense here and get me unrighteous. How can you say these things? You are my son, you Where do you want me to be?"

   "Really?" Ye Xiu gave her a mocking look, "Am I really your son?"

  Meng noble concubine was surprised, suddenly raised her head to look at him, and saw that his face was cold and his eyes looked very strange.

   Something is wrong, very wrong, Ye Xiudu has never looked at himself with such eyes. She just felt that he was very different today from usual, he, what did he know?

   "You, you are naturally my son." When she said this, she began to lack confidence.

  She dares to scream here now, because she is the only mother of Ye Xiu, she knows Ye Xiu's character.

  He looks cold and ruthless on the outside, but in fact, he will not attack his biological mother at all.

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