The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1009: Aunt can recognize this

  But, what did Ye Xiu alone say?

  Does he know? Yes, why did she forget that Ye Xiu was alone in the Mongols... but she found Grandma Ge's.

  Damn it, the old immortal still told Ye Xiudu the truth, right?

  The old immortal, she clearly swears in front of her, swears viciously, and clearly said that she would never say it.

  Heh, how can she believe her? Yes, I can't believe her, she will send someone to find her and kill her.

  Yu Qingluo frowned, watching Concubine Meng's eyes wandering, she was very guilty, she couldn't help but narrowed her eyes, and asked in a low voice, "Concubine Empress, do you know if you are familiar with the name Meng Xiaokui?"

  Meng Guifei was shocked and took a step backwards suddenly, sure enough... I knew it.

  She looked at Ye Xiudu in horror, her eyes looking at her coldly, very cold, looking at her as if she was looking at a dead person.

  No way, no way, no death here. This man, knowing that he is not his mother, will definitely not show mercy.

  She took another two steps backwards, barely squeezing a smile on her face, "I don't know what you are talking about? What Meng Xiaokui, I have never heard of it."

  Yu Qingluo sighed. She believed in Grandma Ge, plus the evidence left by Doctor Ren and the news that Meng Ziqian personally confirmed. This Concubine Meng, no matter how sophisticated it is, it's useless.

   However, Xuan Ya at the door felt her chest was blocked, and she couldn't get up or down.

  It's dying, what did she hear? Concubine Meng and Prince Xiu...No, not mother and child?

  She thinks she should leave here quickly, Yu Qingluo, what is this little hoof, why should she stay here by herself? Obviously it was deliberate, isn't she looking back to kill herself to silence her mouth?

   Thinking of this, Xuanya couldn't help covering her throat and walked a few steps down the steps.

  Yes, yes, it must be Yu Qingluo, the little hoof who couldn't bear her to hook up with Lord Xiu, so she must be trying to kill others.

  Woooooo...Xuanya hates herself to death. She didn't listen to Yu Qingluo's words for what she had done earlier, and why she had to make a whim. Now that's it, she dug a hole to make herself jump down.

  Can't listen, she can't listen anymore.

  Thinking about it, Xuanya hurriedly walked outside the courtyard.

  Who knows, just walked to the door, and bumped into someone on the face. She was taken aback, and when she looked up, she saw a gentle man standing in front of her.

Xuanya didn’t see him in the Palace of Xiu. Seeing that he just broke into this small yard, she immediately raised her vigilance, took a step backwards suddenly, and put her hands on her posture, “Who are you? Who told you to come here? Of? Leave quickly."

  Meng Zi looked at Xuanya in amazement, only to think that this woman looked very weak, but she was full of posture. It seemed... why did she have a very uncoordinated funny feeling?

   "Uh...girl..." Meng Ziqian hadn't seen her in the mansion. Seeing that she didn't look like a servant in the mansion, she immediately understood that this was probably the helper Yu Qingluo had found.

  It’s just that I really can’t see where this woman is so special.

   "Walk around, leave as soon as you don't want to cause trouble." Xuan Ya waved her hand, looking very impatient.

  Meng Ziqian's mouth twitched, and he pushed back two steps. After a long while, he coughed slightly, and said embarrassingly, "Girl, my cousin asked me to come."

   "Who is your cousin? What qualifications does he have to let you walk around in the palace? Hurry up."

  Meng Ziqian sighed, "Girl, my cousin is Lord Xiu."

  Xuanya's push to push him was stagnant, and his head was still drooping, and his fingers were stiffly placed in the air.

  After a while, she coughed fiercely, turned her head and looked at the sky, "Oh, then you go in."

  Cousin? ? ? The corners of Xuanya's mouth twitched, and she suspected that he was deliberate. Can't he say that he was Lord Xiu from the beginning? What cousin do you have to say? It is simply confusing.

  Meng Ziqian walked a few steps into the yard and then stopped. Looking back, Xuan Ya's face was still red, and she couldn't help but smile.

  Xuanya heard the voice, suddenly turned her head, gave him a fierce look, "Do you dare to laugh at me?"

  As she said, she jumped in front of Meng Ziqian without saying anything, kicked his calf, and then ran outside the courtyard, guarding the gate very seriously.

   "..." Meng Ziqian felt that he had suffered a disaster without ignorance. Don't say it, this girl looked very weak, but she was powerful... it was not small.

  Meng Ziqian twitched the corners of his mouth and began to limp into the courtyard.

  When I walked to the small house, I just heard a scream from inside.

  He was taken aback and knocked on the door hurriedly, "Cousin."

   "Come in." Ye Xiudu's icy voice came from inside.

Meng Ziqian hurriedly opened the door and went in. At a glance, he saw the messy-haired Concubine Meng screaming at Ye Xiudu, "I am your mother and concubine, your biological mother. You actually listened to an outsider's instigation. , Doubt me? Ha, since you doubt me, you might as well suspect that you are not the emperor’s biological son."

Ye Xiu stood expressionlessly. After hearing her words, there was no fluctuation, but she spoke calmly and calmly, "I suspected that the seventh brother was not the father of the emperor. I heard that... you have a beloved one. the man."

  Meng Guifei's face turned white, and she took a sigh of relief. He even knew this? Do you even know this?

   "You, don't care about him, I tell you, you and I have flower-shaped birthmarks, how can you not be my son?"

  She was flustered and seemed to be afraid of others mentioning her beloved man.

   Ye Xiu Duo snorted coldly, "The flower-shaped birthmark on your body is not true, isn't it?"

   "Nonsense, do you think it might be a fake?"

  "How can it be impossible?" It was the first time Meng Ziqian saw Concubine Meng. Seeing this stunning and brilliant woman, he couldn't help but exclaim secretly.

  His aunt is indeed very beautiful. Even in the Mongolian people, who are full of handsome men and beauties, this kind of beauty is one of the best.

  No wonder the grandmother was so self-confident that she wanted to marry the Meng noble concubine to the patriarch of the Mongol ethnic group.

Concubine Meng suddenly turned back to look at him, "Who are you? It is not your turn to speak here."

   "Meeting for the first time, I've been admired for a long time, aunt."


  "Are you the son of Monjicheng?"


"Ha, you have filial piety. Your father died in the hands of Ye Xiudu, and you still befriend him and follow him. I think your father can hardly be looked down upon even under Jiuquan." Meng Guifei There was a moment of grimness in his smile.

  Meng Ziqian ignored him, and the things Mengzhicheng had already had had no ripples in his heart. Concubine Meng tried to hit him like this, but used the wrong method.

  He took out a bottle from his sleeve, "Aunt, do you recognize this?"

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