"That's..." Concubine Meng's pupils shrank suddenly.

Yu Qingluo walked over, took the potion in Mengziqi's hand, and shook it at Concubine Meng, "Emperor Concubine, you said you are the biological mother of our prince, dare you use this to wash it? The birthmark on you?"

"you dare?"

   "Why don't I dare?" Yu Qingluo said, walking towards her step by step.

  Meng noble concubine began to retreat, but within a few steps, she tripped and fell to the ground.

  Yu Qingluo pressed directly on her body, tearing her clothes apart.

Meng Ziqian and Ye Xiu turned around and did not look at them tacitly, only the sharp voice of the concubine Meng came from their ears, "You bitch, you dare to treat me like this, let go, I let you let go, I don’t I will let you go. You humiliate me like this. Sooner or later, I want you to die."

  Yu Qingluo ignored him, poured the potion in her hand on her hand, and directly rubbed the flower-shaped birthmark on her waist.

   "Ah..." Concubine Meng screamed, her voice spreading far and wide.

  Yu Qingluo stopped her hand after a while, and a sneer evoked at the corner of her mouth, "Look, the birthmark has been washed off. So, does the imperial concubine still think that she and our prince are mother and child?"

  Meng Guifei turned her head abruptly, her eyes were red, her eyes were bloodshot, and she looked at Yu Qingluo bitterly like that.

  The latter stood up Shi Shiran, ignoring the embarrassment of Concubine Meng, and returned the medicine bottle to Meng Ziqian.

  Meng Guifei sat up a little desperately, and smiled, her hair was messy, her clothes were disheveled, and she looked like a lunatic.

  Yuqing frowned, she was too much? Is she neurologically irritating? Isn't it that simple?

"You are deceiving too much, you are simply deceiving too much." Concubine Meng stood up abruptly, and stared at him one by one from the beginning of Ye Xiu Independence, "It was you who did it back then. You gave me such a thing. Now that you want to destroy me, you don’t want this birthmark to exist anymore, right? You are so deceptive."

As she said, she raised her hand abruptly just thinking of Ye Xiu alone, "You, what do you think your mother is? Willful and arrogant and domineering, originally the position of the concubine Meng was mine, and she stunned me to marry me. Okay, she likes that position, so I’ll go, anyway, I’m not uncommon. But why, why should she die by herself, and why she wants to protect you when you grow up, so that I can live as her Go down, marry the emperor, stay in that palace and never come out, why?"

  Ye Xiu pursed his lips alone, saying nothing, still cold.

"And you." Concubine Meng's hand pointed to Meng Ziqian again, "The same is a daughter, but your grandfather never treated me as a daughter. Ha, he has a guilty heart, and a guilty heart, why are you in Meng Linglong? If you don’t get people back on the way to marriage, why do you make mistakes? Don’t you know that Meng Linglong doesn’t like marrying the patriarch of the Mong clan and pampers her? What about me? When did he care about me?"

Meng Ziqian frowned. He didn't have the concentration of Ye Xiudu, and couldn't help but excuse a few words, "When grandfather knew you existed, he sent someone to Bezhuang to pick you up, but you suddenly disappeared. Gone. My grandfather has been looking for you for several years, and he really cares about you. As for the marriage, it was a foregone conclusion at that time, and my grandfather could not do anything."

"Shut up, you hypocrites, you will say some high-sounding reasons." Concubine Meng screamed sorrowfully, "You said so well, why did he come up with such a frenzied idea when Meng Linglong was about to die? He didn't stop it? Didn’t he also agree with me entering the palace, taking care of her son on behalf of my sister, and working step by step in the kind of palace that cannibalize people without spitting out bones? If he is really ashamed of me, he shouldn’t push me into the fire pit.”

  Meng Ziqian pursed his lips, and he also felt that this thing was really not done properly.


"The Mongolian people have always attached great importance to children with flower-shaped birthmarks. This is something that can’t be helped. My cousin was still young. In order to protect children with flower-shaped birthmarks, the Mongolian people are responsible for making sacrifices. What's more, this was the Mongolian patriarch back then. The matter of decision, the clan mansion is the clan elder of the Mongol nationality, he naturally wants to abandon the ego to complete the big ego.

   "Hahahahahahahahaha." Concubine Meng laughed, "So, for such a reason, you can separate me and Meng Xin alive, ah? Can you separate us alive?"

  Meng Xin? That is the man whom Meng Guifei loves.

  Yu Qingluo thought secretly in her heart, but this Meng Xin... She had never heard of it. She thought that the person Meng Gui concubine liked was Mengpo. It turned out that... No.

  Where is Meng Xin now?

  Is staying with Concubine Meng all the time? Or did he leave after learning that Concubine Meng had married into the palace?

  Hey, in fact, if you don't talk about her dealing with the emperor Ye Xiu, the concubine Meng is indeed worthy of sympathy.

  I was ignored by my parents since I was a child, and when I grew up, my sister took away the marriage that should belong to me. I thought it would be over, but I didn't expect that I would sacrifice my lifelong happiness for my sister in the end.

  If it were her, I am afraid it would be resentful.

  Meng Ziqian just said that although it is reasonable, but from the perspective of the onlooker, it is indeed somewhat impersonal.

  The attitude of the Mongolian people towards children with flower-shaped birthmarks seems a bit deformed.

  No wonder it gave rise to people like Meng Zhicheng and Meng Guifei who hate flower-shaped birthmarks.

Yu Qingluo shook her head abruptly. What was she thinking, why did she sympathize with the imperial concubine Meng? This woman's thoughts have long been distorted, and her ambitious framed her man again and again, which is unforgivable.

   "My Meng Xin, I was so tortured by them." Concubine Meng's sobbing voice sounded again, probably because she thought of the past, and her mood suddenly became a lot lower. "We'll just take it apart, why do we keep him locked up and tortured him? I have already promised to replace my sister as a concubine? Why didn't he let him go?"

   "Hahahaha." She suddenly laughed wildly again.

  Yuqing fell into a spirit, and wanted to step forward and give her a pulse to see if she was really crazy?

But unexpectedly, Concubine Meng suddenly stood up and pointed at Ye Xiudu with trembling fingers, "Did you just say that you suspected that your seventh brother is not the son of the emperor? Hahaha, I hope he is not, how I wish him It's the son of Meng Xin and I. But, but... But your mother, there is no difference between beasts and beasts. Why did you castrate him when you caught him and beat him? Let him live in pain for a lifetime? Why? "

   Yu Qingluo froze abruptly, and suddenly turned back to look at Ye Xiudu.

   Seeing that Ye Xiudu's expressionless face also showed a trace of cracks, it was obviously... also shocked.

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