castrated him?

  Meng Linglong actually castrated Meng Xin?

  Yu Qingluo feels a little unbelievable, this is indeed a bit too cruel.

Concubine Meng was trembling all over, crying out of breath, her fingers trembling lightly, her expression sad, "How can you be so inhuman? What did I do wrong? I promised, I already promised them. , But still breaking my last life?"

  Yu Qingluo pursed her lips, walked slowly to Ye Xiudu's side, grabbed the palm of his palm with his right hand, her expression still shocked.

"What's wrong with Meng Xin? He was originally so talented, capable, and handsome. He has a great future, but they are so cruel." Concubine Meng weakly fell to the ground thinking of her former lover. Desolate in my heart.

  In fact, even if Meng Linglong and Mingzuo treated her like that, even if she and Meng Xin were separated, she was sent to the palace as a concubine. Although resentful and unfair in her heart, at least there is still a glimmer of hope.

   Truly crushing her makes her crazy, cruel, and she can't wait to kill Ye Xiudu's straw, which is the inhumane and cruel treatment Meng Xin received.

  She originally thought, marry as soon as you marry, just enter the palace, just raise a Mongolian child.

  As long as she is stronger than Jin Jian, as long as Meng Xin stays true to her until death. She believed that their feelings could withstand trials, so when Meng Linglong died and Meng Xin was rescued, they could still be together.

  They only need to wait a few years. She will raise Ye Xiu in the palace until she can protect herself. Then she can escape from the palace, stay with Meng Xin, and never return to the Mongols, nor return to Feng Cang Country, life will still be beautiful.

   Therefore, when she first became a concubine Meng, she always refused to let the emperor sleep with the emperor on the grounds that she had just given birth to a child.

  In order to keep her innocence, she even joined the imperial physician of the Taiyuan Hospital. He said that he had suffered severe postpartum bleeding and his body was not very clean. I am afraid that he would not be able to have **** for three to five years.

   Although the emperor didn’t like this, he wouldn’t embarrass her.

  There are many concubines in the imperial palace. Although he dotes on the imperial concubine, the emperor has been so affectionate since ancient times. A large part of his love for the imperial concubine is her appearance, her life experience, and temperament.

  Now that she is in poor health, the emperor actually feels a little pity for her. After all, she gave birth to a son who was his favorite.

  What's more, there happened to be a concubine Min in the palace during that time.

Concubine Min's temperament is high, and she is like Ao Mei in the palace. It is very fresh to the emperor. At that time, he wanted to conquer her, but he spent most of the time in Concubine Min's palace until she After being pregnant with the sixth prince, he slowly faded a bit.

  Only during that period, the emperor often went to visit the imperial concubine Meng, and more often went to visit Ye Xiudu. It’s just that every time I see Concubine Meng’s sick and unconscious lying on the bed, every time I talk halfway through, I feel sleepy and sleepy.

  The number of times increased, and the emperor was not happy to go to her Yixing Palace. He just ordered Haosheng to take care of her and gave him a lot of tonics.

   However, it was really because of this. The queen who was in the limelight at the time also shifted her mind, and was less alert to the Meng Gui concubine.

  After all, a concubine who could not have **** for the emperor for three or five years would soon be forgotten by the emperor. In the future, when her body recovers, she will be almost old and degenerate, and the emperor will not look down upon her.

  So for Concubine Meng, the time she first came to the palace was the most stable and peaceful time.

  Because of this, she began to secretly figure out some of the corners of the palace, knowing who is the most favored and who is the emperor's favorite, and even slowly figured out the emperor's temperament.

  Only when facing Ye Xiu alone, I always think of Meng Linglong's unfairness to her, and think of Meng Xin, who is still locked up and hidden.

  So for Ye Xiu Duo, apart from taking a look every day like a routine, she didn't pay much attention to it at other times.

  Anyway, her mission only needs to make him grow up in vain. She also knew that when Ye Xiu grew up to four or five years old, the clan elders would take him to the Mongols and teach martial arts.

  At that time, it was when she retired and left the palace.

  However, her ideas are too naive and idealistic after all.

  The good life she constructed completely collapsed when Ye Xiu was only two years old.

  Meng Xin has been kept secretly by the Mongolian patriarch and clan elders, although he would write a letter to her every two months. But she didn't see anyone, she didn't know how he was, she just wanted the famous clan elder to feel guilty to her, and would promise her to take good care of him.

  Who knew that one day, there was news that he had been castrated, inhumane, and even crazy.

Concubine Meng almost went crazy at the time, and then she rescued Meng Xin desperately. Seeing his appearance, Concubine Meng knew that everything she thought was wrong, whether it was Meng Linglong, a famous clan elder. Fortunately, she has never treated her as a younger sister at all.

  They can cut off all her retreats in order to cultivate her independence at night.

  She has no way to go, she has nothing.

  Since this is the case, what does she care about? She wants revenge. She wants all the Mongolian people with flower-shaped birthmarks to bury them, and she wants the old people to pay the price.

  Aren’t they very painful to cultivate independence at night? Well, he was the first person she killed.

  However, Concubine Meng did not expect that Meng Linglong seemed to have known that she would not be reconciled, so Ye Xiu Du had many masters around her. Even Ye Xiu Du’s nanny was a stunt person, and Concubine Meng had no way to start.

  Her people were broken one after another, although the masters beside Ye Xiudu were also losing, but she couldn't succeed in the end.

  Later she wanted to understand that she wanted to retaliate more than Ye Xiu alone. If she wanted to retaliate against the Mongols, then she must get power. Only with the supreme power can she be qualified to retaliate against the Mongols.

She knew that the emperor loved Ye Xiu Duo. Although she hadn't stopped by her side in the past two years, she would come to see Ye Xiu Duo every month. Although it was not frequent, she also let her know that the emperor really loved Ye Xiu. Alone.

  She realized that this child could not be killed in the palace, otherwise the emperor would definitely investigate thoroughly. Only when he is out of the palace and dies outside can he push everything out.

   But it was precisely because of the emperor’s emphasis on Ye Xiu independence that Concubine Meng found a chance to hook up with the emperor again.

   And, if you reveal that you are in good health, you can wait for the bed.

  In the past two years, although the imperial concubine Meng did not have a thorough understanding of the emperor's thoughts, she still had a seven-to-eighth certainty about what kind of woman she liked.

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