The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1012: It's not the old man who broke the road

  What kind of clothes she wears, what kind of dress she does, what kind of words she says, can evoke the emperor's former love for her.

  What's more, Concubine Meng was originally very good-looking. As long as she used her heart, few men could resist it.

  Furthermore, she has experienced emotional matters, and people like Meng Xin have always had a reason for her heartbroken heart. It is not difficult for the emperor to love her.

   Therefore, whenever she uses a snack, most of the emperor's energy is on her.

  Meng the imperial concubine's favor, once again became the target of public criticism. But the imperial concubine Meng has the ability and ability, and the queen concubine and others want to frame her. How easy is it to say?

  It's just that those people couldn't harm Concubine Meng, so they put their ideas on Ye Xiudu's body.

  The imperial concubine Meng hoped that they would remove this curse for themselves, so naturally they would not care.

  Because of this, the maids and nurses beside Ye Xiudu all died inexplicably.

   Even though Ye Xiu Du was only two or three years old, he could understand some things. After experiencing life and death, at a young age, although he was terrified and sad, he was forced to grow up.

  Later, Concubine Meng was pregnant with the seventh prince, and her body was a little unwell, but she didn't have the mind to deal with Ye Xiu independence, and all her hopes were placed on the child in her belly.

  The birth of the Seventh Prince is all her hope.

  She wants to send this son to the throne in person, and she wants to use Fengcang Country to destroy the Mongols.

When Ye Xiu was only four years old, he was picked up by the elder of the famous clan and taught him personally.

Concubine Meng knew that the opportunity was coming, and she ambushed the killer on the road. He even called Mengpo, asking him to send Ye Xiudu on the road personally, so he must be killed.

  It’s just that although Mengpo’s martial arts is high, it still falls short.

  Ye Xiu Du had already known most of the things at that time, knowing that he was in danger, and at a young age, he knew how to speak out.

  He just took the dead man himself, packed the road lightly, took another road, and passed to the Mongols.

  The team sent by the emperor to **** was all killed under the brutality of Mengbao.

  The emperor was furious. Fortunately, there was news from the Mongolian that Ye Xiudu had arrived safely, and he was relieved.

  I just sent someone to investigate the matter thoroughly. However, Mengpa didn't leave a living, and all the clues were erased. It is really difficult to find out.

  This matter can only be left unsettled, but the emperor is also aware of the dangers surrounding Ye Xiudu, but the entire mind of the concubine Meng is on the Seventh Prince. Although he was distraught when he heard that Ye Xiudu was killed, he later said that the Seventh Prince might also be persecuted, and he was tightly protected, but he did not pay much attention to Ye Xiudu.

The emperor didn't understand why the relationship between Concubine Meng and Ye Xiudu had become like this, but she was Ye Xiudu's mother and he still believed that she loved Ye Xiudu.

  Ye Xiu Duo didn't know which group of people were the people who intercepted him on the road, and he didn't say much in front of the clan elders.

  The clan elder knew the dangers of the palace, and he was far away in the Mongols, so he could only teach him his martial arts with all his heart, so that he must at least have the ability to protect himself.

  Meng noble concubine had regrets in her heart after losing that opportunity, but it was even more difficult to start with the Mongols.

  Ye Xiu Duo eats and sleeps with the old family members. He has a flower-shaped birthmark, and his status in the Mongolian nationality is very high. The Mongolian people will protect him.

  So she can only look for other opportunities to start.

  It’s just that when Ye Xiudu came back, no one could bully him anymore.

  Although his skill needs to be strengthened, it is not the skill of a three-legged cat. Those who want to kill him and want to kill him are easier said than done.

  Meng Guifei felt resentful in her heart, but she was helpless. She knew that she had lost her best opportunity.

  Ye Xiu Duo gradually began to emerge, and the emperor liked him more and more. In comparison, the seven princes who are "a mother compatriot" are much inferior.

  The imperial concubine Meng hated him even more, and the pain of losing her lover made her unable to maintain the kindness of her face to him.

  Ye Xiu Duo gradually disliked the life of the palace a lot, and coupled with his mother and concubine treating him like this, he gradually became less in the palace.

  Until six years ago, he was framed by the imperial concubine Meng, and eventually had a relationship with Yu Qingluo in the ruined temple.

After that incident, she sent someone to look for Yu Qingluo.

   just couldn't find it, and Concubine Meng began to get worse on him.

  He then left the imperial capital and went to Jiangcheng.

  Now...I came back again, but I didn't expect that the truth of the matter... was exposed in front of him one by one, so that he finally understood where the hatred of Meng Guifei came from.

   Ye Xiu decided to look at the maddening Concubine Meng in front of her, and twisted her eyebrows slightly.

  For a long time, he said faintly, "Perhaps you are right, there are indeed many people who owe you a lot."

  Yu Qing fell surprised, turned his head in surprise, and suddenly tightened his hand. She was really afraid that Ye Xiudu would feel soft at this time, so let her go.

Ye Xiudu didn't look at her, but slowly squeezed her hand, and continued, "But no matter who owes you, Father has never sorry for you. You sent someone to kill him. It's entirely your selfish intention. Because you are satisfying your own ambitions, why put all your mistakes on others?"

Concubine Meng’s laughter stagnated, she turned her head abruptly, stared at Ye Xiudu, and sneered after a long while, “He’s right? He didn’t owe me? Hahahahaha, if it weren’t for him to marry a Mongolian woman, if not He let Meng Linglong give birth to a child, and all of this will not happen. Meng Linglong will not become his concubine, and you will not become his son, and I will not be threatened by Meng Linglong and the celebrities to be such a Meng noble , Meng Xin will not be castrated into a **** by the famous clan elders and the Mongolian patriarch? So all the causes and effects are his fault, and he is more than guilty in his death."

  Yu Qing Luo frowned, which is obviously a horrible argument.

  According to her **** logic, isn’t it right from the beginning that the grandmother who cultivated independence at night shouldn’t give birth to Concubine Meng? Otherwise, it won't cause her tragedy in the future?

   "Hey..." Suddenly, a soft sigh suddenly came from the left hand side.

  Yuqing fell for a moment, and when she looked back, she saw Meng Ziqian stepping forward, staring at Concubine Meng, and whispered, “Meng Xin became an eunuch. It was not done by his grandfather and the former patriarch at all.”

"What are you talking about?" Concubine Meng suddenly turned back, "What do you mean? Ha, you still want to excuse them? Who are they? Who will cut my back and treat Meng Xin so cruelly? Except for the clan elder and the former patriarch, no one knew that I replaced Meng Linglong, and no one knew that Meng Xin was my weakness."

  Yu Qingluo thought of something, was shocked, turned her head abruptly and looked at Ye Xiu alone.

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