The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1014: I'm really worried

  Yu Qingluo was taken aback when she saw her crazy appearance.

   Ye Xiu hurriedly took her back two steps, and he was really worried that she would suddenly go crazy and hurt Qing'er with the appearance of Concubine Meng.

Meng Ziqian sighed and slowly squatted down, "Auntie, grandpa has always felt guilty for you. Although he has something to do with you, you are his daughter after all. He still hopes you can have a good life. It’s just that for so many years, Grandpa saw that you gave birth to the seven princes for the emperor. He thought that you wanted to be the noble concubine of the wind country with all your heart, so he didn’t bother much. He didn’t even know that Meng Xin was persecuted so far.

   "Hahahaha..." Concubine Meng was still smiling, as if she hadn't heard him at all, her voice was stern and her eyes were distraught.

Suddenly, her laughter stopped abruptly, and her fierce and vicious eyes suddenly looked at Meng Ziqian.

  With his hands into claws, he suddenly grabbed Meng Ziqian.

  Meng Ziqian was caught off guard and squatted again, but he didn't react for a while, and was thrown directly to the ground by her. There were two blood stains on his face in an instant.

The next moment, Concubine Meng's hand pinched his neck, her eyes flushed, and a sharp voice followed, "It's all you, you beasts, you killed me to the point where I am today. I will kill you. You. Whether your grandfather or your father, both of them are old beasts, I will kill you, and I will let them cut off their children and grandchildren."

  Ye Xiu single eyebrows twisted, grabbed Concubine Meng's hand, directly pulled her up, and pushed her aside.

  Meng Ziqian coughed vigorously, looked at Concubine Meng’s cannibalistic eyes, she shuddered inexplicably. She really hated her grandpa and dad. She thought that telling the truth of the matter would reduce her hatred of grandpa a little bit.

  Unexpectedly, she hated the entire clan old mansion.

   "Let go, let me go, you are not a thing, you are also a little beast, I want to kill you, kill you." Concubine Meng was pulled aside, and came over at Ye Xiudu.

   Ye Xiudu's face sank, and she was about to knock her out.

  Unexpectedly, Concubine Meng did not come up suddenly, her eyes shrank, and she fainted.

  Yu Qingluo hurriedly followed the two steps forward, looked at her twice, and said, "I was too emotional and frustrated. It's just past, it's nothing serious."

  Ye Xiu listened alone and stepped back, Yu Qingluo then looked at Meng Ziqian.

  The two blood stains on his face are especially obvious. It seems that Concubine Meng really hates him and wants to kill him.

   "You are so true, she seems to be going crazy, you still get so close."

  Meng Ziqian smiled bitterly, "She is where she is now. It was my father who caused it. It was because we were sorry for her."

Yu Qingluo really wanted to rush up and slap him, "You are sorry for her? Is she worthy of us? You don't look at what she has done, what she has done to Ye Xiudu, and to the palace of Xiu. What have you done? I warn you Meng Ziqian, you can't sympathize with her, if you dare to ruin my things because of sympathy, I will pinch you to death."

  Meng Ziqian was taken aback, his eyes flickered.

Yu Qing Luo's face was stern, and he kicked his calf unceremoniously, "Meng Ziqian, you figure out the current situation. The Seventh Prince is gathering a large number of people to deal with us, and the situation is not you now. Death is my death. You should know how important the Concubine Meng is. It is the one that touches the whole body. If it is because of you, we will kill our entire palace, I will not let you go as a ghost."

  Meng Ziqian's whole body stiffened, and his face became serious, "Don't worry, I have a sense of measure."

   "I really don't worry." Yu Qingluo said honestly.

  Meng noble concubine's life experience was miserable, but it was not caused by her. How innocent Ye Xiudu is, why should they pay for her?

  What's more, Concubine Meng is now ambitious. Look at what she just said? What does it mean that all this is the emperor's fault? It was obvious that she was just making excuses for her ambition.

  Yu Qingluo thought, then turned to look at Ye Xiudu.

   Seeing that the corners of his lips were tightly pressed, his eyes were stern, and his mood was not fluctuating because of the changes today, and he secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

  Fortunately, Concubine Meng really violated Ye Xiudu's bottom line. No matter who the person is, and no matter what she has, Ye Xiudu will not easily let go of assassinating the emperor.

Yu Qingluo turned her head and glared at Meng Ziqian fiercely. The latter smirked, "Okay, don't stare at me like this, I won't do anything bad. If you are really worried, then you send someone to watch it. I am."

   "Well, I can only do this." Yu Qingluo nodded, agreeing.

   "..." Meng Ziqian was dumbfounded. He just said casually, why did she agree?

   Twitched the corners of his mouth, Meng Ziqian quickly changed the subject, "I hurt my face, cousin, do you have any good medicine for me?"

   "Let's go, you go to Nan Nan to ask for it." With that, Yu Qingluo took Ye Xiudu's hand, and left the little room without worrying about Concubine Meng who was lying on the ground.

  Meng Ziqian looked back, thinking about whether to take the person to bed and rest.

  I can think of Yu Qingluo's warning glance just now, still gritted his teeth, turned his head and left the room.

As soon as Yu Qingluo went out, she saw Xuanya standing at the door of the courtyard far away, not daring to approach the small house.

  Suddenly, her eyes rolled round and round, and she shouted, "Xuan Ya."

  Xuanya was still facing them, she just heard what she shouldn't hear, and finally managed to hide away, and heard the heart-piercing laughter of Concubine Meng again, it was exciting that she wanted to find a hole to hide herself.

Hearing Yuqing's call to her, he turned around and pretended to ask her without knowing anything, "You said it? So what? I'm going to find Master Tu. I've been standing here for a long time. My feet are so sore, let's go first."

   "Wait a minute."

  Xuanya stiffened, and when it was over, Yu Qingluo was going to be against her as expected. It's unreasonable, she's just a weak and boneless one to say a few words to Lord Xiu, why is this woman so cruel? It's simply jealous, jealous, jealous.

   "Xuan Ya, do me a favor." Yu Qingluo has already walked to her.

   Ye Xiu Du seemed to not want to see Xuan Ya, so he didn't even look at her, and stood by and waited for Yu Qing to fall.

   "Look at Meng Ziqian for me. In the future, he will not be allowed to approach this small house, and she will not be allowed to come into contact with Concubine Meng."

When    said this, not only Xuanya's eyes widened, but Meng Ziqian also couldn't believe it, "Cousin, are you serious?"

   "What did you say?" Yu Qing gave him a smile without a smile.

  When I wanted to say something more, from the corner of my eye, I saw a figure hurriedly running towards me.

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