The Dishonest Son and The ‘Ghost’ Doctor Mother

Chapter 1015: Shen Ying has something to say

  Yuqing squinted, is that little girl again?

What does    seem to be called? Fan Xiaoxiao?

  She has forgotten to ask since she came back, who is this little girl?

   Thinking, she pulled Ye Xiudu's sleeves, raised her eyes and asked her, "Where does this girl come from? I have never seen it before. Also, she seems... very nervous and eagle-eyed."

  While she said, she raised her eyebrows ambiguously.

Ye Xiu looked at her alone, and talked with some heavy thoughts just now. He led her to Fan Xiaoxiao and said as he walked, "She is the sister of the Fan family's three brothers. She is only thirteen years old this year. According to the report. She said that she had met Shen Ying when she was in Danyang Town and fell in love with him at first sight. It’s just that we returned to the imperial capital soon, and she couldn’t stay in Danyang, so she took advantage of this time when Doctor Jiang returned to the imperial capital. Among them, they came all the way."

love at first sight?

  Yu Qingluo was a little stunned. When she raised her eyes again, Fan Xiaoxiao had already rushed in front of the two of them.

"The prince, the princess and the empress, Shen Ying, Shen Ying, he woke up...whoop...he wants to see you..." Fan Xiaoxiao ran anxiously, breathless, "Wang Consort, your medical skills are so good. Yes, Shen Ying woke up so soon, I really thank you so much."

  As she said, she grabbed Yu Qingluo's hand and shook it twice.

   Yu Qingluo gave a dry smile, "Uh, no thanks..." Why does this conversation sound a little weird? Shen Ying seems to be a member of their palace, how could she need to be an ‘outsider’ to thank you?

  Fan Xiaoxiao smiled, obviously Shen Ying woke up to make her feel good, and she was busy leading the way.

  "Be careful, the prince, the princess and the empress, come with me, please here."

  Yu Qingluo raised her eyes and looked at Ye Xiu alone, then quietly approached his ear and asked, "Is this your palace?" How do you feel that his master is not as powerful as Fan Xiaoxiao?

   Ye Xiu Duo was also very helpless, "Don't pay attention to her, her temperament is somewhat similar to Fan Xiuyun."

  Yuqing heard an ‘oh’, and said with a smile, "She is indeed off the line, Shen Ying will have a hard time in the future."

  But such a person is pure-minded and very interesting.

"Don't talk nonsense, she's still young, and I'm not sure about the future." Ye Xiudu frowned. He has been too busy these days. It's really a bit of negligence. Fan Xiaoxiao shouldn't be allowed to stay in Shen Ying all the time. Around.

  Yu Qing Luo raised her eyebrows and twisted him, "What are you talking about? Do you not agree that Fan Xiaoxiao and Shen Ying are together?"

  "It is not that I disagree, but that Shen Ying himself will not agree."

   "Really? Would you like us to make a bet? I think Fan Xiaoxiao has a streak, I am afraid that he is more persistent than Shen Ying."

  The two were whispering, but Fan Xiaoxiao was immersed in the excitement of Shen Ying's waking up without paying attention.

  When she was about to walk to Shen Ying’s house, she stopped abruptly, looked back at them and said, "Prince, please come inside."

  Yu Qingluo thought for a while, but still felt that he should be corrected, "Well, Xiaoxiao, I haven't gotten married with the prince, so you can call me Miss Jade for the time being."

   "Why? Didn't the emperor give the marriage? You even gave birth to a child, what's wrong with calling the princess?"

   "..." Yu Qingluo felt speechless.

  She raised her head to look at Ye Xiudu, who raised her eyebrows to look at her. He liked the name very much.

  Yu Qingluo lowered her head feebly, forget it, just call it whatever she likes.

Thinking about it, he followed Ye Xiudu into the house.

  Shen Ying was still lying on the bed, looking like a gossamer, but her eyes were shining, staring at the gauze tent above her head, and they didn't even notice Yu Qingluo when they came in.

  Ye Xiu Du took the lead to walk to the edge of the bed, his footsteps heavier.

  Shen Ying returned to his senses abruptly, and when he saw him, he immediately got up and was pressed back by Ye Xiu alone, “You are seriously injured, just lie down like this.”

   "Yes, Lord." Shen Ying's expression was a little sad, his lips were whitish, and his voice was very hoarse.

  Yu Qingluo also walked to the edge of the bed. Just as Shen Ying nodded at her, she saw Fan Xiaoxiao consciously sitting next to his bed and gave him... tucked in the quilt.

  Shen Ying's mouth twitched immediately, "Little, you..."

   "What's wrong? Is it cold?" Fan Xiaoxiao asked immediately with concern.

   "..." Shen Ying was blocked by her and couldn't say a word.

   "If you are cold, I'll get you another quilt." Fan Xiaoxiao looked very sensible.

  Yu Qingluo couldn't help but smirk while watching. Didn't see Shen Ying see sweat on his forehead? Need a quilt? Don't be afraid to cover up the prickly heat for him.

  Shen Ying was also helpless, "Little, you don't need to take care of me."

   "It's okay, I'm not afraid of getting tired, I will be your wife in the future, and it is right to take care of you."

  Yu Qingluo held back her laugh, alas, this little girl really dares to speak and dare to do, she just said, Shen Ying may not be her opponent at all.

   She looked provocatively at Ye Xiudu, who helplessly squeezed her hand hanging beside her.

  Shen Ying frowned, "Little, don't say anything like this in the future, you are not in time, the girl's reputation is important."

  "I have two years left to hustle. Have you waited for me for two years. We will get married after two years. Don't worry, I will be a good wife."

  Shen Ying's mouth twitched fiercely twice, and his head started to faintly aches, "Little, I am ten years older than you, do you understand?"

  She is only thirteen years old. She looks like a child. Do you know what liking is?

  She has many more choices in the future. She is the eldest lady of Xiujing Mountain Villa. In the future, she can find a man who is similar to her age and agrees with her. Rather than someone who is so much older than her who is likely to die at any time.

  Fan Xiaoxiao pursed her lips, "What about ten? Even if you are twenty years older than me, I will marry you if I like you."

   "Fan Xiaoxiao!!" How could she just not listen anyway?

   "You don't have to call me so hard, I know you dislike me." Fan Xiaoxiao drummed his cheeks, shouted, turned and ran out of the room.

  Shen Ying was taken aback, a little anxious, "I didn't mean that, Xiao Xiao..."

  He wanted to hold her, but Fan Xiaoxiao's footsteps were fast, and he ran out of the room and disappeared.

  Yu Qingluo watched from the side with a sound, very interesting.

  Shen Ying heard her voice, woke up suddenly, and then was embarrassed, "Master..."

   "Shen Ying, did you call this king and Qing'er over to see you and the woman entangled? Since you are awake, you should have something to say..."

   "Oh, you woke up, I will give you a pulse to see where there is any discomfort." Yu Qingluo interrupted Ye Xiudu's words abruptly, and gave him a serious look.

  He is clearly watching the show with gusto, but now he is beginning to put on airs, she despises him.

  Shen Ying's face flushed, and she was very ashamed. It took a long time before he took a deep breath, raised his eyes and said, "Master, I do have something to say about Peng Ying."

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